![]() Black is the New BlackA Chapter by JinxedRenegadeElle opened the door wide and let him step inside. "Take a seat" she motioned her hand to the couch. "For f***s sake this better be worth my girl walking out on me for" William plopped himself down on the couch next to her dufflebag and swung his feet onto her coffee table. Elle resisted the urge to yell at him for dirtying it. "Ok, you can ask any question imaginable after im done, but do you remember the white haired man from the other night?" Elle rested her head against her hand. "The one you carved like a holiday ham?" "I thought I had you dazzed." Elle narrowed her eyes, maybe she overlooked something? "Not for lon- wait you did that on purpose?!" Elle turned her back to Will, ignoring his question. She enjoyed every moment of what she did to Varus. She's been wanting to kill him for so long, she longed for his spilt blood. But alas only a few cuts was all she could do at the time. "That man was Varus Du Catou, of the Du Catou manor. The son of Issac Du Catou, the father of all this ages vampires." "You're insane! vampires don't exsist. I'm leaving" William went to get up, but Elle pushed him back down. "How else did you plan on explaining last night? Vampires exsist and so does everything that goes bump in the night. Now would you just listen" William resumed his prior position. "I however, am not a vampire. But have been hunting with them for the past couple hundred years." "Then what are you" "Again,old your comments till the end. I had failed a job and broke their number one rule, preserving a mortal life. And that life would be yours my mundane friend" "We're not friends" "INTERRUPT ME AGAIN WILL, SEE WHAT HAPPENS" Elle regained her composure. "I've failed a job, broke a cardinal rule, and assaulted a member of the royal family and killed his trinity legion. I'm in pretty deep s**t and they've sent their most adept Hunter, Nicola, after us, yes us, Varus made sure to include you. He wants you dead on princible. If you want to carry on breathing and living your incredibly ordinary life, you're going to be coming with me. Now ask away." Elle walked over to the window and looked out for something. "What job" "I had to assassinate a very important figure" "Who" "Zeus has a man on the inside, poking his nose around the underworld. He snooping around what righteous eyes should never seen. So I had to take him out before he reported anything. I failed. I failed for the first time in thousands of years, countless assassinations, but this one eluded me..." Elle looked grim. "Why did you fail? wait- did you say Zeus?!" "I...I don't know what happened..." Elle looked very distraught as if she was really shaken up about it. "No wait- Zeus? As in THE Zeus? Thunder God of Gods?" "Well, yes" Elle answered as if it wasn't a big deal. "Not only is personified evil real, but personified righteousness aswell. I was a God but was exiled because Zeus feared my power. He's been trying for countless years to have me killed for good, but to no avail. I found refuge with the vampires of Nephilim for the past thousand years. What is it like in your trifle little mind, must be so boring" Elle crossed her arms. "Zeus, huh? So the Greeks had it right this whole time." Will ran his hand through his hair. Elle managed a smile. "Yes and no, the concept of the good willed and honorable going to Olympus is also true, it's a form of Heaven." "Which one were you" "Prometheus is what history called me. But my name has always been Estelle" "...Thanks for the fire" "...no problem" Elle said meekly. "Tell me about Nicola" "You should fear him... his name should send chills up your spine" "Do you fear him, Elle?" "I fear nothing." Elle answered coldly. "How was your sword able to keep that Varus guy in place?" "They're called Katanas" she quickly corrected. "I know a thing or two about how to deal with vampires..They're enchanted with the blood of an angel and plunged through a warriors heart, it's meant to siphon the power of whatever I decide to stick it in" "And what was the vanishing act you both did" "My you are full of questions. It's called flash stepping, we're not disappearing, just our speed is accelerated to the point the untrained eye loses complete track of us. Don't worry you'll learn" "I'll learn?" "You're now caught in a war between Angels and Devils, I can only do so much, without training youll die." "I'm only human" "That doesn't matter at all, under my wings you'll be the greatest mortal assassin the world has seen, or well, not seen" "Who's Julien" "The only man of moderate substance I've met down in the pits" "Substance? The way Varrick" "Varus" Elle corrected. "The way Varus talked about you two it almost made it sound like you were dating" "No..I've only loved once in the mortal world. I did take a liking to Julien though, but they were my programmed enemy. My light rivaled the light of a thousand suns, I never wanted to concern myself with the likes of dark creatures like Julien..but I had to." "Is that the truth? Or is that just what you've had to tell yourself?" Elle's eyes widened, not expecting such a diagnosis, from a stranger nonetheless. "Do not make assumptions about me. You know nothing of me, not the things I've witnessed nor the things I've felt. Don't bother to lecture a damned woman." "Damned?" "Since I was cast here, I've had to endure the passage of time. Alone. All that was left of my humanity left me a long time ago." Elle was very cold, but Will felt something there. He could tell she wasn't always like this, she had a heart that beated for a cause at one point, but what made it stop? What froze over her promised land? Could it have been the damnation? Or something else she wasn't telling Will. "So this isn't a dream?" Will shifted the subject from her to the matter at hand. "What you were living before was the dream, now you are awake... Now it's my turn to ask a question. Why did you follow me last night? That was the sole reason this ball began rolling a lot earlier than I had originally intended it to..." "It was your eyes" "What about them?" Elle was curious. "They told me to" "Was that meant to sound romantic because to be honest it just sounds kind of creepy." "No really, I couldn't stop myself, I don't know what I was thinking" Elle thought for a moment before speaking again. "Leave your girlfriend, make an excuse to everyone you know, say you're going on a trip. You will never return, but make it sound like you will. " "Never?" "Never. What's your last name?" "Alderidge" "Your life as William Alderidge is over" William deeply sighed. "If you want to live I suggest you listen-" "To you, yeah I got that part." "I'll give you to nightfall. Be back here when the last drop of light has left the sky. Wear and pack black clothing only. Any and all money you have should come with you aswell. "All of it?" Will looked disgruntled. "You are disappearing, remember? Do you have a car?" "No." "How do you get around?" "I have a motorcycle. It's Japanese like yours." Elle looked very happy, because that meant she wouldn't have to ditch her ride. "Is it-" "Black? Yeah." "Perfect, go get ready then. I'll be waiting" Elle held open the door for him. He slowly made his way to the door. "Thanks.." William managed. "For what?" Elle questioned. "Saving me" "We're not out of the water, dont thank me just yet" Elle's face was usually emotionless, but a warm smile found itself on her lips. The door closed quietly. Elle had nearly forgotten to pack her own money aswell. She grabbed her dufflebag once more and ran back up stairs. Throwing the bag on the bed, she nearly threw herself back into her closet. In the same false wall, she pulled out neatly bound stacks of hundreds. She stacked them neatly on the bed untill her back wall was completely cleared out. She flipped her bag over, and unzippered a compartment an shoved the money in, it all just barely fit. She used her time to make any last minute preprations, three hours had passed when the sun finally began to set. There wasn't long now till William would be at her door, it was just going on 5 pm and during the winter the sun set earlier. Elle enjoyed the dark more, she fell into the shadows, exactly what she wanted, she disappeared. Pulling the curtains back she peeped out her window. Nicola stood across the street. Collar up around his neck, staring back at her through thick glasses. He wore a smirk on his face that was so wide, it was almost animated. Elle looked directly into his eyes and didnt dare break the stare. What was a mere couple of seconds, felt like an eternity. They seemed to have a conversation with only their eyes, Nicola telling Elle he was coming for her, and Elle insisting he hit her with his best shot. A bus passed by, loud with exhaust. Nicola was gone as quickly as he had come, in the blink of an eye. © 2015 JinxedRenegade |
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Compartment 114
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Added on February 11, 2015 Last Updated on February 11, 2015 Author