![]() Jenna and DanielA Story by Jimmyjeen2036![]() A story about sour love ending with murder.![]() Jenna loved money. Money filled the hole in her heart where her love was supposed to go. She never fell in love with a man that was low class or middle class. That wasn’t it; she didn’t love them for who they were. She loved them for what they had, the money they had. She was beautiful, that was the problem. She flirted with men, and women, to get her way. Jenna was born in Denver, Colorado. She was Sociopath and she was selfish. She had grown up getting what she wanted, whether her parents wanted to give it to her or not. She would black mail them for all the things she wanted. Black mailing her father that she would tell her mother that he was cheating with about 30 women. That could only last for so long. Her father died in 1977 with an STD. She wasn’t mad because her father had died. It was that it would now be harder to get what she wanted. But she had found that her mother went spiraling into depression and that she would say yes to all she wanted. Jenna’s life she wasn’t going so badly. She grew up and moved to Vermont. She met a man named Daniel. Daniel was a sucker. He had no experience with women, but he had money, and lots of it. Jenna took a liking to that. Daniel had lived all his life in Vermont. He came out of a poor family that had been struggling to find money. He came from a family who couldn’t let him have everything. He grew up and started writing; he became successful and got a lot of money from it. Daniel and Jenna had been dating for two months before they had moved in together. She got him to put her name under half of the house. Daniel loved her more than life its self. But did she? She didn’t, in fact she took a disliking to him. He annoyed her many times, without out trying to. He had given her everything. He hadn’t known it, but she controlled him. Her looks and her “affection” had him falling down a hole, with his eyes closed and his ears covered. He had surprised her with luxury gifts. Necklaces made of pearl, rings with diamonds, and expensive earnings. About a month into their relationship he had surprised her with two tickets to Las Vegas. That was right before she felt the need to murder him.
It started one day at their home when Daniels mother had come for Daniel to help signing to buy his mother a home. Jenna had said to him, “Why don’t you put the house under my name, sweetie?” She put her hand on Daniel’s and rubbed. Daniel grabbed it and pulled it off of his. “This is my parent’s home, so no.” “Daniel, I thought you care about cared about me!” She yelled in his face and ran out of the room. He chuckled and said to his mother, “What’s her problem." His mother looked in his face, puzzled. His mother had never liked her and when she said something to Daniel he would respond with, “Good thing she’s not your girlfriend then.” And she would sigh. At this moment, it confirmed her fears true. They don’t love each other! It’s only him that loves her. She’s just greedy, she thought. “Are you sure about her?” Daniel’s mother said. “What do yah mean, ma?” “I mean, I don’t think she loves you, Daniel.” “Ma-” “I know I’ve said it before, but I mean it this time.” “Ma, may you please stay out of my love life, I know you don’t like Jenna, you say it just about every week, but I love her more than anything that has entered my life, and I plan to ask for marriage while in Vegas.” “Daniel! Daniel! No you can’t-” “Shhh, ma, I don’t want her to hear.” He whispered. “I just… don’t want you to…” she trailed off. “I love you mom, but this isn’t your decision to make.” “I know I’m sorry.” But she wasn’t, she had that tight feeling in her stomach that something was wrong, and there was, her son was about to marry the worst woman that she had ever met.
Later that month, two days before they would leave to go to Las Vegas, Jenna came into their room finding Daniel packing for the trip, “Hey, Hon!” Jenna said joyfully. “Hey, Jenn,” he responded in low quiet voice. “I got a question.” She said as she crept her hands on his back and rubbed. “And what would that be, my sweet?” “Well, with us going to Vegas and all I thought we should go out and buy some fancy wear, if that’s okay with you?” “Sure, honey.” “Thanks, you know I love yah.” “I love you to, Jenna.” As she started to walk out, and close the door, Daniel couldn’t resist but to say, “uh, Jenn” “Hmm?” “May I talk to you for a second?” “Sure, what about?” “You know my mother-” he sighed. “My mother doesn’t really like you.” He finished. “I know, I can tell by the glares she gives me. Do you think you know why?” “Well, that’s what I need to talk to you about. She thinks you’re… a gold digger. Do you think that could…” he hesitated. “Could be true?” “What are you saying? Because what I hear and what you hear could be two different things!” “I was just ask-” “I think you’re saying that I’m greedy!” “No, no-” “Huh? Really, because that’s what it seems like! You know I love you Daniel, but it seems like these past few months you’re thoughts about me have changed.” “No, really no, I love-” “No? I don’t want to hear it Daniel!” She said as she stomped out of the room, slamming the door behind her. He felt the prickles of his beard, in thought. He got up and went to the closet. He kneeled down on his knees and pulled a shoe box from the back of the closet, behind all the fancy dresses and shoes. In the shoe box was about $100,000, in cash, he was saving it for something good for himself, now he spending it on Jenna, for the her dresses. Do, I really need this anymore? She seems a bit hostile at the moment. He thought. Jenna came back into the room with a bit of rage on her face, about to yell at him something again, but she looked at him kneeling down, that giant wad of money in his hand. How much money could that be, $20,000, $50,000, $100,000? Oh, what she could do with that money. Murder him. She winced at that thought and said, “You know I’m sorry for blowing up on you.” She rubbed her hand on the door and continued. “I don’t want you get an idea that I don’t want to go to Vegas with you anymore… because I do.” “It’s okay Hon, I’m sorry too; I shouldn’t have brought that up.” “What’s that money for?” She asked, trying not to sound greedy. “For the trip, I was going to buy a dress you wanted.” “Oh, okay, I love you dear. When we leaving? “I thought I’d get dressed and we’d leave then. I love you too, sweetheart.” She left and got her shoes on and sat down on the couch. Murder him? Why would you think that? Why? It was the question that lied in her head for the whole care ride and every time she looked at him.
The airplane ride had been silent and awkward. She kept asking the question in her head and it turned into a consideration. What was she going to do about the thought? She was going to decide whether she would murder him or not. Why not? What’s stopping her? She doesn’t like him anyway and plus, she would get the money. Yes, the money, she had seen the wad of it in his hand. There could be more! Was she coming to her decision? She couldn’t convince herself otherwise, murder, the word that repeated in her head over and over. A grin grew on her face. “What are you smiling about, Hon?” “Just thinking to myself.” Daniel sighed
They had settled into an expensive hotel. Every night when they lay in bed, Daniel sleeping, she would go over the plan. She would buy the gun while he was asleep, come back to the hotel and kill. The word rung in her head, kill, kill, kill. The woman, who lay next to him every night, would also be the woman who ends his life. The next night she went out and bought a .40 with a silencer. She made herself want to do it even more by thinking about the money. She got back to the hotel and saw the lamp light on as he got up. “What are you out for? It’s ten o’ clock. You’re not planning to murder me in my sleep are yah?” Daniel asked jokingly. She got a blank stare at him. “I’m only joking, darling. But why are you out?” Daniel confirmed. She uttered a fake laugh and said, “I was out for… milk, yes milk, we’re out of it.” “Look, Hon, I was only asking a question not interrogating you.” The murder would have to wait one more night.
It was now the next night, she had stud up, pretending to be watching television, and when she was sure that Daniel was asleep, she came to the room with the gun. Her steps were slow and strange; it felt weird doing this. One small step for shooting, she thought as she reached the door. She looked at him while thinking: can I do this? Of course you can, just shut up and remember the money. BANG! BANG! BANG! Three bullet holes now in his chest, she had murdered someone, but she didn’t care she all this money to herself now!
She took what she wanted from the bags, which was mostly money and got in her car and drove just out of the city limits. She slept in her car for the night. She started out with no guilt. She had her money, about $100,000 in cash, so what was there to worry about? She didn’t love him. She broke into tears, “Why did I do this? I do love him!” She yelled into her isolation. And it was true, she did love him. She didn’t notice it at first, what she thought she saw was a man with money, tons of it. She fell in love with him somewhere down the line; she just ignored it, like it was her reputation to be greedy. All those men and women she had slept with for money, that wasn’t love, it was for her needs. She wanted to kill herself, and she was going to. She reached into the purse for the gun. She couldn’t feel it. She moved her hand from pocket to pocket. It wasn’t there. She cried harder for 3 reasons now. 1. She killed Daniel 2. She couldn’t kill herself now 3. She would be caught. “No, no, no!” She cried out rubbing her hand on her forehead. She started up her car and drove back threw through city limits, to the hotel. She thought she would call the police and tell them what happened, but someone had already called. Police cars were lined up in the drive way of the hotel. She tried to go inside, but a police man said, “Sorry ma’am this hotel is currently blocked off, we can’t let you through.” “I did it!” She cried out to him. “I’m Sorry, ma’am?” “I murdered Daniel Rose Smith with a .40, I did it!” She was on her knees now weeping with her hands covering her face. “Why did I take advantage of him?” She mumbled to herself. The police man was now inside talking to another. They both came out and one said “You commit, this murder ma’am?” She took her palms from her face, “Yes, I did, out of selfishness; I Jenna Bella Marry murdered him.” She put her palms back on her now red face.
Now a month after the murder, Jenna was in prison. A prison
guard came in and said, “You have a visitor.” Jenna followed the man out to the
seats were you talked to someone. Jenna picked up the phone. “Why are you here?” “I know why you are, you murdered my son.” Daniel’s mother responded coldly. “It’s not any secret.” “You know, Jenna, I bet you thought I wouldn’t come.” “That is true.” “You’re face disgusts me.” “Well, that’s not exactly-” “You know when I first got the news that Daniel was dead, and you had murdered him, I was surprised, I’m not so much anymore, I just question myself. Why did I not see it coming? You put a gold digger sociopath and a gentle, kind hearted man together, you don’t get anything good.” “All that may be true, but at the end of this, I loved him, I may not have realized it until after I killed him, but I did, I truly did. And for you to come in here not to clear things up, just criticize me, that is just possibly the rudest thing anyone could do!” She yelled to his mother. “Besides killing their son.” That did it; they were both yelling now standing looking at each other yelling at each other, through the glass. You couldn’t understand what they were saying now. The Arguing could not go any further now. The prison guard grabbed Jenna and a police man grabbed Daniel’s mother. So this is where it all led, two hearts now no one to fill the hole were the love was supposed to go. © 2013 Jimmyjeen2036Author's Note
StatsAuthor![]() Jimmyjeen2036That place, TXAboutI write mostly Drama, but I can write others. Hope you enjoy my stories! more..Writing