A Chapter by Jim

NOVEMBER 26, 1347



Johnny pushed Seth in the room with the burning bodies, and slammed the door shut. Seth scrambled around, trying to find the door in all the bright flame and blinding smoke. He was unsuccessful.

            The heat was intense. He could barely breathe because of all the smoke. He could barely see because his eyes were so dry and the light was so bright. He was dripping with sweat, the drops putting out the small flames that started on his body. But there was one fire on his the sweat couldn’t put out.

            His leg.

            He looked down at his burning leg and screamed in pain. He lifted it up, hopping backwards, and shaking his leg, as if to try and put out the fire. He eventually bumped into a pillar after hopping backwards. He tried to rub his leg on it, but it was no use. He eventually started to tear up and cry, but didn’t let the dread or fright of dying get to him, and he didn’t give up. He took part of his shirt and rolled it up in his mouth. He bent down and grabbed part of a burnt body, he drew it back, and slammed it full force against the pillar. He drew back and hit the pillar again. He kept doing this, hoping to knock the pillar down, bawling his eyes out and screaming in pain as he did so. After about 4 or 5 hits, he felt the pillar budge. He paused his hitting and smiled. The next time, he drew back even further and slammed it against the pillar even harder.

            With every hit, the pillar slowly started falling apart. The last time, he drew back as far as he could, and slammed the body part against the pillar with as much force as he possibly could. The middle of the pillar collapsed, and, just as Seth hoped, it spawned a chain reaction.

            The middle of the pillar collapsed, which caused the top of the pillar to fall on top of the rubble. Seth dropped on the floor, kneeling with his arms protecting his head, because he knew what was to happen. With no pillar to hold that part of the ceiling up, the ceiling started to collapse where that pillar was. The remainder of the ceiling and pillars began to collapse on top of the fire, burning bodies, and Seth.


=The walls enclosed a vast floor of stone debris and ash. Out of it, Seth arose. He had to use rocks to support him up, due to his burnt leg. He couldn’t stand up straight, and he could barely walk. But he pushed on, over to the wall. He stacked dome debris to make a staircase of sorts, and climbed up and over it.

            He didn’t know where he was going to go, or when he was going to go, but he knew he had to get there fast, or else all of history was doomed.

© 2016 Jim

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Added on November 15, 2016
Last Updated on November 15, 2016



Hello, I'm Jim. I love to tell stories and I hope telling mine will bring joy and happines to others. I dabble more in short story than I do novel or novella but I have some great ideas up my sleeve t.. more..
