Your Syllables

Your Syllables

A Poem by Kibbles and Quips

I revamped a poem I wrote about a friend I met in the Mental Health Unit, of whom I found had passed away.

My heart aches and swells at every reminder of you, 
And inside these memories all I want is to hold you,
To wrap my arms around you, never to let you go.
I miss our old chairs
Because it has become harder to picture you sitting here, 
Smiling with an open hand waving at me.
But still, 
                   I know 
       Exactly how tall you were because 
The memories of you walking next to me 
Are so vivid I cry each time I hear you speak.
And, although I cannot recall precisely what you said,
I know the pitches of your voice,
        the rhythm within your words,
             the cadence inside your laughter.
And I cry.
Each tear, a wandering kiss, reflects another memory
Locked in our asylum from where I wish we never escape.
Each tear, a clearer picture. I don't want them to stop,
Because this is when I get to be with you.
My eyes clenched shut, they’re open wide inside my mind, you sit here,
In our chairs, alone, coloring at our table, in your greens, 
And me, standing across, in my jeans; it’s quiet.
The TV’s off, and we’re all alone, only the murmur of the ice machine beside us.
“Skipping group?” I ask.
One syllable - a pause - it was faint, as if you said it with reservation
Three syllables - the first two, although still faint, clear,
         the third with a dash of angst, a half step lower than the others 
         but all three, equal length, sung in a triplet.
And because of the way my eyes squint whenever I laugh, 
You smirk and sing to me, 
Two syllables, always for me, 
Only for me, always with a smile,
But their timbre, a somber accent.
Silence - our inaudible, minor crescendo.
You spring to the game-shelf 
And return to me 
My yellow Uno card 
Your name,
Your number,
Your hand-drawn heart.
We embrace.
My left around your hugging arms, my right upon your shoulder. We sway.
The euphoric scent of jasmine soap stirs within your hair, soft against my cheek.
- dont let go never let go please dont leave me - 
Your heart a gentle rhythm beats inside my chest. 
- dont want it to stop dont want it to go away please just stay - 
We break our embrace, but gift each other two hopeful syllables.
Painfully, you fade.
My eyes have opened and I am alone.
Our memory airs upon my cheeks.
Two sets of three syllables, 
Inside my mind, drown out any others.
Two sets of three syllables -
Every single one for you.
Two sets - both yours, only yours.
They scream inside my mind, and I writhe throughout my sleep.
I’m exploding at the seams because they only get louder. 
And I can’t throw them away, or pass them off to someone else, 
Because they’re yours, 
Only yours, always yours, only matching your deep-green eyes, 
And I dare not forget because I don’t want to stop being reminded of them 
Looking at me, smiling at me, slightly closing when you call me
My two syllables.
Two sets,
Three syllables,
Each and every, 
All and only
These chaotic syllables,
I love y u, I miss y u, I love y   u, I miss y u, I love y u, I mi   ss y u, I love y u,  I miss  y u, I love y  u, I miss y u,           I love y u, I miss y u, I lo  ve y u, I miss y u, I lov       e y u, I miss y u, I love y u, I m  iss y u, I love y u, I miss y u, I love y     u, I miss y u, I love y u            , I miss y u, I love y u, I miss            y u, I lov  e y u, I miss y u, I love y u, I mi ss y u, I love y u, I miss    y u, I love y u, I mi  ss y u, I lov   e y u, I     miss y u, I lo ve y u, I miss y u, I l  ove y u, I miss y         u, I love y u, I miss y u, I           love y u, I miss y u,     I love y u, I miss y u, I love y          u, I m iss y u, I lo  ve y u, I miss y u, I lo  ve y u, I miss y u, I love y u, I   miss y u, I love y u, I miss y   u, I lov               e y u, I miss   y u, I love y   u, I mi ss  y u, I love y u, I m      iss y u, I love y u, I miss y u, I love y u, I m  iss y u, I lo    ve y u, I miss y u,   I love y             u, I miss y u, I love y u, I miss y u, I love y u, I miss y u, I love y u, I miss    y u, I love y u, I miss y u   , I love               y u, I miss y u, I love           y u, I miss y u, I love y u, I miss          y u, I love y u, I miss y u, I love    y u, I miss y u, I lov    e y u, I m    iss y u, I love y u, I miss y  u, I love y u, I miss y u, I love y u, I miss y u, I love y   u, I miss y u, I lo               ve y u, I miss y u, I l      ove y u, I miss y u, I lov                e y   u, I mi ss y    u, I lov e y u, I mis   s y u, I love y u,  I m    iss y u, I lo  v e y u, I m is    s y u, I love y u, I miss y u,
just for you, 
all for you,
I miss 
            y u.
I  love 
            y u.

© 2017 Kibbles and Quips

My Review

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You seem to have written my story! I fell in love with a boy at the ripe age of 16 after meeting in a psychiatric hospital for children. Our puppy love lasted but a few years. He was my first. I have many poems from those years, I now feel encouraged to post. I have "wonderwall" tattooed on my wrist in remembrance. Foolish as it was, but do I ever remember! He tossed me his name and number on a pepper packet in the lunch room. I still have it. You're a great writer. Thank you for this.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Kibbles and Quips

7 Years Ago

And, I don't know how, but I confused myself, thinking I was on your page. But it is mine! I will ad.. read more

6 Years Ago

Sorry for such the delayed response! I will most definitely look into The Circus!
Kibbles and Quips

6 Years Ago

haha 'delayed' might be an understatement here. JK! But, oh my gosh, The Circus has changed a bit si.. read more


Thank you for sharing such an emotional, heartbreaking and touching story.

Posted 4 Years Ago

An emotion-filled vignette. Being set in a place where fragility and broken seem the norm it a "madness" swirling inside or a reaching out toward a "healing" hope?

Posted 5 Years Ago

Heart breaking and beautiful just the way true love seems to be

Posted 7 Years Ago

Kibbles and Quips

7 Years Ago

Thanks! I am glad you enjoyed it!
You seem to have written my story! I fell in love with a boy at the ripe age of 16 after meeting in a psychiatric hospital for children. Our puppy love lasted but a few years. He was my first. I have many poems from those years, I now feel encouraged to post. I have "wonderwall" tattooed on my wrist in remembrance. Foolish as it was, but do I ever remember! He tossed me his name and number on a pepper packet in the lunch room. I still have it. You're a great writer. Thank you for this.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Kibbles and Quips

7 Years Ago

And, I don't know how, but I confused myself, thinking I was on your page. But it is mine! I will ad.. read more

6 Years Ago

Sorry for such the delayed response! I will most definitely look into The Circus!
Kibbles and Quips

6 Years Ago

haha 'delayed' might be an understatement here. JK! But, oh my gosh, The Circus has changed a bit si.. read more
This is unique and very thoughtful. this is a sadness you might feel forever because that person touched your heart in a way that you will never forget .heartbreaking but well written

Posted 7 Years Ago

Kibbles and Quips

7 Years Ago

Thank you very much, and, like in the poem, I hope I never forget.

Thanks for reading.. read more
Touching and heartbreaking. You so masterfully trigger our senses in this poem. I could see, hear, smell, and even feel the same, or at least imagine it.

You powerfully convey and delicately balance pain and compassion--a difficult task in a poem. Still, humility and love are what resonate with the reader. I look forward to reading more of your work.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Kibbles and Quips

7 Years Ago

Hey, dude! Sorry, I didn't see this review earlier. Thank you so much for reading and reviewing! I a.. read more
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Amazing use of words and thoughts. You made the reader believe your words and your thoughts. I liked how you used the repetition. Thank you for sharing the amazing poetry.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Kibbles and Quips

7 Years Ago

Hi, Coyote! Thanks for stopping by and reading this! Glad you enjoyed!
Coyote Poetry

7 Years Ago

I did enjoy and you are welcome my friend.
This was quite touching to read. It's always the memories which pierce us our souls when people we love pass away...
I love the fragmented structure of your piece and the story like memory you placed on the page with your words.
Beautifully melancholic write.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Kibbles and Quips

7 Years Ago

Hey! Thank you so much for reading this! I am so glad you enjoyed it.
Dr. YumnaKay

7 Years Ago

You're welcome :)

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8 Reviews
Added on December 30, 2017
Last Updated on December 30, 2017


Kibbles and Quips
Kibbles and Quips

Chicago, IL

Follow me @Kibbles_n_Quips I don't really use it at the moment, though. Howdy, friends. I'm a writer who stopped using this site and so much of everything is out of date. I'll try and fix some .. more..


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