![]() SERIES OVERVIEWA Screenplay by Jiberdon![]() General taling of a new series from a reported view![]() SERIES OVERVIEW When we introduce our story, it is about technology dealt with ambitious and struggling people, technology dealt with revolutionary and innovative projects, technology dealt with culture and intellectual affairs and technology dealt with evil and destructive projects whengiven tochaotic minds, hungry mobs and manipulated ignorant and idiots. If we introduce now our first main protagonist, Hosny Batron, 22, a very ambitious physics student in the faculty of science, he is creative and well- aiming mind. He looks strange and sometimes shocking; and he thinks so much about biggest universal issues. He is so willing to achieve many admirable and great things in the world; and he has extremely tricky, branched and efficient plans he will be executing in the story. This man has a very big social basis of supporters; and he is stood by by many struggling computer agencies, technology companies, international associations and powerful American people who areleaders of technology networks. When we go nowto a female protagonist, She is Fadia Nasiri, 22, Hosny’s colleague. She is as ambitious as Hosny; and she has very exceptional projects and affairs sha wants to execute through technology and a so shocking, surprising and amazing powers, abilities and techniques she is showing in the story later on. She has prepared very tricky technology and information equations and the most complicated computer and machinery links and online (computer) manipulations with each other so that she produced a very strong and very well branched basis; she is then using all these technological powers to execute cultural , intellectual and philosophical affairs and to make many dangerous adventures and missions based on such aims. She is then supported by virtuous female gangs working in technology, some companies and very large groups of good but naïve men who have different degrees of interest in culture. If we want to present now more other heroes in the story, let us talk about Noora Heleyes, 34, a struggling and noble working female physics teacher and great leader of many tricky and nobel missions and affairs. She is the master leader ofmany tricky and noble missions and affairs making ambitious, motivated and willing to struggle and thirsty for heroship pupils as action people (the more brilliant are sub-leaders). She is then the master leader of deeply branched and very trickily organized, managed and manipulated cells from a side, and grenade and sosl work and managed cells from another side, composed mainly of brilliant and struggling pupils thirsty for heroship. Such cells engage themselves in different and multiple affairs in the social, technical, moral and creative field. They very trickily manage themselves to organize very special or private events in different places of the world, involve many common people in their multiple and well-aimed projects each according to his abilities, and then create very special affairs for people interested and willing to do in every domain each according to his interest and needs and to create the best conditions and fight in favor of great and needy people. Second, Noora is the master leader of a very special female gang which is very trickily branched internationally taking so much of the system we ahd already talked about in the cells, added noble spies and investigational groups, and occupied with female strugglers who form groups of nice men and lead them and push very exceptional great women to ally with them as leaders and start their noble and amazing battle. Those female gangs are engaged in multiple and noble missions either for social and universal aims they want tp achieve, or for the benefit of persecuted great women to instruct them, train them and involve them in the challenging battle and for oppressed great men tohelp them fight and to prepare the best conditions for them to succeed. The groups of directly involved women involve indirectly groups of common women delivering their speeches and messaged for them instructing them, then push them to make very useful and very beneficial simple actions in their areas which would havethe best effect for the group. The group of women then go on some political struggle using its very tricky investigational groups under the master leader Noora to establish very dangerous leaks for the vicious people in the government and for international enemies then motivate people. The group of women use so much the thinking and creative women putting them as semi-free great leaders internationally so that they plan and lead different cultural, social and ritual projects and affairs involving very well-chosen people who are indeed in an extreme moral need for such a position and collecting support from companies and international technology network masters. Finally, Noora has a very complicated media channel collecting the properties of cells, investigational groups and the groups of women in its system of work but 30% different, involving the great oppressed heroes, the silenced important persons, the perfest project planners and designers and the people who need so ùuch such a media channel to enhance their superb and very exceptional and putting them (lead with two women Halima and Hanine) to manage and guide them the best way. What we forgot tosay about the women groups is thgt they trap very important men through the furthest agents, make for them trouble, hysteria, shocks and worries using their very tricky, very special and very creative and effective female techniques, but at the end they only lead them to the right and the good thingsworking toimprove theirconditions I tne wayso much. If we want now to talk about another hero again, he is Jilany Ben Samha, 33, an information center manager. He is a big electronic struggler in general; and he is the master leader of international struggling branches. First, eh is the general manager of many investigational groups. Their main functions are different and tricky ways of noble spy, targeting vicious important people, trapping them and making them reveal truths and make condemning proofs against themselves without they know, thanks to the highly skilled and very trickily organized agents, then collectyoung struggling men in technology, profiting their skills and experiences, and involving them in different, very special and very tricky struggling actions against evil powers and people, and then engaging them in different social, morla and universal missions being noble and humanitarian and supporting many oppressed and miserable people. Jilany has then a very tricky, multifunction and multitechnical social network which is public, instructing groups of people and involving them in tiny but very beneficial actions in their societies; so the pushing power, the multiple waysand very professionally delivered propaganda and then direct involvement and engagement in the group goes through his shadow and well hidden agents in his network having pseudonyms of unknown South America café pages. Then, Jilany is a master leader of a masked social network mainly basedon very serious and very dangerous struggle (political, leaks, revolutions, law against the government )and multiple deadly adventures and actions for extremely noble causesperformed in his genius and highly skilled leaders managing clever sub- leaders and very courageous adventurers. Sucha dangerousstruggle goes in tnhe international level through multiple, very special and very rapidly changed design, ways and tactics. These networks take the shape of game websites, songs download and daily life forums. Then, Jilany had alliances and corporations with many electronic strugglers and leaders like him around the world uniting together and working solidarly with each other. Finally, Jilany had a media channel (a newspaper and on everyday newvideo channel on a private domain name on the web) on which through his investigational groups, noble hackers, reporters and investigators in different zones for different marginalized types of people, he published very dangerous leaks and very shocking and interesting and involving topics for every weak, oppressed and marginalized human in his newspapers and videos.Finally, his media channels preparted a veryinteresting, very beneficial, very involving and very very full of beneficial ideas and plans and important data in his socio cultural TV programme involving struggling, skilled and great thinkers and great men having very special experiences and absolutely untold difficulties and challenges; they are the main participants but we do not forget also other oppressed, weak and marginalized people in the second rang and the poor common people in the next step. When we want now to talk about evil characters, let us list first Saber Aseisa, 40, the president of a local branch of an international Zionist company working on high technology. His conspiratory roles may be listed in various types. He is first the creator of a very complicated technology system starting through the devices made by his company and then trapping the people or the networks in order to take the secret codes of their decices and engage them in his networks; and if they already own devices of his company or the corporating companies, the electronic engagement, trapping, targeting then wickedly and maliciously manipulating the machine and its owner will be direct. His technological system and network may be unintendedly involved and then trapped and targeted by very tempting science news, information games and movies websited just by clicking on them. It could be also reached by some very well imitated game CDs either through the original or the cloned copy. This very tricky and complicated system serves so much in taking the targets of difderent important persons and spying on them, hacking their devices and manipulating them so that the targeted person would be very seriously trapped and misled through different and very amazing ways and tricks first by messages and calls either by his phone or by any hacked electronic device owned either by him, or by one of his close surroundings. It serves them so much in spying on them then continuing targeting them misleading them and involving them against their noble aims through nspies and through ery skilled secret agents acting as simple and poor villagers. Saber has many spying gangs which are very trickily organized and manipulated and very professionally working through investigations, trappings, and the most amazing technological hacking and manipulation then rhetoric, well formed lies, dangerous appointments after long delayals (with”nice” women) which even risk the life of the targeted person and then demagogy and manipulation being very creative in making the fake proofs. This spying system is in link within the first talked about electronic system. Then, Saber has his group of extremely dangerous women who appear to be great and very nice but who are indeed very dangerous criminals and murderesses. Each of these women is a leader and they play a very important role in the intellectual drugging, madness making and spiritual and emotional control and manipulation of the targeted person. They deal with each person according to the daily and different collected information about him through the previously told hacking and spying groups; and they use a very well prepared language of rhetoric in a side and emotional and moral speeches from another side, in order to totally drug and control his mind and his heart. It all starts within a distance conversation. The physical meeting is delayed again and again under well prepared excuses, while she affects and controls him more and more, collects more information about him and then push him (being mindly and heartly very well controlled) to make many idiot actions and then collect condemning proofs against him; before the death meeting finally takes place after guiding the targeted person to a completely vacant area. Saber uses his very well skilled agents (many of them are teachers, lawyers, information and technology people, engeneers…..) and the previously told technological tricks the very well manipulated investigational management, spy, and targeting to mislead ignorant and even educated people and use them in his destructive projects. He involves then many peole directly after making deep detections about all types and all levels of true villains (specially young people), who re guaranteed to be loyal and work for him the best way. Then, Saber uses young and naughty pupils in his very dirty missions against great people and against the nation after making for them very professionally prepared demagogy and brainwash and then teaching them mny tricky affairs in technology concider that he guaranteed that the knowledge he gives them will not be a dangerous threat for him in the future. Then, Saber has some fake artists working for him (maily women) who first play a propaganda and social role in a very professional way, then, get supporting and admiring friends and use the moral and artistic technique and charms to involve them in tiny but destructive actions then to corrupt their morals and their intellectual system, then trap important persons and make relations with them which indeed aims at destroying their lives and guiding them to perishes pushing them to make very dangerous stupid actions nconciously finally they are themselves involved in different and tricky crimes against establishments and murders against “very dangerous” strugglers. Saber has many teachers, big bosses and high officers who work with him; they serve at delivering very trickily the Zionist propaganda and projectsupdated each few months according to the new changes and varying according to the specificities of each region; they are allied with all the previously told systems bout Saber and mainly targeting the brains and the hearts of young and teen pupils in order to create more villain and chaoting minded next generations and poorer and more viral educational systems in the near and the far future. They also struggle to totally blind young people eyes about the very dangerous truths around them. Finally, Saber is the master leader of gangs mainly formed of middle and low workers who participate in different very tricky and very well manipulated destructive missions which gve great profits for him and for his company; they are the master responsible relatively in many national crisis through robbery, oppressive actions, corruptions, purposed misfunctions, purposed and well directed illegal actions, well directed immoral actions in works and the secret workers gangs having leaders under Saber guiding different very tricky, very well directed and designd, multiple and daily updated dirty missions and actions or tiny but directed and destinated (at long terms maily) actions. We must not forget then other Zionist Lobby corporations in different domains and their conspiratory role against the country and against great people (political strugglers, artists, thinkers, social figures ans so on). They work nearly the same as Saber Aseisa; but the difference is that they use simple technology and more ungraded and indirect agents relying more on the ignorant but loyal an hard working masses (either villain or misled people) and on money to invest on hungry mobs renting them and pushing them to commit destructive actions and crimes. If we want now to talk about some more evil characters, let us list Jadira Nasury, 22, a computing student in the faculty. She is an ambitious and villain planner who is genius. She has very effective (negatively) thoughts, ideas and new theories in science which could be extremely harmful for the whole world; but she had no one standing by her being hated by every people. She had once tried to laugh at a teacher and two computer center bosses (they all do not know anything about her) trying to involve them and use their scientific and social powers in an extremely harmful, vicious and destructive technology projectwhich appears as an elite revolutionary innovation; but she was quickly discovered and her mission was quickly cancelled thanks to a genius pupil working with Noora Heleyes. She was then adopted by Saber Aseisa. Jadira, Saber, and all the involved expert technology people allied together and united their power to create an extremely chaotic and destructive elite technological project masked as a great scientific, intellectual and moral innovation. They started trapping and misleading the stupid teachers in the faculty in order to make them mislead the clever teachers then mislead the dean within their very clever squealers and theorizers acting as fake technology assists, association leaders , company bosses, teachers, deans, repairing centers managers and workers and so on; they very skillfully update their speeches and change their tactics and their agents. So that the faculty was accidentally involved in one of the most destructive and the most evil technology projects in the world having used the union of clever students and teachers skills, knowledge, abilities and hard work. If we want now to talk about the last evil character, she is Rafiaa Heleyes, 21, a physics student. She is a pragmatic and exploitive hungry woman who do never hesitate in jumping on any occasion which may bring profit for her. She will first jump on Hosny Batron in order to profit his knowledge and his skills, steal his ideas, and then guide him with her in order to make him work with her without he knows that. Then, she intends to take him out within the trickiest plans and conspiracies she has been preparing and finally to run away with all his work. Then, she will be adopted in Jadira failed project,before both Rafiaa and Jadira will be adopted by Saber and his groups and all the evil powers unite. If we want now to perceive the story from the point of view of the male protagonist Hosny, he had been an electronic, social and cultural struggler during his secondary education. He established an electro-socio-cultural and philosophical association referred to by a nice and revolutionary program on a CD launching every year and by a very smart and innovative website known internationally; and he succeeded in establishing a traditional and very well- formed international LAN network for his association. Hosny had also gained so many supporters and admirers; and he had put many sub- leaders (half council actionners and half solo actionners) in different fields and domains from different tastes and orientations on whom he had a great confidence. Those leaders succeeded in absorbing and engaging all the types of common people willing to work. At his university years, Hosny decided to make a much more complicated technological project making a very developed and innovative type of network involving computers and mobiles and creating so many complicated, tricky, and very well managed programmations, manipulations and commands updated every 3 hours or even less and engaging every computer or mobile deliberately involved in the network by his owner. To make his business much stronger, Hosny decided to rely on the support of some international good companies of high technology; he intended then to enhance his diplomatic relations and strengthen his social basis and then he found no harm in becoming stronger by making good alliances. Then, Hosny contacted many social groups and many cultural bases in order to ally with them then contract with them. He intended then to make a journey abroad in order to show his powers, affect people and make more alliances and networks. The companies around the world and a technological pole in America urged him to do his best in studies and have the best grade possible; then, they gave him really charming and very tempting promises when he succeeds in doing so. So Hosny, in his very important exam, decided to be creative and make a magnificient, very genius and very shocking work. As his copy was corrected by a teacher who is a psychopath, she gave him 1/20 thinking that she had succeeded in making a great and wonderful revenge. Then, all what Hosny dreamt about was cancelled. Hosny decided to make his very tricky and complicated technological basis and networks in traditional ways through simple material; he had then to rely on the masses of university and secondary students tiring himself in instructing them and leading them. He had then deliberately made the formula of the traditional and locally made network much complicated that the formula of the via and sponsored network. He had been then making very tricky, very developed, very innovative, very creative and really master technical equations, codes and theories in a big notebook from his genius mind. Step by step, after contacting again unsponsored social and cultural bases having technological networks, Hosny succeeded in making strong alliances with them and very powerfully enhancing and strengthening his network through them. Concerning the notebook, he made copies of it giving them to great but marginalized stdents who were his friends and whom he trusted so much and told them that each of then should make meetings, create groups, run businesses, create social bases and finally arrive to little networks based on a smart website and another based on a LAN connection all based and centred on those equations. He told them to be creative in making the work plans, running the proceeding tactics and creating the management strategies. Hosny had a great social and intellectual support through the networking masses he allied with and through other struggling masses they heard of him. Saber was then his biggest enemy using his rhetorical,, demagogical and propaganda devices we had already talked about in order to unite powerful and well-sponsored technological companies, networks and sites against him. He enhanced then such a power by allying with vicious workers with the government in order to mislead the national authorities and make Hosny considered as a traitor. All Hosny works became down, all his allying devices were hacked and destroyed and all his equations, manipulations and theories were stolen for the benefit of vicious Zionist companies. Many of Hosny allied networks were even mistaken; so that they left him believing that he was really a traitor. A great woman called Samia Jabury had just come to Hosny offering help. She told him to trust her and make continuous scientific creations giving them to her; so that she would make her special affairs to restore Hosny’s power and make him more successful than he had ever been. It was discovered that Hosny kept in fact most of his admiring supporters who kept their great confidence on him; but they were in fact silenced and persecuted. Samia made great social and networking efforts and so many technological and computing creations and innovations uniting Hosny’s creativity with her own; so that much developed, much powerful and much innovative networks, sites and other technological, associative, tricky and complicated products on CDs were created . Many great people were coming to Hosny offering alliance; and they were all uniting their powers and creativities with his own, thanks to Samia initial struggle and efforts. Step by step, Hosny networking and technological systems were much stronger than ever; and we do not forger the role of social, technical, political and media struggle with all efforts and boldness within the united powers against the evil people in order to weaken them more and more. Much more developed and powerful social networks and associaztions including smart and tricky sites managers wereallying with Hosny expressing their great admiration for him; and even the companies he had contacted before allied with him and promised him to support him the best possible. Step by step, then a harsh and great revolution based on technology was internationally initiated and launched against the evil tyrannical powers. If we want now to perceive the story from the point of view of the female protagonist Fadia, she had been a thinker and a creative woman having a lot to say which she wanted to oblige the people to listen and a lot of issues and affairs she really wanted to achieve in the world. In her secondary school years, she had been involved with a very trickily and very complicatedly networked female gangs; they had from a part Noora Heleyes as a master leader, and from the other part a writer and intellectual woman called Safia Ajbewi as a parallel master leader. These gangs had a lot of rented houses as locals of their meetings, planning, managing and events; they regularly host important persons. These gangs managed and manipulated themselves in a very tricky, branched and sometimes grenade way and they very wittedly organize and manage long and complicated intellectual missions, adventures, events, struggle, revolts, trappings, special and innovative products on CDs and smart websites, very special affairs with great men………, they strengthen and enhance such a work by all the extreme powers of technology and networks then they rely so much on very exceptional, very shocking and very wonderful female abilities and techniques in trappings and complicated and graded manipulation for men When she was studying at university with Hosny, she decided to strengthen herself, enhance and develop her powers, the length and the difficulty level of her projects, an then become herself a master leader. So she started herself creating her female very dangerous gangs in the positive way which had multi activities (investigational, adventure, trapping, guiding and manipulating, noble spy, computer and phone networking, smart social and networking websites, intellectual missions, associative affairs, creating and leading groups, struggle, support of great and marginalized people guiding them and so on……..); she involved and engaged herself directly with Noora Heleyes having her as an adult leader and being in a deep friendship with her. Such networks involved the masses of motivated pupils who were willing to struggle engaging them in all those different affairs and then directly and officially engaged some teen very dangerous, very powerful and very skilled women having very developed minds; they would be the masses of the young generation of the cooperative female gangs and groups. Then, Fadia started producing intellectual data while she rented a house as a local for her multiple business; it served at important meetings, planning, designing, giving the orders, manipulating and managing for the different adventures, missions and jobs. Fadié allied new investigatiors, reporters, interviewers, researchers, and interpretators in parallel within her old wing of her female gangs; they used the scientific and logical method in the most creative, foxy and superbly able way while they work. Both wings served as realistic actionners and workers for her new very complicated media channel she intended to establish; it would be shown to the public as videos stuck on different websites by unknown ways while such a channel work with geniusly complicated technological systems and networking. Fadia would have Saber as a major enemy who would do with her almost as he did with Hosny. Fadia would fight him very boldly using the trapping techniques and the war tactics of all the united women of her hangs who would be very brave in distance and is direct confrontations and clashes standing so strong and making the so cruel damage and horror of every enemy facing them allied with the skills and the abilities of Noora and her gangs. While they would face each of Saber men in total confidence, courage and challenge, they would use their very amazing and very tricky special investigational, war, trapping, misleading, hacking, targeting, spying, counter logic, anomalous and psychological techniques, special and harmful moral and emotional speeches and so on in fighting them either in computer, or in phone, or on direct confrontations (which ended up with a clash twice before the enemies became seriously horrified and avoided that) relying on brevity, confidence, challenge, cruel and savage features and the eyes language, all that supported with all the technological systems and powers they do all have and we have already talked about. Saber and his men would turn mad and seriously traumatized living the most cruel terrors, worries, wonders, horrors, unconfidence, unstability, damages, injuries and depressions under masses of dangerous and brave women fighting thel where they were and by all the ways with no mercy and they became feeling extremely weak and totally disable in front of them. Saber and his gangs became in fact weaker and weaker. Fadia also had the psychopath teacher and some female students conspiring with her as enemies; they had together a very special female battle (I urge you to ask a woman to write the rest about such an affair). A great and very nice man from the masses of simple men she engaged in her network came to her offering help; he united all the efforts and the creativities of his friends with them and then made for her a link with great unknown and very powerful women working indirectly with Noora. Those women made very complicated and tricky networking alliances with groups and gangs of exceptional women around the world; they started working very complicated projects and making alliances and contracts with different companies , associations and official social networks. The whole formed a great united and solidar power; and they simultaneously carried technological, cultural, innovative, creative and revolutionary projects on advanced LAN networks, CDs and smart websites then revolutionary and war activities with the enemies……… Fadia seemed in the most powerful position. If we want to say a little more about Noora, she was assaulted and targeted with Saber and his gangs and with pragmatic hungry mobs rent by different evil powers the same as Jilany who entered in a weak alliance with Fadia and Noora keeping a big part of isolation and independence. WRITTEN BY: TARAK KHANFIR © 2013 Jiberdon |
Added on December 24, 2013 Last Updated on December 24, 2013 Author![]() JiberdonBab Bhar, Sfax, TunisiaAboutI am a man who had been dreaming of fame and fortune; I was very ignorant about many realities concerning such issues. It is true that I dreamt of success; but I had always believed that honor and pri.. more..Writing