Chapter 7: First

Chapter 7: First

A Chapter by נнα∂єи♥


Anna woke up with a start that morning, her attention going to the elves in front of her.  Jineya, Evana, and the other elves whose named she had forgotten were all gone.  Except for Vuruh and her, the place was completely deserted.

She was still in the room she had been in yesterday after awakening tied up.  This morning, she wasn't tied up or uncomfortable in any way, which was not only surprising but also pleasing.  Anna didn't enjoy being held back in any sort of way, but that wasn't necessarily her fault.

Her attention slowly drifted over to Vuruh.  "Where is everyone?" she asked blankly as he met her gaze.

Vuruh shrugged.  "I heard that they were going to speak with Usara, but you never know."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"What they say isn't always true around here," Vuruh told her, brushing his bangs out of his face.  "They usually don't need me to do things as much as they do."

Anna nodded slowly, frowning and resting her head on her knees.  Her legs were folded up towards her chin, and she turned her head sideways to peer cautiously at Vuruh.  Although he was... well... rather hot, Anna knew, that didn't mean that she could trust him.  Looks didn't ALWAYS matter.  She had known attractive a******s before, and she was hoping that Vuruh wasn't one of them.  There was still something irresistible yet unapproachable about him, and he was too quiet all the time.  That wasn't usually the type of guy Anna was attracted to - if you would say that Anna was attracted to a type at all.  She was never the one with a boyfriend 24/7.  She was just... there.  Sure, she had been hit on a couple times in her life, and she'd been on dates, but... Anna was never lucky with love.  As if she cared, anyway.  That didn't matter now, because elves couldn't be in love.  Even if they were, it wasn't like they could have sex or something.  That just wasn't possible.

Or was it?

Shaking her head firmly to clear her mind from the topic, Anna turned her attention back to Vuruh.  Now, he was no longer staring at Anna, but staring into space, it seemed.  His expression looked troubled, and Anna of course had to interrupt his thoughts with a loud, "What's wrong?"

Vuruh shook his head.  "There's nothing wrong," he replied coolly, turning to face her again.  "I'm just... curious, about why they all keep leaving."

"Probably about me," Anna suggested jokingly.

Vuruh appeared slightly amused.  "It might be," he said.  "However, I don't think it would be.  There have been new dark elves added in here and Usara has never needed them as much."

Anna raised an eyebrow, pushing a strand of her now tousled brown hair behind her ear.  "Really?"

Vuruh nodded.  "Yes," he said. 

Anna nodded also, but a question popped into her mind.  "What does Usara even do as the queen?"

"She keeps track of what's going on in Kedreda," Vuruh said simply.  "If she didn't, we'd all... well..."

"You'd be screwed," Anna cut in.

"Well, yes.  We would."

Suddenly, they heard footsteps in the hall turning into the room they were in.  A dark figure entered the room, and the lights flickered menacingly for some odd reason, as if they had been wired like that to play up the moment.

Seconds later Anna realized it was Evana.  Her wings were unfolded and floating up and down slightly as her silver eyes moved from Vuruh to Anna, watching them.  She had an axe at her side, propped up on the ground, the blade looking shiny and ready to kill.  Evana also looked ready to kill.  There was a strange light in her eyes as she turned her head from Vuruh to Anna, and back again.

"There's an invasion.  We must leave immediately."

Vuruh sat up straighter, his brow furrowed.  "Why?" he asked skeptically.

"The Lokistarian village has been attacked," Evana replied coldly.

Confused greatly by all of this, Anna felt the need to interrupt and did hastily.  "...What?"

"The Lokistarian village is where many elves of different species live," Evana replied.  "There's no time to waste.  We need to fight."

Vuruh stood, unsheathing his sword immediately.  "Should I come as well?" he questioned.  Evana nodded.

Anna fought back the urge to protest, but she couldn't fight it.  "Wait!  What do I do?!"

As if on cue, the room seemed to get hazier, and Usara walked in proudly.  She did not have a weapon at her side, but looked different than she had the day before.  Her hair was tangled and thrown back into a messy updo, and her eyes were dark with concern.  "There's nothing you can do at the moment," she said.

Anna raised an eyebrow, confused yet again.  "What?  Why?"

Usara sighed.  "You are not a dark elf yet," she said irritably.  "You can't fight until then."  Before Anna could say something, she hushed her by holding up a hand.  "Until then, you will have to entertain yourself with whatever you can find.  You may explore the castle, if you wish."

Anna's eyes lit up.  "Explore the castle?"

"Yes," Usara told her, sighing.  "You are free to do that if you like, but do not set foot towards the dungeon."

Anna's eyes narrowed.  "The... dungeon?  What the fu-"

"It's a dungeon," Evana said, glancing at Usara nervously.  "You can't go down that."

Giving Evana a glare, Usara turned back to Anna.  "The dungeon is forbidden," she said sternly.  "You must not go down there."  And with that, the three elves disappeared into thin air.

Anna was more confused than she had ever been in her entire life, even when Evana decided to show up and take her to Kedreda.  What was so forbidden about this dungeon?  Where was it?  Why didn't Usara want her to go down to it?  With these questions blurring and racing through her mind, Anna stood up and headed out of the room. 

The castle was now deserted.  First, she climbed up a set up stairs and ended up at the top of the castle, on the roof of it.  It was cold up there, and the stone walls didn't have any warmth whatsoever, Anna figured out after resting her hand on one of them.  She shivered, deciding that she would come back up here only if it got warmer.  Heading back down the stairs, which winded around a pole in the center of them, she was back in the same room.  Turning down a narrow and dark hallway, she found three passages leading to separate rooms.  She chose the one in the middle, and discovered that it was the hall.

There was a long table down the middle of it, and that was it.  Chairs surrounded all sides of it, and there was one huge one down at the end.  The other end had no chair, and Anna assumed the chair was for Usara since she was the queen.  She made her way up a small, circular-shaped staircase.  There were three thrones on the last and tallest stair; the largest in the middle, two smaller ones on the outside.  Anna didn't know if the smaller two were actually for other elves or if just Usara sat up there, but she probably wouldn't figure that out for a while now.

Anna didn't know how long she explored the castle for, but it was a while.  However, the entire time, one thing was on her mind. 

That was the dungeon.

She was going to see if she could find it, but Anna remembered clearly what Usara had said about it: Do not set foot towards the dungeon. 

Not today, but maybe later on, she was going to figure out why that dungeon was forbidden and why she couldn't go down there.  She would ask Evana, Jineya... anyone who might tell her why the dungeon couldn't be explored while the other places were.  There was a library in the castle, with thousands of books and secret files - yet Anna could go there.  Why couldn't she go to the dungeon?  She was going to get an answer, even if it took several days.

© 2011 נнα∂єи♥

Author's Note

*circular-shaped staircase =

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That picture of the staircase was epic.
ANYWAY. HOLYSHITZANINVASION 0_0 you have me all worried now, because NO ONE TOLD ME OR ANNA WHO THE F**K WAS INVADING AND NOW I'M SCARED. SCARED THAT SOMEONE WILL DIE. IT'S ONLY CHAPTER 7! SOMEONE CAN'T DIE YETTT! D: ...Yeah, I'm one to talk. xD ANYWAY. and D****T Usara won't tell her or me why the hell the dungeon is forbidden and NOW I'M EVEN MORE SCARED. HOLY SHITZ. XD But OMG the castle sounds so f*****g. awesome. i want it! *steals castle* Loved this chapter. :D write morez!!!!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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OHMYFUCKINGGODDDDDDD!!!! Dungeon...She must go down. She MUST. But...DIK what's down there so that could be a bad thing... o.o lol XD But, but, but rules are meant to be broken, so, IT ITS A GOOD THING! ...Maybe possibly, kinda, no, not really, no. :D YEASH! VIOLENCE! FIGHTING! ...Even tho she's not there its still going on so YAY! XD ...God I'm hyper. :D Um...I can't...really...Think of anything else to say so...Imma go read more now... XD

Posted 13 Years Ago

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Haha, Maddie's scared.

Oooh a battle!!! Too bad Anna couldnt go. D: Oh wellz. That picture is EPICAL. hehehe. BUT ANYWAY I WANNA KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT. And Vuruh seems awesomely weird. o.O but cool. I guess. Romance?! I HOPE SO!! I want that freaking castle. Living there would be AWESOME! And I cant freaking wait to see why the dungeon is so off limits and all that! I want to know whether or not she'll sneak down there and find out herself!!!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

That picture of the staircase was epic.
ANYWAY. HOLYSHITZANINVASION 0_0 you have me all worried now, because NO ONE TOLD ME OR ANNA WHO THE F**K WAS INVADING AND NOW I'M SCARED. SCARED THAT SOMEONE WILL DIE. IT'S ONLY CHAPTER 7! SOMEONE CAN'T DIE YETTT! D: ...Yeah, I'm one to talk. xD ANYWAY. and D****T Usara won't tell her or me why the hell the dungeon is forbidden and NOW I'M EVEN MORE SCARED. HOLY SHITZ. XD But OMG the castle sounds so f*****g. awesome. i want it! *steals castle* Loved this chapter. :D write morez!!!!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on January 8, 2011
Last Updated on January 23, 2011

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