Chapter 5: Alone

Chapter 5: Alone

A Chapter by נнα∂єи♥


"  So..."   Anna attempted to make a conversation with the male elf as soon as the other female elves disappeared.  "You're... a dark elf.  Right?"

The elf looked up slowly.  His eyes were pure silver, as most of the other's were, except for Jikassa, since she had bright blue eyes.  His bangs fell over top his right eye as he stared at Anna, and she let out a deep sigh.  Embarrassed, Anna disguised the sigh with a cough and looked away from the male elf, feeling her face growing hotter and hotter. 

She was surprised when he replied.  "Yes." 

Anna looked back at him curiously, ruffling her hair in the back.  "...How long have you been one?"

He didn't respond right away.  "Many years," he finally answered, adjusting his position as he sat on the floor.

A small smile appeared on Anna's face.  "Okay," she said, determined to find out more about this mysterious elf.  "Well... what's your... name?"


Anna nodded slowly.  "Vuruh," she said slowly.  "I like it.  Well, as you probably heard, I'm going to start transforming soon... how long did it take you to fully transform?"

Vuruh looked up at her, his eyes burning into hers.  "A while," he said slowly, looking down at the ground.  "A few weeks, maybe."

Anna nodded, pretending to be interested.  Even though he was boring the hell out of her, she was determined to make a conversation with Vuruh.  There was no one else to talk to, anyway, and Jineya and Evana had said her transformation would take much longer than a normal one.

"S-sorry I'm asking so many questions," Anna said apologetically.  "I'm just... confused."

Vuruh nodded.  "All are confused when they first arrive here."

Nodding along with him, even though she was still weirded out by this situation, Anna sighed.  "Can I ever leave?"

"No," Vuruh replied shortly.  "You can't leave here, unless -"

"Evana already told me," Anna replied sharply.  "I know that, but I was wondering if I could leave for a short time."

Vuruh shook his head.  "It's the rules," he responded.  "You're not allowed to leave, unless... what Evana told you happens."

Anna nodded, frustrated.  "Who else lives here?  Any more guys?"

Vuruh sighed.  "There are no dark elf guys besides me," he said.  "I'm the only one of them."

Anna was confused.  "Why don't you participate in the battles?"

"I do," Vuruh said.  "I normally do, at least."

Anna nodded shortly, her eyes narrowed in slight suspicion.  "Where did... the others go today?"

Vuruh's silver eyes narrowed.  "That's what concerns me," he admitted.  "They didn't have anything to do today."

"Perhaps they were bored," Anna said.  She cried out suddenly as pain tore through her back, directly beside each of her shoulder blades.  Collapsing to her knees, she hissed as the pain continued to stab at her.

"What's - going on?" Anna asked.  "Why did it - stop - and then start a-again?"

Vuruh shrugged.  "Kededra is odd like that," he replied.


"Kededra.  Our land."

"I was w-wondering why Evana didn't - tell me," Anna choked out between the stabs of pain.

"Probably didn't want to confuse you anymore."

Anna screamed as something tore through her back, beside her right shoulder blade.  No, literally - it felt as if something was coming out of her back, tearing through her flesh and ripping it apart.  Vuruh didn't appear very concerned as she continued to sit there in agony, collapsing to the ground as her knees gave way.  She was now in a sitting position, clutching at her shoulders, which were now beginning to ache.

"What's - happening - to me?!" Anna screamed, and Vuruh replied calmly, "You're growing your wings."

"Why is it so f-fast?!" she screamed.

Vuruh shrugged.  "I'll get Evana and Jineya," he responded, a bit too unconcerned.

"Mother f****r," Anna hissed under her breath.  "I could be f-f*****g - DYING - and he just leaves and - acts unconcerned!"

Jineya and Evana suddenly appeared, running into the room with Vuruh following closely behind.  "Why is it happening so early?" Jineya asked, her pretty face contorted in shock.

Evana frowned, her eyes narrowed so tightly that they were nearly shut.  "Should we consult the head of Kedreda?" she asked quietly, barely heard over Anna's screams.

"I say that we do," Jineya replied. 

The three dark elves left, leaving Anna there alone.  "NO!" she screamed, as the same thing happened to the left side of her back, feeling as if something was tearing from underneath her skin.  Falling backwards, she let out a cry of pain as she discovered... something WAS coming out of her back.  Rolling onto her side, she felt back behind her shoulder blade to feel something sharp and pointy sticking out of her.  "Ohhhhh." 

Anna groaned in disgust as she felt blood pour from both her shoulder blades, hoping that this elf in charge of Kedreda or whoever the f**k she was would be coming soon.

Suddenly, Jineya, Evana, Vuruh, and another elf appeared in the room.  The apparent head of Kedreda was dressed in a long but slightly tattered silk dress, with white shoes and her copper-colored hair pulled back into a tight bun.  In her ears were diamond earrings.  This elf had very defined facial features - a sharp yet normal-sized nose and a strong-looking and pointed jaw, but she was - well, beautiful nonetheless.

"H-help -" Anna choked out, and the head to Kedreda appeared at her side. 

"She's transforming," she spoke quietly, rolling Anna onto her stomach gently to get a better look at the sharp and pointed wings now protruding out of her back.  Anna's shirt was now torn open from the back, and the female elf-queen, or whoever she was, tore it open from the back the rest of the way.  (A/N: She's not a perv or something, kaykay?  Don't comment on that if you took it the wrong way.)  Anna felt slightly violated, but she heard the head elf tell Jineya to get her a replacement clothing item, in which Jineya left quickly. 

As she began to feel dazed from shock and bloodloss, Anna's screams faded into small whimpers as the head elf stood over her.

"Usara, I have the clothing," was the last thing Anna heard.  Apparently, the head elf's name was Usara.  But if it wasn't, Anna never figured that out, because she slowly lost consciousness.

© 2010 נнα∂єи♥

Author's Note

Usara = pronounced oo-sar-ah.

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damn them. T^T because of them, saying what i was going to [grr] i'll just lamely say that i LOVED IT. it was awesome and Vuruh is boring and that sounds extremely painful. AND HURRAY WINGS!!!! :D

Posted 13 Years Ago

...I love how they act like they couldn't care less. lol I just find it funny. XD And I agreee with Maddie. He DOES sound boring. lol XD OHMYHADES WINGS. I WANT A PAIR! ...But I don't enjoy pain most of the time so OUCH.! D: lol Poor Anna. AND YEASH! POST ANOTHER CHAPTER OR I WILL COME WITH MADDIE AND GET CHU. 0.o

Posted 13 Years Ago

Ooooooooh I loved this chapter! It was EPIC, EPIC I SAY!!! *claps* Anyway... o.o Vuruh is boring haha, but I'm sure he'll get less boring once he becomes more comfortable with Anna being there and... stuff. I can't wait til she's done transforming so they can do BATTLESSSSSS!!! :D HAHAHAZ. And OMGOMGOMG, the whole wing-sprouting thing sounds.... fun... o.o PAINFUL. Usara sounds interesting... and I LUFF HER NAME. :D Post another chapter or I KEEL YOU.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on December 27, 2010
Last Updated on December 27, 2010

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