![]() The Polio Girl.A Story by Jet![]() This happened days ago, I was watching the school news because it's part of our ciriculum for it but, there was a video about a girl who went through from having to never walk again, to a surgery that changed her life. I don't know her name, but I'm going![]()
I wasn't so sure about how it happened, or how this recovery awed me. It was benevolent, something that could show society that an indivual has defied failure once again. Her name was, Jenna Baker; often one of my great students in my 4th period. I noticed something particular about her, her hand on her knee as she limped to get around the tables and the hallway. I wasn't so sure about what I wanted to ask, but I suggest that she has Polio. It was around on November 29, where the season starts to change in weather, cold air fills the atmosphere and trees die out for spring to be awaited. I went up to her today asking, " Jenna, I believe you have... Polio, right? " Jenna looks at her leg, discomforted by the leg that has been bothering her. " Yeah.. I had surgery on my leg for Polio somewhere in Mississippi. The doctors there didn't finish my surgery, so I never got the chance to recieve a full recovery. From what I believe, that is. " I looked at her leg then back at her. " How long have you been having Polio? " I curiously asked. " Throughout my entire life.. " She looked down on herself, as to feel that she is confused. " The doctors said, I could never walk again..". Thinking, I come up with an idea. " Well, since we're in Biology class, we have to ask Mr Mensh about it. So, around 2 weeks later, in December 13 we asked Mr Mensh for help. " Mr Mensh, I think Jenny has something to tell you about, I think you know about it, right? " Mr Mensh smiles as he replies, " Of course, and seeing that she is right next to you, I assume already she has Polio, am I correct? " Jenna nods and holds out papers that she recieved from the last surgery about it. Mr Mensh takes a glance and reads the dianogsis about the surgery. He frowns, " This is bad... As a teacher, I have to help you, seeing that there's something wrong. We must meet at Saturday to commince an operation, okay? I'll help you with this, don't fret. Just ask your parents about the situation, and hopefully that we can get this going. " I nod and I agreed to meet him that day. On December 15, Jenna and I met with Mr Mensh. We had permission from our parents to go with Mr Mensh to help Jenna with her Polio Disease. The place we went to visit was another hospital, supposed one that was that Mr Mensh knew in there slightly well. We went to an operation room and we saw Dr Hauftner, who will help aid her. He went up to Jenna and did a analysis test about her health so far. So far, the results were good, but Polio has caused an effect to her. Dr Hauftner explained that " Polio, can cause tissues to be weakened and be torn apart. It's common for the leg to be weak, since that's an effect. Slowly, it'll lead up to the brain and could kill Jenna. We have to leave her here for 3 months as we see that she'll be fine. " Jenna nods slowly, yet she's scared about what could happen. Dr Hauftner said, " We'll take good care of you, promise me. I'm one of the leading doctors to help you. The reports I recived from your teacher, explained to me that they didn't finish the job. I will also find the people that has harmed you, because surely you don't deserve this pain. " She smiles brightly, as where she sits on the side of the bed, calling her parents about it. Mr Mensh and I will have to leave the hospital, they will commence it as they said. 3 months later, we haven't heard news about her. I was scared to believe she could been tramatized about the situation. It was around 1 pm when I remembered. Mr Mensh was teaching the class about the cell structure, relating it to how it functions as an everyday job to keep you alive. There was a knock on the door, I wasn't so sure about what will come out because I was half asleep. Then... Jenna walked into the classroom, smiling at Mr Mensh and I. " If you haven't helped me... I would never have the chance to walk ever again. I always had dreams about becoming a cheerleader, but due to Polio I could never take the chance; I wasn't so sure what I always wanted to do in life. This has changed my life greatly, since I now have the ability to try out new things. Thank you. Thanks for helping me out. " Mr Mensh had tears in his eyes and I smiled wide at her. It's a great thing that I had to help someone, because anything is possible when it comes to Success. The end.
Notes: Mr Mensh is real, he's my Biology teacher last year. He told his story about on the video I watched. As a student, I loved how he inspired me to write a story. I learned that Success can be achived when you accomplish what you wanted to do in life. Helping others is just one way, remember. I wrote this story because, I wanted to tell people out there, " Hey, there's always a solution for anything right? " © 2009 JetAuthor's Note
Added on December 18, 2009 Author![]() JetSpringfield, VA, VietnamAboutEvil, Malicious, Dreadful; causes people to shriek when they see him. Strong, Agile, Cunning, knows where to get to places quick. Unsure, confused, intruding. Seems to be interested in things. Someon.. more..Writing