A really wonferful short poem.
I like your use of the associations people have with red - passion, love etc. There was a real innocence about it though.
The imagery of the opening was really affective - the links between her lips an his cheeks. I like the line about red high heels - I read somewhere that they are very suggestive.
This is a great poem. Congrats.
Great to read something new by you.
I like that you used red. Not only is red a color usually associated with love, but it is connected to passion. And to me the color is pretty sexual. I find the poem to be romantic, but also sexual.
I chose to read this coz I actually started on a poem myself a while ago titled Red......and surely did use a few words and objects here but was going a different direction with them......
So twas real nice reading this version coz it makes me smile to see how really unique we all are.....
I think u nailed what u wanted to say in a few words here! Fantastic!
The first and third stanzas flow with artistry, but the second stanza is abrupt and repetitive. Revising the middle with more detail, perhaps, would make this a stronger poem.
My name is Heather, I'm twenty, future author and english teacher, highly analytical, The Vampire Diaries, A Tale of Two Cities, both classic and modern literature, the Victorian era, Coco Chanel, ext.. more..