

A Poem by Pain Love & Skulls

How do you sleep at night


Knowing what you have done

The pain you caused

The damage you did

The scars that will remain

How do you sleep at night

Peacefully, calmly, in comfort

While knowing what you have done

While I cannot sleep I lay there in pain

Cant catch my breath to save my life

Tears stream down my face like a waterfall

The pain was almost as bad as how bad you hurt me

I sit there and think

Think about how I will never fully recover from what you have done and said

 Think about how I always came back

For years

No matter what you said or did

I always came back

But never again

Never again will I come back to

And be your little play toy

I was a page in your book

You read me and never look back

But you don’t care

It doesn’t affect you

You don’t care that you used me, that I am done

And will never come back to you

I will never be hurt by you again

But you will never care you are emotionless

How do you sleep at night


Knowing what you have done

The pain you caused

The damage you did

© 2010 Pain Love & Skulls

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Featured Review

This is un-refrained which is fantastic.
"Never again will I come back to
And be your little play toy
I was a page in your book
You read me and never look back"
I'm quite sure people have said that to me before, and that I have said it to others also. So I understand both sides of the poem.
I really hurts, doesn't it?

Anyways this was an excellent poem.
Keep up the great work!

-Elissa :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


I love this almost stream of consciousness here. The repetition and the circular turn you take with going back to the beginning. The flow of the emotions and thoughts just running into each other give me the image of laying in that bed at night letting all the hurt, pain, and tears wash over me; wave upon wave. I can feel the thoughts clawing, almost, at my brain...just the fretting and the feeling of trying to stand on solid ground again is capture impeccably. A very good write. I look forward to reading more.


Posted 11 Years Ago

whew,like blows,if you dont have trouble sleeping after this then you have a heart of stone.

Posted 14 Years Ago

wow, this is very good, heart felt, a gripping write. Thank you for sharing

Posted 14 Years Ago

The emotion was raw, i feel this way a lot.
and i think this is why my friend taylor wanted me to read this.
she knows what i like all to well.

very realateable.
amazing flow.
great job.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Wow very deep. I know how you feel. Sometimes I wonder too.

Posted 14 Years Ago

This is great. 100/100

Posted 14 Years Ago

oh my goodness - i almost thought this poem was written to me
i have also lived through this
beautiful write
the painful thing about love is that it never guarantees
hopefully later in life you'll look back and smile knowing that this pain was not in vain - that somehow someway this rejection was your protection
i'm almost sure that one day you'll look back and remember these words without sadness.

Posted 14 Years Ago

this was so powerful. i know what it feels like, for someone to mean the world to you, but you mea nothing to them. and it sucks. you did an amazing job with this, and i really enjoyed reading it :D

Posted 14 Years Ago

I love the acusatory nature to this. I don't know what he did but he was a b*****d and you have your audience believing that if he were to ever come near you again, it would be his last. Well done.

Posted 14 Years Ago

This is a very well written piece. It is both heartbreaking and edgy. The style lends itself very well to someone who is convincing herself that she's had enough...that she's moving on.

Very well written.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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68 Reviews
Shelved in 4 Libraries
Added on April 2, 2010
Last Updated on April 2, 2010


Pain Love & Skulls
Pain Love & Skulls

Rocky Mount, United States Minor Outlying Islands

My name is Jess Di Paula i love writing and everything to do with it. I started poetry when i was in 6th grade. I am now a freshman and years old. I love music, its my everything. I play piano:). I re.. more..


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