Chapter One~New Beginnings

Chapter One~New Beginnings

A Chapter by Jessi Raine is falling

“AURORA” yelled my mother as the clock ticked 7:45, “I’m coming mom”! She always got into a panic if I wasn’t down exactly at 7:45, especially today since it was the first day of my last year in high school! As I came down stairs I saw that Lily was at the door (Lily is my best friend), I opened to see her rocking a dark blue shirt with a bright green vest, her earrings were purple and the head band in her hair a bright yellow. Lily loved to stand out, it was what she did and she didn’t care the slightest what people thought. “Ready puppet?” she asked with a grin, I ran into the kitchen snatched a piece of toast and made a mad dash for the door, “WAIT!” yelled my mom. “What time do you plan on being home tonight?” she asked. I turned toward Lily, she shrugged and I told her I didn’t know, “Be home by 6!" Those words shot a chill up my spine, I turned towards her and knew why before she even said the words. “Your father's coming over for dinner...” she said in a low tone, I turned around and walked out the door. This was not good news, my father left us when I was about 8 and came around because, as he says, he left our mother; not us. Not that I care he left all he ever did was yell at me and tell me that I wasn’t doing well enough, if I didn’t do things with him he would always get upset, there was never any winning with him.
On my way to school I really just listened to Lily as we walked, because I really didn’t want to talk and she knew it. About 6 blocks from school we hear a honk from behind us and its Arianna Richmond the most popular girl in school (and another one of my best friends). She was driving a new 2011 Mustang convertible that I’m guessing her dad got her. “Want a ride,” said Arianna with the biggest grin I’d ever seen. “Oh yeah” yelled Lily, and we hopped in. The only bad thing about hanging out with Arianna was that she seemed to get mobbed wherever she went. Whether it be her fans wanting an autograph or people at school trying to mooch money off her, it made me want to yell at them and tell them to leave her alone. As we walked into the school I saw the boy of my dreams, Matt Star. He was smart, funny, great at sports, and one of the sweetest guys I know, the only problem is that I’m in the “friend zone” and wont ever have the guts to get out. He walked up and hugged me which shot warmth up my spine. It was hard to believe that someone so smart could be captain of the football, basketball, and baseball team. He was class president and valedictorian. Compared to Matt I was just a shadow, a figment in the dark, and for some reason he always wanted to hang out with me, the biggest nobody in the school. “Ready for band?” Matt asked with his gorgeous smile. “You bet.” I said and we headed to class. The rest of the day just seemed to blur together and by the time the last bell rang I was nearly to tears. My dad was coming over, and that meant my parents were going to stir up a fight, weather it be as stupid as one talking over the other or my grades, they would find something. Not paying attention I walked into a locker and fell to the ground, embarrassed to death. I started to cry. Matt saw me and came running to my rescue, as soon as he looked at them the laughter stopped, he tried to help me to my feet but I refused to move. So knowing I was in pain, he swoops me up into his arm and tells me that I’m going to his house for a little while.

    When we get to his car I say I have to be home by 6, he turns to look at me, wipes away my tears and say’s “So your dad is coming over huh?”. I begin to cry again so he hugs me and hops into the driver seat. It takes at least 10 minutes to get to Matt’s house so I decide I might as well ask him a few questions. “What do you want to do most as a senior?” I ask. He looks at me funny then say’s “Do everything possible”. “Like?” I reply, “Like play every sport I ever wanted, and go to the prom with the girl of my dreams, and have the nerves to ask her to be my girlfriend” he said softly. “Well that’s no fun” I reply, “if you get a girlfriend I'll have to give you your jersey back”. He looks at me with a big smile “I’m happy you like it so much.” he laughed. When we finally get to his house his mom is waiting inside, she begins to clap as soon as she sees me, “I’m so happy to see you Aurora! I love it when you try my new snacks!” I smile, Mrs. Star has always been so nice to me, treated me like family, and I loved it when she let me try her new snacks. We go upstairs into Matt’s room, he automatically turns on the computer and it begins to play music. We start to play Halo and after a while Mrs. Star brings in some snacks, we play until about 5:30. “I should probably head home” I say beginning to stand up, “Its okay, I’ll take you home” say’s Matt. On the way home we don’t say much, but when we stop in front of my house I can tell something is on his mind. “What’s wrong?” I ask, “I need to tell you something but not today, its just not right.” Matt say’s in the quietest voice. My heart fell, he doesn’t want to be my friend, or worse he wants to date my enemy. I told him I'd see him tomorrow and slowly slide out of the car. As soon as I walk in I can hear Cory talking to dad in the living room. Cory is my little brother, and the best brother ever at that, we never fight, he never complains, and he’s as sweet as can be. “Hey” I say to dad as I walk by, “Hey kitten” he say’s in his, 'glad to see you care that I’m here' voice.I walked into the kitchen to see mom making dinner already, I sat down and pulled out my algebra, “how was school?” she asked, “it was great mom” I said in a sarcastic tone. “Cory please set the table” mom yelled into the living room, “really nice Janet this is one of the only times I get to spend with him and you have him do chores!” “Yeah Kyle it’s a real crime, its his turn to set the table, if your that upset help him”, great I thought, and the war begins “Why cant you set the table Janet, its not that hard!” “IM MAKING DINNER KYLE!”. The fighting continued for about 10 minutes, nearly to tears I stand up, look at both of them and say” I hope you guys are happy, not only did you tear this family apart, but your causing me to have a melt down!” I grab Cory and before they can respond we’re out the door and down the street.

© 2010 Jessi Raine is falling

Author's Note

Jessi Raine is falling
Id love to know peoples thoughts to make this maybe a little better or anything

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You're trying to go too fast, slow down, try letting us get to know the characters more. Be a little more descriptive, but I do want to know what happens next. XD

Posted 14 Years Ago

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I like it! I can't wait to find out more about the characters.

Posted 14 Years Ago

I figured out why you couldn't read request me. You put it onto the same chapter instead of making a new one. Just sayin'. I like it and I know who I am now(:

Posted 14 Years Ago

I like it so far. I wanna know who's me :P
Don't forget to keep read requesting me(:

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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4 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on October 28, 2010
Last Updated on November 22, 2010


Jessi Raine is falling
Jessi Raine is falling

Pratt, KS

I love, i lose, i cry, and i sigh. But hey that's life. more..
