![]() The World You'd Like to Live inA Story by JesseLKellogg![]() This is a writing of my opinion on gun control.![]() The World You’d
Like to Live in Robbers
fear the sound of a shotgun racking a round into its chamber. It overwhelms an
intruder with fear and usually makes him flee without anyone receiving injury.
A single man trained to use a gun properly can save hundreds of lives by merely
incapacitating a rampaging psycho. Guns are a daily used tool, when used by a
knowledgeable person they help harvest meat from animals, ward off intruders
and protect the innocent. No law should prohibit the ownership and use of guns.
has been brutalized by people using guns to hurt others. The recent San Bernardino
massacre was not only sad but horrific. The couple who killed many innocent
humans proclaimed they were supporters of ISIS. They practiced beforehand and
their choice was deliberate. Although the guns aided their assault, a bomb or
other destructive device would do just the same or more damage. The Sandy Hook
shooting was an atrocious event. I lived
nearby the school when the shooting occurred. My friends knew people who died
in the shooting. I shared their sorrow and anger. No one should have to go
through this kind of anguish. The Columbine school shooting was nothing less
than evil. The two young men who used guns to kill people were wrong, however,
the guns weren’t the ones who fired. The only one responsible for killing is
the user, not the item. Therefore,
banning the use and ownership of guns wouldn’t stop murderous assaults. What
sign would stop another terrible shooting? One that states: “All weapons are
prohibited on these premises” or “staff heavily armed and trained. Any attempt
to harm children will be met with deadly force.” The
overpopulation of some animals is already prevalent; however, removing guns
from proper civilians would increase this predicament exponentially. Many law
abiding Americans hunt year round, farming meat and other resources for their
families’, simultaneously keeping animal population down. This practice saves
citizens’ money while providing them with delectable food. The state also
receives money by selling licenses for hunting and selling tags for hunting
specific animals. Furthermore, hunting instills knowledge of how to use a gun
properly and safely. Thus, using guns to hunt provides the people and state
with extra money and resources while training citizens the proper uses of a
gun. Stopping
crime wherever it originates is commendable, however, taking away guns wouldn’t
help subside lawbreaking. Crime rates would increase if honest citizens’ guns
were seized; disabling their ability to protect themselves with an equal force.
If the government issued a law, removing guns from upright citizens, criminals
wouldn’t turn in their guns. They would run free stealing from whoever they
please; they would no longer fear someone who poses a threat. Average citizens
would be defenseless, unable to protect their friends and family. The
government alludes to the gun doing the damage, but that would be just like
saying forks make us fat. This unbelievable claim is outrageous. A man with a
crowbar could hurt people just the same as one with a gun. Should the
government pad everything and everyone with pillows and take away everything
dangerous? Although people have killed people, guns don’t do the trigger
pulling. If
the government passed a no gun law it would directly infringe on the Second Amendment
of the United States Constitution, the right to bear arms and the right to form
a well-regulated militia. Without these two rights, every state would be
captive to the government, no longer free. The founding fathers of our superior
nation set up the Constitution for the protection of the people. Furthermore,
the Second Amendment states we have the right to form a militia, securing our
position as a free state. These rights were written hundreds of years ago,
however, they hold truth to this day. Once our guns are removed, the government
would have complete control, eliminating our freedom. No
law should prohibit the ownership and use of guns. When used by a knowledgeable
individual, guns can be utilized as tools, protection devices and hunting
equipment. The population of animals would grow exponentially without the use
of guns. Honest hunters save money by harvesting meat from their game. Guns are
feared by most criminals. A single man who possesses a gun could save thousands
of lives by stopping a dangerous threat. Taking away our guns would increase
crime rates because of our inability to meet a threat with an equal force.
Criminals wouldn’t turn in their guns merely because the government issued a
law to do so. They would rule cities, doing as they please, while honest
citizens cower in fear. The government treats guns as if they had a mind. Guns
don’t pull their own triggers. The Second Amendment states we have the right to
form a militia, securing our position as a free state. Without a way to protect
ourselves we aren’t free. Guns don’t think, however people do. Thus, people do
the killing. We the people can
help fight against anti-gun laws. By supporting pro-gun causes and
organizations like the NRA(National Rifle Association) we can keep guns to
protect the innocent. You can support pro-gun laws by joining gun activist
rallies. Show America that guns are a needed tool. Find a pro-gun petition to
sign, the President takes notice of these. He won’t ignore 50,000+ signatures
supporting the Second Amendment. A
man spots a suspicious character in a movie theater. His kids are also in the
theater. Every few seconds he glances over to see if the man has moved. The
suspicious man pulls out an illegal gun, stands up and yells, “Everyone stay in
their seats!” People start to panic, fearing they might die. The lunatic fires
a round into the upper seats, striking an innocent child in the head. Without
hesitation, the man with his kids reaches for his gun. His heart starts leaping
when he realizes there is no gun to grab. Guns were banned in America three
months ago. Is this the world you’d like to live in? © 2015 JesseLKelloggAuthor's Note
Featured ReviewReviews
3 Reviews Added on December 17, 2015 Last Updated on December 17, 2015 Tags: Gun control, Government, Issues, Guns, Opinion, Shootings, Hunting, Second Amendment, NRA Author![]() JesseLKelloggLecanto, FLAboutI'm a simpleminded sinner saved by the grace of God. I love to making others smile and laugh; it's my part-time job. Give'em Heaven! more..Writing