Rainbow: Falling (part 5)

Rainbow: Falling (part 5)

A Chapter by Jess Holden

The rest of the summer past by quickly, with Setember fast approaching, my decisions about the drugs were changed. I couldn't stand a day to be without them, even if I had a good day or doctor's appointment. That was another thing I had to think of; the kid. The one growing inside of me. The doctor was concerned for it, warning me in the process.

"Violet, you have to quit the drugs. You're subjecting your to harmful drugs. What if it's born with defects? Or stillborn? Maybe even addicted..." She was really concened, which worried me bayond belief. Why was she so worried? I was the mother, shouldn't I be the one to care?

"Look doc, the only reason I am having this kid, is because I'm already too late to get rid of it. Thanks for the concern though, it's well apreciated." I sounded so heartless, but at least I was telling the truth. Part of me use to care, but being so high so often drownded that all away. It was like a tidal wave that washed over me, taking away all the care's that I use to carry on my shoulders.

I was free now, only chained by what everyone called "my addiction." Everyone but me could see it. If I was addicted, I think I would've been the first to notice.

"So what do you plan to do with it then?" She asked, gently leaning against the door of the small room, keeping me trapped within this small room. I began to feel slightly claustraphobic, and started to breath heavily.

"I dunno, I guess give it up for adoption..." I hadn't really thought about what I was going to do. I just thoght once it was out of me, the hospital would take care of it, and I could be on my way. I guess it wasn't that easy. For an 18 year old, I was extreamly unrealistic.

"Well you should decide what you're going to do before the birth date comes. You might also want to confront the father, just in case he feels different about your decisions." She said, moving out of the way of the door, signaling for me to leave.

"I doubt that..." I muttered as I walked past her, my coat in my hand. I herd her sigh as I opened the front door, and walked into the pouring rain.



About a week after the doctor's appointment, me and David took a trip to the coast to meet his grandparents. It was clear to see that I was pregnant, so when David's grandmother saw me, she broke out into tears of happiness.

"I am going to be a grandmother before I die! I never thought it would happen!" She screamed when we walked into the house, our suitcases in our hands. She embraced David in a warm hug, followed by holding my face in her hands with tears in her eyes.

"And you must be dear Violet." She said, pulling me into a hug, slightly throwing me off guard.

David's grandmother was taking this much better than David's mother had. I believe his mother's exact words were "you w***e!" right before she slapped me, and tried clawing my eyes out. Funny how even age can't change how some people act.

"Yes ma'ma. I've herd a lot of great things about you from David." I said, smiling widely, hoping that my first impression would be a good one. From the look on her face, it did.

After his grandmother's warm welcomes, his grandfather came out from behind his wife, and greeted David with a warm smile and a handshake.

"How you been David?" He asked, laughing as he asked.

"I'm good. Pops, this is Violet." He said, gesturing towards me, stepping out of the way. Once his grandfather saw me, he lost his smile, and insteads was slightly taken aback by my presence.

"Oh, hello Violet." He said, shaking my hand as well. Something was off about how he was acting, almost like I was some hussy from his past.

Uh, alright there...

"Yes, hello to you too, sir."



David's grandfather was weird around me the whole weekend, that I was glad the day we packed up in left. It was bad enough that David's immediate family didn't like me, but with his distant family too?

That would make it awkward for this kid.

I had slightly changed my mind about it since my last doctor's appointment. Her words sent a shiver down my spine everytime I cared to remember that visit, which was a lot. I still had to confront David about this whole baby nonsence.

That in thought scared the s**t out of me.

What if he wanted to keep it? Would he share my feelings and just want it gone? I knew that I didn't want to be tied down with a kid at 19, or even 25 for that matter, and I know David wouldn't either. I decided that once we got back in town from his grandparents, I would confront him about it. Unfortunatly, that came faster than expected.



As he was walking me to my front door, I pulled him aside.

"David, I have to talk to you." I said, keeeping his face close to mine, so no one would hear.

"Now?" He asked, his voice tired and light. I didn't want to wake him, or make him stay up anymore, but I knew we had to talk about this.

"How do you feel about this... Situation. The kid, I mean," I asked, my voice shaking. I kept myself steady on David's shoulders, as I waited for his responce.

"Are your parent's home?" He asked suddently, looking away from me, towards the house. I took a moment to think and tried to remember the date.

"Uh, no. Why?" I asked, slightly confused.

"Let's go inside, I want to talk to you in private about this." He pulled me towards my door, his grip rather tight. I cringed as his grip became tighter and tighter. Once we were inside, he shut the door behind me, and took me upstairs in his arms.

"Uh, David? What are you doing?" I asked, concern begining to grow as we aproached the top of the stairs, his face dark and quiet. He didn't say a word until we hit the top step, when he put me down, and kissed me gently.

"I love you Violet, you know I do right?" He asked, holing my hands, now gently. My stomach started to turn, as I had an odd feeling rush over me.

"Yes," I whispered, feeling a burning in my eyes as tears began to fall down my cheeks.

He was leaving me. I knew it.

He kissed me on my forehead, as he began to cry softly, his hands placed gently on both my shoulders.

The next thing I knew, I was flying downward at what felt like a million miles an hour. I felt my head crash into something hard, and then the world went dark and quiet.

© 2011 Jess Holden

Author's Note

Jess Holden
ignore spelling and grammer...
I know this one is a bit shorter than the rest, but i had to end it there... it was getting too epic... xD

My Review

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You did a lot of great things here, but for me..David's grandfather stole the chapter when he looked at violet and they connected. IMO it was kind of like a yin and yang thing where grandmother was so happy she was a bit blind. The grandfather seemed to be able to look inside her.

For me...that balancing act of optimism/pessimism made the two of them actually belong together. They were created in such a way that they almost feel as if they are two half-characters...and together they are one...just as two people who love eachother for that long.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Loved this! It doesn't matter that it was short, it was packed with all kinds of descriptions, and action. Great job!


Posted 13 Years Ago

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Posted 13 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on May 30, 2011
Last Updated on May 30, 2011