The Witch

The Witch

A Chapter by J. Espedal

Chapter 5 of Trickster god


The Witch

  Annie Flowers sat with two friends at a table cluttered with the leftovers of a pepperoni and a veggie pizza, a half-full pitcher of beer, and overpriced decorative mugs that had a rainbow and the words 'Gay Pride Festival' on the sides. Mary MacCloud, dark hair in a short buzz cut, and Sarah Higgens, long blonde curls laying on her shoulders, were snuggling into warm fall coats and with each other. Annie, long brown hair flowing from under a warm knit hat, shivering in the cold breeze coming off of the nearby river in spite of a colorful poncho thrown over a warm sweater, sat across from the two lovebirds.

  “I'd be proud and happy to officiate at your hand-fasting,” she told them, fingering the pentagram that hung on a leather thong about her neck.

  In spite of the cheerfulness of her words sadness lingered in her brown eyes.

  “You OK, Annie?” Sarah asked.

  Annie gazed around the festival that had taken over JFK Park. The glow of the setting sun was reflected in the river and on the white canopy over the pavilion where a local rock band was tuning up. Couples holding hands, gay men and lesbians, strolled among the many vendors that crowded the park. Under a park lamp that had just winked on in the growing dark a couple of men played with their young son, adopted or perhaps the child of some previous misguided attempt on the part of one to 'go straight'.

  “Yes ….No! …. D****t I miss Cindy. Why did she have to leave me now?”

  Sarah covered Annie's hand with her own which bore the diamond ring Mary had given her.

  “They’ll be someone else. It's Cindy's loss.”

  Still watching the men with their child, Annie sighed.

  “I wanted marriage, kids, adopted, artificial insemination, whatever. She wanted a career as a model instead. Guess she's happier in New York than here.”

  “Excuse me. Would it be alright if I joined you.?”

  The voice that spoke from behind Annie was husky, sultry, with the trace of an accent, maybe German or Scandinavian. All three women looked up at the newcomer.

  Tall for a woman, though not so tall as model Cindy had been, red hair flowing over a colorful knit sweater, amber eyes that seemed to almost glow in the growing dusk, a mug of beer in her hand, the very attractive stranger flashed a smile that was engaging and a bit mischievous.

  “I'm Lucy Lasan. Noticed there were just three of you here. Most of the folks here seem to be paired up but, well, I'm all alone tonight.”

  “Sure, Lucy, pull up a chair. Help yourself to some pizza. I'm Sarah. This is my fiance, Mary, and the lovely lady in front of you is Annie Flowers.”

  Lucy sat down beside Annie.

  “So you must be the other odd woman out.”

  Her hand brushed Annie's as she set down her mug and reached for a piece of the pepperoni pizza. A sudden heat passed through Annie and caused her to flush and her heart to skip a beat.

  'Wow! Yeah she's attractive but I'm not the love at first sight type, not even the lust at first sight type.'

  Soon the leftover pizza was gone, most of it eaten by Lucy.

  “Let me treat you guys now. Heard those chicken nuggets sold by that vendor over there are really good.”

  “Good for Mary and me, but Annie's vegetarian.”

  “The Chinese food vendor is pretty good. Chicken nuggets for us meat eaters and a veggie egg roll for you?”

  “I could go for that,” Annie admitted.

  A short while later their new acquaintance returned with the nuggets, the egg roll, and a variety of dipping sauces.

  “Are you Wiccan?” Lucy asked Annie as she touched the pentagram that lay over Annie's heart, causing that heart to beat faster.

  “Yes I am. High Priestess of a coven. And I own an occult store not far from here, Dark Moon.”

  “Ah I've seen it, walked right past it. Just never went inside... yet.”

  Lucy gave Annie a sly lingering look as she spoke those words.

  'Definitely coming on to me. Am I ready for even a one-nighter?'

  Sarah and Mary sat back in their chairs and grinned. They obviously thought Annie needed some romantic action.

  “I assume you have big plans for Samhain?” Lucy asked the Wiccan priestess.

  “Of course: open ritual at Riverside Park, arrive between 6:00 and 7:00 PM; ritual at 7:00; potluck afterwards. At the shelter with a fireplace down by the creek.”

  Mary frowned.

  “Didn't realize it was at Riverside Park. Heard rumors scary stuff happens to folks who go there on Halloween.”

  “You sound like Kat and Sophi. They insisted on coming when they heard where we were giving it. Said something about a Faerie gate in the park.”

  After the encounter with Sophi's former Faerie nanny earlier this month Annie knew the Faerie gate part was true, but it had been too late to change plans when she'd talked to her friends.

  “Kat and Sophi have come to your rituals before.”

  “Yeah, cause I practically dragged them. And they're not participating, insist on bringing weapons and I can't allow weapons inside the circle.”

  “Sounds like they're coming as security guards, not participants,” Lucy said.

  “Kat's a cop but can't imagine our gentle veterinarian as a security guard,” Sarah said.

  “Sometimes a person does not know their friends as well as they think they do,” Lucy said.

  Annie gazed at the newcomer, remembering they did not know her at all. And something about Lucy Lasan was strange, though she couldn't figure out what it was.

  Before long all the beer in the pitcher was gone, most of it downed by Lucy.

  'And she doesn't seem even a little bit inebriated,' Annie thought.

  Lucy suddenly stood up.

“Would you ladies mind if I borrowed Annie's company for awhile? I'd like to get more acquainted with you, Annie. If that's OK with you guys.”

  “Fine!... Great! …. Go ahead,” the two lovebirds said.

  “You might have also asked my preferences,” Annie said peevishly.

  But when the lovely Lucy Lason offered her hand, Annie took it and stood up. Lucy's grip was surprisingly strong. A feeling of heat mingled with desire flowed through Annie at the touch.

  'OK she is way hot. And obviously interested. And I haven't had any sex since Cindy left.'

  They strolled to the pavilion where the band was beginning to play and couples were beginning to dance on the concrete surface just behind the outdoor stage. Lucy and Annie joined them, moving rhythmically and sensuously to the band's city beat.

  'She's good. As good as Kat even.'

  Annie was actually enjoying herself for the first time since her former lover left. When she became too winded to dance any more, though Lucy acted like she could go all night, they left the concert area and purchased two wraps, Lucy's with meat and cheese falling out of it, Annie’s a stuffed veggie wrap. They took their meals down to the river where lights from the festival were reflected in the flowing current. As they munched they walked along the bikeway.

  “Would it be OK if I joined your ritual on Saturday?” Lucy asked.

  Her amber eyes glittered, reflecting perhaps the lights on the river, as she spoke those words.

  “Of course. It's a public ritual.”

  “That means I am invited?” Lucy persisted.

  “Yes, you are invited,” Annie said, staring at her new friend.

  “Thank you. I'm seldom invited to Pagan rituals.”

  'What did I just miss in this conversation?' a puzzled Annie asked herself.

  They finished the wraps and deposited the trash in a receptacle. Lucy stopped then swept the pagan priestess up into strong arms. She kissed her, a deep passionate kiss that set Annie on fire.

  'Not love. But one hell of a great lust.'

  Afterwards Annie could never remember which one of them suggested they leave the festival and go back to her place. They walked hand-in-hand along lamp-lit city streets to the flat above her Dark Moon store where Annie lived. Every so often they paused for another kiss, each one inflaming Annie more. By the time they climbed the back stairs to her cheaply furnished yet cozy flat, Annie almost felt like tearing off Lucy's clothes and rushing onto her bed, it's very comfortable mattress the only luxury in her place.

  What followed was the most awesome night of lovemaking Annie had ever experienced. When Annie reached the point of complete exhaustion, Lucy gently traced her lips with her warm fingers.

  “Let's call it a night, pretty Annie. See you in the morning.”

  She kissed Annie's eyes and Annie fell instantly asleep.

  Annie woke the smell of eggs cooking and coffee brewing. She groaned, struggled out of the tangled covers and stumbled to the bathroom. A while later, refreshed and a little more alive, she came out to find a cheerful Lucy bustling between her small but adequate kitchen and her only dining table. A platter of cheese omelets, the last of her oranges already peeled, the zucchini bread a friend had given her, and a thermal pot of steaming hot fresh coffee sat on the table where her only china dishes had been set out.

  “Thought I'd repay you for last night with a homemade breakfast,” Lucy said with an engaging smile.

“Would have liked some meat, but glad you at least had cheese and eggs.”

  “I did have cheese and eggs,” Annie said as she rummaged in her fridge for her coffee cream and noticed all her eggs... 'there were at least ten left'.... were gone, as was the last of her cheese.

  But the omelet was delicious and the coffee was brewed to perfection. The oranges and sweet bread were the perfect addition. In no time it was all gone, Lucy eating the biggest portion.

  After breakfast Lucy gazed intently at Annie, her strange amber eyes almost flickering.

  “Last night was great,” the beautiful redhead said.

  Annie nodded.

  “Yeah, for me too.”

  “But there is someone else. I can see it in your eyes and feel it in your touch.”

  “Cindy. We broke up just a couple of months ago. She's in New York now.”

  “Ever thought of using magic to get her back?”

  “You mean a spell or a love potion? Wicca's not like that. Wiccan Reed says do what you will an you harm none. Forcing love with magic would be a kind of harming.”

  “Even if I knew a magic that could bring her back to you?”

  “Same answer. Still the wrong thing to do.”

  “I like your answer, Annie. But I have a message for you to give another.”

  A mist came out of nowhere and enveloped Annie's new lover. When it was gone so was Lucy, in her place a handsome amber-eyed red-headed man. Power emanated from him, so much power that Annie could not help falling to her knees in front of him. She suddenly realized who she faced.

  “Loki! I slept with Loki! Loki as a woman!”

  The God smiled a rakish smile.

  “I've been female before. But this is my message, Annie Flowers, for my son, Lord Faolan. Tell him I am not the thief. Not this time.”

  “Lord Faolan? I've never even met him.”

  “You will, Annie. Trust me, you soon will. Oh, pretty lady, I have left you a gift, to compensate for your loneliness.”

  With that the Trickster God was gone.

  She stared where he had been, then looked around the small flat.

  “Gift? I see nothing new. Must be hidden somewhere.”

   Then she looked at her kitchen and groaned.

  “Damn! You're a great cook, Loki, but you left behind one hell of a mess to clean up.”

  Was that laughter she heard in the distance or just some street noise from outside?

© 2015 J. Espedal

My Review

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Hey, this reminds me of my earlier works. You did a good job with making the characters seem human. The dialogue makes the characters also seem human. That is one of the hardest things to do with characters in fiction. You should be proud.

Posted 9 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on October 12, 2015
Last Updated on October 12, 2015


J. Espedal
J. Espedal


I am a grandmother who has been writing short stories off and on for quite a few years. I would like to share them with friends - and anyone else who is interested - on the internet and this seems the.. more..

The Trickster The Trickster

A Chapter by J. Espedal