Final Hours Of The YearA Poem by Jerry Ables
Soon will the hour arrive
When we watch another year Fade into the past And see another year Begin in its place Memories of the passing year Cross our minds and fill our hearts How very sweet and precious To recall its memorable moments And how they'll ever live in our hearts Visions of the coming year Descend upon our hearts and minds, Everything we hope to do, Everything we hope to see And everything we hope to be O the many fun and cheerful ways To lay the old year to rest And greet the birth of the New Year What a wonderful time to share With people we love and cherish Let us ever remember fondly The biggest moments Of the old and fading year And do our very best To make the New Year bright Original pen date: December 31, 2009 © 2009 Jerry Ables |
1 Review Added on December 31, 2009 Last Updated on December 31, 2009 Author