![]() Flying Through OrchidsA Poem by Jeremy WyattFlying bloom to bloom, but no mere dance this faultless path. You favour puple, so it seems. Clover, thistle, orchid, no dream-like drift this bustling march. In each quick kiss no flower touched twice, no frantic frenzy, "keep on, keep on" your gentle buzzing seems to say. Until, pushing through an orchids sweet embrace, head buried in the blooms, Your tiny heart quietly ceases to beat... © 2014 Jeremy Wyatt |
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Added on July 26, 2014Last Updated on July 26, 2014 Author![]() Jeremy WyattDon't know....nearest is somewhere...hmmmm, Dumfries and Galloway, United KingdomAboutA Welshman moved toScotland, writing since December 2010, in love with poetry and my special poet friends,who I am following here through loyalty and devotion!! more..Writing