Falling Snow

Falling Snow

A Poem by Crimson Profile

A poem describing the snowy life of a homeless man.

Falling snow
Falling to the ground
Falling snow all around
Falling snow on my bed
Falling snow on my head

It's freezing 
I'm shivering
I can't get a meal
Asking people for change 
Trying to make a deal

They probably think I'm a drunk
Walking around in the snow
With nothing but socks,my clothes and a shoe
All they give me is things I don't need
Like harmful comments and half empty glue

I hate Christmas 
I have no one to share my life
Or a life to even do so
All there is,is snow,snow,snow,snow
No presents 
No glamor 
Just a person to give you the finger

I'm still chasing trains 
Doesn't matter the weather
Even trying to find that dropped sweater 
Still when I see cops I hide in bushes  
I still go to church and get nothing but shushes

I'm tired of living
I just want to die
It's not like I know anyone to shed a single cry
It's kind of sad that I'm so ugly and perverse
While you ride around in your snow tired hearse  

The falling snow may seem light to others 
But,to me it's dark
As dark as the wood on a burnt tree's bark
The falling snow I hate so much
Almost as much as a warm family bunch
I hate falling snow

Falling snow

© 2010 Crimson Profile

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i was bored on a snow day

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on December 13, 2010
Last Updated on December 13, 2010


Crimson Profile
Crimson Profile

canton, OH

I'm Jeremiah Lee and I'm looking to become a mangaka and get published by a famous Japanese manga company.I write a lot of stories and poems. I take time to write my work to think things over.Most .. more..
