Save your tears
We have no idea of true fear
not having to live over there
the land of milk and honey
ruled money
Greed and death a way of life
Struggling to just survive
night after night
Just praying for a little hope
Here we take the simple pleasure for granted
things that don’t really matter
to most
Don't turn away
The sun's hot today
it glares down on a land
with untilled soil
we'd truly boil
and break within hours there
Great sickness and despair
non-stop no pause
Where wishes are next to never
Here we take the roads paved in proverbial gold
we aren't privy to such a bumpy ride
not at all
Hear their cries
as they fill the night skies
Mother's heart broken
swallowing her rage
as she's told her babe won't be home tonight
See a father weep
knowing he was not strong enough
To save his children's lives
This pain is common there
Here we lock our children away from imaginary fears
as they form a couch potato nation
one kid at a time
See their faces
racked with so many traces
of sweat and shame
from the disease
they have acquired
from those they last admired
And now they must leave
or be stoned alone
without a glimmer of a chance
Here we numb our children's worries with want
it's a gimme gimme world
without remorse
Day after day
more and more are killed
left lame or worse
taken as slaves
Beaten until wills are broken
even forgetting their own names
this is our shame
It is our greed
that feeds this lustful need
Here we're all about the bling
wanting five diamond rings
for each hand and not giving a damn
There it's always dark
not a single light shines
from the sad minds
of those that have no money
no power
no luxuries or a shower
Their faith is failing
while their bodies remain ailing
from hunger
We've no time to think about it
wrapped up in our own little worlds
But here it's time to care about there