There has been a lot of "drama" rolling around this site lately.
I think it's about time things rise to the surface.
I don't like airing dirty laundry, nor do I appreciate gossip,
name calling or being rude. Yet, this is what I have seen here lately.
It seems there are a few members here that think it is okay to post naked avatars of themselves or someone else. If this was a sex site then that would be fine. But it isn't. THIS site is for writing, at least that is what I thought.
See, there are children on this site...I have seen some as young as 11 and there are NO WARNINGS about these avatars anywhere here. Yes, the parents should be responsible but so should the writers!
What I find amazing is the fact that when myself and a few others commented in jest about this whole thing, whereas I said "Someone needs to put their shirt back on," I was immediately attacked and called a "myspace w***e" for saying what everyone else was thinking.
I think that saying that was rather ironic since that is the very place these people came from.
A really close friend of mine got the worst of it though and when I told that person to stop, she blocked me for saying "That is something a kid would say." What would one expect when they act that way?
Further, what would one expect when they have a picture of themselves wearing only a bra as their avatar? Did you honestly think no one would comment? Maybe the boys like it and that is wonderful...I mean there is nothing like having the attention from someone solely for your body, right ladies?
Ummm...not. See women like me, we like to be valued. We don't want a man to appreciate us only for our looks...and trust me most of us could do it if we wanted to. So the theory of only the old and the ugly are upset about this is a big fat myth.
But of course an expected rebuttal.
The point is, I don't like nude avatars with my morning coffee. I think it is distasteful and irresponsible. So attack me if you must. But remember, I don't dislike you, I only dislike what you have done here.
Who am I to say this? No one really. Yet I am allowed to speak my mind right here in this writing. That is the beauty of a site like this, I am free to voice my opinion about anything and everything. However, I don't attack people on a personal level, again that is my choice.
As for the idea of expressing oneself in the name of art? Absolutely, I am all for it! Draw yourself naked and then we have something that's creative, my friend :)
I found a big pink n****e this morning. And looked quick behind me to make sure there was no one to see. Hazards of peeking in while at work I guess. My daughter occasions the site. We have an agreement that she stays away from any work with the red letter warning at the top. Most people are pretty good at labelling their work.
There are lots of ways to express your sexuality without all that. I think there's a time and a place for it. While I don't think it's my place to ask them to remove it, if you're going to do something to draw attention I think you should be able to handle the comments maturely.
Excellent write and of course I agree with everything you say here and so do many others. And the thing is those involved probably will view this as an attack, which it isn't...and react as they already have with personal attacks, swearing and something even more obnoxious than what they've already done.
You make some excellent points.
I mean really if you do something that you know is shocking and don't expect someone somewhere to say something, than you need to think before you act. If can you handle criticism without getting angry, fine. Madonna did that with her "Sex" book, but if you can't then don't do it.
I saw it too but hesitated to say anything. My bad, Jenny, that was honestly my bad. It took a couple things to happen before I realized I'm not going to keep my mouth shut because.... because of several things, one my son is a member. I can't hide n*****s from him forever nor do I intend to, I know that but...
This. Is. A. Family. Site. This WAS our safe haven, not any more.
Another thing is, (was) I decided I am going to write honestly or not at all. I intend to keep my word, too.
Before the rotten fruit is thrown at me, let me say this; I haven't a problem with n*****s or bras or sexuality of any kind, as long as it is tasteful and artful. When I want bold sex I know where to go and it ain't the Writers Cafe. I am a believer in free speech and all that good and great stuff, mine and everybody elses but I am defending my home turf here and I ain't leaving either. Awesome writing Jenny.
Nudity is clearly inappropriate on a site which "purports" to be a writers' site, especially where there are minors active here, and I'm surprised that this has not been dealt with by administration. Have you noticed in the past 6-9 months how much this site has deteriorated? Much too much drama and less writing going on. Can't quite put my finger on what changed, but it's pretty clear that it's not the same. Many of those who dragged me here in the first place have moved on, so it's not the same people anymore. Don't know what's to be done. I think the little slip and loss of works might've been the last straw for many. Admin needs to take a good hard look at this site and figure out where they want to take this. There's something rotten in the state of WC....
P.S. I note the comment made by the fellow below me who talks about "packaging". Please! This isn't the Paris Review or Harper's! This is WC! (I should note that I agree with that writer. Good observation on his part.)
It's an interesting point you raise. I must say that in my short time here (less than a week!), I have noticed that a number of people are playing a, shall we say, 'packaging game' with their writing. I suppose on one level, it could be considered clever. Or, at least, streetwise. As it attracts attention to a person's writing.
I suppose it depends on what these people in question are trying to achieve. If they see this site as a popularity contest, and in a sense I guess it is, they approach is sound in principle. On the other hand, if they consider this site to be about the writing and consider themselves to be serious writers, how can they ever know why exactly people are reading their works. That, at least, is what would worry me if I were in there position.
Your point about the children is well made. Unless this site is meant specifically for adults only, it is probably best for people to only post 'sexual or sexualised' (for want of a better expression) photos on profiles set to private. However, this is a decison that should be taken by the people who run the site.
Personally, I don't really care too much for myself. As John Lennon put it, whatever gets you through the night. If the people in question are content and confident that people truly value their writing for what it is, rather than as a pusuit to a possible 'cheap thrill', then I guess fair play to them. It's not something I could be confident about, if I were in there place.
...than again, I do have a sexy picture of an extremely sexy typewriter as my aviator! ;) Phwuuurghh!!!
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