Aww, nice Poem. I like the simplicity and the relaxing invitation to a friend. All too often we don't stop to smell the roses and this is what your poem felt like to me, like stopping and remembering the simpler things in life.
Very cool writing.
Also, I want to thank you for taking the time to stop by my poem "complacent woman" - I appreciate your kind thoughts and words.
very soothing. I like the laid back tone. This is a nice invitation to a friend and represents what a friend truly is: an oasis, a shoulder to lean on.
The 'skein', that commonly observed symmetric V-shaped flight formation of migratory birds, assists the birds in covering long distances efficiently. All birds except the leader are flying in the up draught from the wingtip vortices of the bird ahead, which aids the bird to support its own weight in flight in the same way as a glider can climb, or maintain height indefinitely, in rising air. They take turns as the leader, thus sharing the responsibility.
The moral implication of this observation, is poetically captured in a simplistic, yet poignant portrayal in your inspirational definition of the word 'Friend'.
Jenny this is a true friend who speaks these words, taking the weight of someones worries and placing them on your shoulders, bringing them encouragment of better days to come. Nice sentiment, and a beautiful picture.
I have often wondered how geese decide on which side to fly as they form their V formation. I also wonder how far up in the V a particular bird gets to be, as we humans assume that the front is better. Is one side of the V preferred, are you always a right or left side bird. Do you always fly on the east or west side, taking the right side going south and the left flying north? If you approach an existing formation with an equal number of birds on either side, do you have to 'fall in' to the left or right side, or is it up to you? Does your age determine your placement? Is the lead bird chosen by age, election, rotation, chance or the great bird god in the heavens who tells a particular bird he is the chosen one to lead?
"Each one there, looks up in wonder at the same moon" as the poet and writer of songs Neil Diamond writes in his beautiful story "Done to Soon."
a lovely relaxing read....simplistic yet inspirational at the same time....feeling like a visit with a friend...encouraging one to take time out to see the beauty around them...very nice write.
Felt for a moment I might actually be able to draw a breath, thank you for the relaxation! As usual, a very nice piece of writing. You never let us down.
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Sept. 12th, 9PM EST!
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