GIRL- You have to remember--
Life has thrown you so much worse. You'll survive this too.
Note to Mother Nature: I can't afford to help any more stray cats
Note to stray cats: there must be other crazy cat ladies living around here
Note to crazy cat ladies: branch out more
Dear branches: the falling leaves are good for your diet
Dear diet: you should meet the rest of America
Dear America: wake up and smell the poverty
Dear poverty: you are holding up the employment movement
Dear employed: the phrase "I hate my job" has become moot
Dear moot: its useless to get to the point
Note to point: if I don't dull you, pain is just one outcome.
Note to outcome: if you are reached inside does that make you income?
Note to income: I need you now
Dear now, with effort you can be more than you were back then
Dear back then, dark memories belong in your time
Dear time, you miss so much when the speed you are stuck on is fast
Dear stuck, lubricants are one of man's greatest inventions, therapists are another
Dear therapist, our visits may let me vent, but they only serve to enrich you
Dear you, if you didn't see this coming, you had your eyes shut. Shutting your eyes doesn't transport you to the star ship Enterprise You don't need to grow old and weak to remember that you don't die each heartbreak you experience. Each duet you sing prepares you for the greatest concert you will ever perform.