![]() Land for the LostA Story by Joshua Deaton“Wishful thinking is
cruelest to those who are still in love with what they once had.” For as long
as I can remember I have never been the guy who couldn’t deal. I had never been
a person who could become so overwhelmed he forgets the basis of who he is and
exactly what he is made of. However, college has taken its toll on this weary
soul. I find myself questioning things and wanting things like I never have
before. I miss my childhood, my innocence. I feel as if the entire weight of
this “grown-up” world will crush me given the opportunity. Every day I wake up
wondering why I do the things I do; why I talk and deal with the people I do. I
ponder on how I have wandered off and lost myself in this newly discovered
world. It feels as if I were Columbus sailing through the unknown waters of a
place never believed to exist. There is so much I have never realized, and so
much I have never been exposed to. There are so many things I have never
experienced and choices I have never been presented with. I am a man. How much of one, I will leave to speculation.
Nevertheless, I am a 19 year old, independent being, able to make his own choices
and subject to the consequences that those decisions bring to the table. It’s a
scary thing, this new big world. It is definitely not the small town of Aragon
I have grown so accustomed too; a place where everyone knows you and your
Grandmother. I find this newly instilled fear to be the culprit of my writing.
I seek an escape from the prison of the present world I have found myself in. I
yearn to break the bars that confine me from that sense of purity and balance I
once was allowed to taste. It looks to me as if I am longing, for a forgotten
sense of place. For
those who are uninformed or for the many of you who might not have cared to
know before; a sense of place is that feeling you get when you know you are
right where you belong. It is a place that you love and feel comfortable in no
matter where it may be. A place you understand and a place that understands you
in some way or another. For most people their sense of place belongs to their
hometown, where they grew up, or where they experienced the best years of their
life. Growing up, I never seemed to view my home as that place. It is not as if
I didn’t appreciate my home or that I thought my family was an oppressive force
trying to destroy my childhood. Looking back, I never viewed my family in that light
at all. I love my family with every ounce of love I could possibly pour from my
heart. I just simply understood how things were and the way things went. So I
chose to get away, rather than stay in a place that always seemed distressing. In the younger years of my life, it
seems my family was thrown into what felt like a hurricane. Faced with intense
job pressure and the addition of another child to our fragile newborn family,
it appeared as if the fragments of fabric that bound my mother and father together,
were slowly unraveling with every argument, and approaching the verge of
completely tearing apart. To get away from the flames of hostility building
within the bowels of my household, I would escape to the sounds of tranquility
calling me from within the forest. Some children have “blankey’s” to cling to
when frightened; others have stuffed animals. I had an entire forest! Now to be clear it’s not as if I had nowhere
else to go, or that my family was frightful. We had problems like every other
family has to face and I have always had plenty of friends, and lots of other
family members to go to. I just simply
enjoyed nature and all it had to share substantially more than the company of
others. My forest never had rules or restrictions, it never became angry or
frustrated with me, it never scared me, pressured me, or made me uncomfortable.
When I was there, I was one. I was happy and I was safe. It is what I believe
home was supposed to feel like. My sense of place will
always belong to a land I can only describe to you as magical. A realm where
imagination is allowed to gush freely from the constraints of logic and all the
colors of the mind surge out to paint a picture of a world unknown to any other.
I was born and raised in a small slice of nowhere known as Aragon, Ga. a place
so unexciting, yet never more entertaining. Here, entertainment was of two options;
one of television and the other imagination. I chose the latter. If you were to
drive past my residence you may or may not notice a modest amount of land
adjacent to my home. To someone other than myself, this land may only seem like
a small worthless patch of trees standing in the way of a “could be”
pasture. Though in the eyes of a 6 year
old, this patch of timber is what Alice would have described as a wonderland.
An escape to anywhere and everywhere my young mind dared to trek. The crisp
scents of pine and hickory would dance on the tip of my tiny nose as the
swaying trees seemed to summon me into their sacred home. Birds everywhere sang
me songs of welcoming as I stepped foot into their sanctuary. I had always
known this place was special. From the pitter patter of mouse paws crushing the
carcasses of sundried leaves, to the crash of squirrels performing their
routine acrobatics underneath the shadows cast by the setting autumn sun. This
place was a utopia of creation. In this utopia I found control of what I saw to
be an entire world, and it was in this enchanted empire where I first learned
to control myself. Not my behavior per se, but my mind, my ideas, and my
thoughts. With the right mind set, the ancient sturdy trees that encompassed me
would transform into the masts of the most feared ships of all the sea. I
fought perilous naval battles against the greatest pirates the world has ever
known. Captain Hook and Blackbeard were always astounded by my arsenal. It
proved hard to differentiate between the green looks of envy and sea sickness
upon their awestruck faces as my ship unleashed its weaponry upon our foe. The
earth shattering blasts of cannons would splinter my ears and quake my entire
environment as we fired cold steel upon one another for hours on end. If not at
sea, my mind loved to lurk into the dark ages. I would travel many a fortnight
slaying monsters with Beowulf, saving princesses alongside Robin Hood,
performing quests at the right hand of Arthur, and building forts for the men I
was sworn to protect. As a Knight of
nature the stick served as my long sword and the fallen branch my lance. The
wooden weapons seemed to lust for the touch of my innocent hands. The skin of
the stick would float to the ground, sacrificing itself in order to provide the
perfect fit for my sweaty little palms. It’s a good thing too! Being the
renowned warrior of the woods, I needed my wooden weaponry to fight off the
storm of enemies I would undoubtedly have to face. Species came from abroad to
test my skill. Plants, animals, aliens, monsters, and the occasional little
brother were of no exception. My forest will always be unlike any other
place. To this day, I can still hear those songs calling me to the forest but I
know I must never return to the ships that I once sailed. Those ships are
simply memories that have left me ashore only to ponder how it is that I have
come so far from where I once was. I know one day I will find another land just
as magical as this. Still, I will never forget it was here I allowed my mind to
grow, to expand, and to enjoy all things real and fictitious. Here, I found
refuge from a world I wasn’t ready to walk in. I learned how to enjoy myself,
my surroundings and how not to take life completely serious. Some may think it
silly that something as trivial as trees for pirate ships or fighting imaginary
objects with twigs would prove to have such a profound effect on an individual.
Yet, simply by remembering the connection that occurred between my imagination
and nature in this place has brought upon the realization that this harbor of
creation will always be with me and will forever impact my life. Perhaps, not
only in a way that shaped who I believe I am today, but also in the person I
feel I will soon become.
© 2012 Joshua Deaton |
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