![]() 45. CrossedA Chapter by Kianna![]() The sun shined on the three friends as they headed to the castle to face the king.![]() A week passed when Shawn drove
back up to the cottage. The Ferrari rolled onto the grassy parkway and Shawn
honked the horn. Brooke, who had spent her morning practicing her martial arts
with Rogue, stopped and released her stance. She missed her sword. Shawn got
out the car and approached Brooke. He unclamped the sheath from around his belt
and presented it to her. Brooke’s stomach churned and she wondered what Shawn
did. She grasped the handle, tasseled with yellow strings, and slowly unsheathed
the sword. Brooke gasped and her eyes glinted at the blade, black and glossy.
She held the sword up by its cord wrap and a broad smile planted on her face.
Brooke wanted to hug him, wanted to kiss him. She spun the sword and found it
was heavier. “Thank you so much, Shawn!” she exclaimed. “That
sword had the dullest blade I’d ever seen,” said Shawn. “I thought I’d spruce
it up.” Meredith
sat on the empty tree stump. She stood and went to look at the blade.
“Marvelous appeal, what did you use?” “Obsidian
rock.” “Wow.”
special woman deserved a special sword.” Brooke’s shoulders shook as a tear
slid down her cheek. Meredith
hugged her. “No time for crying now, we’ve got a king to face tomorrow.” Brooke
nodded and cheered up. Shawn stayed over for dinner and she introduced him to
Ellis and Athena. They got along well. That night she couldn’t sleep. She kept
seeing the master guardian’s face in the wake of her dreams. She awoke at dawn
and refused to sleep until Meredith and Ellis woke. The afternoon
sun shined on the three friends as they prepared their journey to the king’s
palace. Brooke and Meredith mounted Athena. Meredith asked Rogue’s to take care
of Ellis. She didn’t want the anymalis in the way. Athena galloped and Brooke
directed her. The black sword Shawn designed for her rubbed against her leg.
She caressed the tassel of her mother’s sword and they reminded her of her
mother’s yellow ribbon. They passed the academy, the academy that rejected her.
It seemed nothing more than a distant nightmare. Without the academy however,
she conquered her fears, protected the princess, and grew confident in her
abilities, confident to face whatever obstacle arising. Brooke
and her friends arrived at the palace. The sun disappeared behind foreboding clouds.
Thunder clapped after lightening began to dance. No rain fell yet. Brooke and
Meredith dismounted from Athena. The guards glanced at Athena strangely, but
everyone gasped to see Meredith, whispering amongst one another. Some even
recognized Brooke and returned to standing rigid and stern like. The guards
patrolling the entrance stopped. “P-P-P-Princess Meredith!” They exclaimed all
at once. “You’re alive?” “Hello,
Bruce and Fred,” Meredith regarded them kindly. She chuckled at their surprised
expressions. She grew up with Bruce and Fred acting as uncles to her. “Allow us
entry.” They nodded. “But,
Milady, what about-” Fred hinted at Brooke. Meredith
frowned. “She is none of your concern.” Her voice sounded formal and in
command. Fred nodded quickly and opened the door for the women. They
entered the palace and then the throne room. The king, the servants, and the
visitor gawked at the two. Tears threatened to come to the king’s eyes, his
knuckles reddening. He opened his arms, choking on his gasp. He placed his
hands on her shoulders. “Meredith, is it really-” The hands
felt like those of a stranger, grasping her shoulders. His eyes were a darker
turquoise and his smile, his reactions, everything seemed false. What part of
him was real? Rain’s words echoed in her ears. He wasn’t Victor, but a murderer
who possessed a thorough desire for power. She cursed the roundness of her eyes
and the way of her hair, any features that connected him to her. She wanted no
relation with him. He utterly disgusted her. She tried not to grimace. She
wanted to see if they could act in a civil manner before anything broke out or
she exploded. “Who else would it be?” she scoffed. She shook her shoulders,
removing his hands from her. “I
thought-I thought-” “I was
gone for good, yeah, I know.” Meredith rolled her eyes. “Father, I demand you
release this woman’s father and allow her freedom as well,” Meredith said. “She
did not kill my sister.” The king
glared at the swordswoman he thought to have died. “You!” he yelled, pointing
at her. “You corrupt my daughter’s mind!” Master guardians readied themselves
to attack. One of them happened to be the master guardian that escorted her to
and from her cell. Hatred and fear filtered through her as she recalled his
face in her dreams. Meredith
pushed his accusing finger away. “Father, this ambitious, strong, kind woman
suffered. Unnecessarily. For a crime she did not commit.” Flashes of her
sister’s death played in her mind. Then, she recounted Dorian and the story
behind her father. “I’ve seen who killed my sister. I know who killed my
sister.” The king
cocked his head to the side, his face suddenly drying up. “Oh?” He directed the
visitor and servants to leave the throne room. The master guardians remained.
He sat back into his chair and crossed his legs. “Who is our culprit?” Brooke
intervened because she didn’t want this to result in bloodshed “That doesn’t
matter; you’ve heard your daughter’s wishes.” “Hmph.”
Victor smirked and took a deep breath. “I can’t comply, my dear.” “With
what?” Brooke laid her hand on the handle of her sword. “Releasing
any of you.” After that statement, Brooke knew there was going to be bloodshed.
“So you
did do it!” Meredith accused. “You killed my sister!” Her face was red with
tears. Victor
laughed and clapped. Brooke drew her sword, but the master guardians blocked
the king. They were outnumbered. “Indeed I did.” “How
could you- your own flesh and blood!” “I killed
Shahana too,” he said casually. The words sent a shattering ring through
Meredith’s ears. Her mother too? The press said she was poisoned and a chef
died for it. He was just as innocent. “Why are
you doing this?” “Because
you all knew too much.” Meredith’s body glowed, showering the room in a
blinding light. She directed a blast towards him, but he blocked it with magic
of his own. “Dearest Daughter, you have exponential amount of power, but what
can you do with it?” She shot at him again and he leaped from his chair, crunch
rolling towards a corridor. She shot at him, but missed. Why was she missing so
much? Her emotions were rampant and raging. Her magic didn’t function
effectively under such condition. The king
disappeared down the corridor. Brooke attempted to run after him, but a master
guardian nearly cut her in two. She flipped backwards, and another master
guardian tripped her. She landed on the ground and rolled over as another sword
came down on her. She rolled forward on her feet and dodged the next two master
guardians. In the midst of battle, her head began to throb as her sword
collided against that one master guardian. He punched her in the stomach and
knocked her down. She rose to her knees and he towered over her. She frowned
and swung her sword. She got to her feet and fought against him and the other
four. She refused to let anyone tower over her anymore. She picked up her speed
and instead of throwing weak attacks, focused on defense. One
master guardian shot bullets within the room. Meredith tried to help, shooting
her magic at the guardians. She wanted to pursue her father, but…she couldn’t
leave Brooke. On top of that, what will she do once she finds him? Kill him?
Wound him? Criminal or not, he was still her father, the man who raised her,
shared fun times together. He murdered his daughter and his wife, but Meredith
was nothing like him. If she did decided to slaughter him. Would that tie her
more to him? She didn’t want that. Meredith
took two of the master guardians off Brooke’s hands and killed the one shooting
bullets, leaving her to face four of them. She ducked below a pair of blades
and they made a cross above her head. She spun her sword, creating the blade
spin like a windmill and brought it up. The master guardians attempted to step
back. She got one in the stomach and leg and another in the stomach entirely.
She marked one of them with an X and she returned to dodging, flipping
backwards, out of the way of one master guardian’s sword. She dodged the second
one and brought her sword into his chest. She loved her new sword. A few
more master guardians began to pile in the room. One of them kicked her and
motioned to stab her. She rolled out of the way, as he repeatedly chased her.
She rolled and became dizzy. She stopped and kicked the man off his feet. She
decapitated him and stabbed the one coming behind her. A master
guardian grabbed Meredith and she slapped him. She kicked him in the stomach,
then the chest. She threw a magic blast to follow as he fell against the wall.
A master guardian punched her in the face and she paused as blood ran down her
nose. She wiped it away and struck back. She flipped using her left hand to
guide her onto the man’s neck. She cracked it with her knees and flipped his
lifeless body over the velvet carpet. She leapt into the air, spun, and kicked
some of them down. One of them
grabbed Brooke by her neck and choking her against the wall. Another master
guardian knocked Meredith down on her stomach with his foot. He stomped harder
and Meredith yelped. The man’s grip on Brooke’s throat tightened. Brooke and
Meredith stared at each other for a moment. A hint of doubt made Brooke falter.
Then, Meredith nodded at her. Just before Brooke could arch her brow, Meredith
blasted the person choking Brooke. She dropped to the ground and coughed. A
multitude of guardians charged towards her and she raced to free Meredith. She
dodged the man’s blade behind her and he sliced her across the chest. Another
got her back leg. She cartwheeled out of the way. A figure
shot the man hovering over Meredith. Brooke glanced, but looked away as she
fought. The figure was…Master Guardian Kirin! She offered a hand and Meredith
rose. Brooke gasped when she saw who it was. She survived. She made it. She
stood alive and the same as she had been. “What is this, Kirin, you betray your
country?” exclaimed a master guardian. “How am I
to serve my country if it has no just ruler?” she replied. She sheathed her gun
and brought out her dagger. Brooke grinned. She ran over to Master Guardian
Kirin, but said nothing. Meredith, Master Guardian Kirin, and Brooke took guard
for each other. Meredith
lit the room again and everyone did their part. It was then that Brooke noticed
the luminosity of her sword. The blade was glossy like oil, slick and
beautiful. Master Guardian Kirin dashed through the other guardians with
her dagger, cutting them down quickly. Meredith struck nerve points and sent
bodies out of order. She kicked, punched, and blasted them. Brooke’s speed
increased. She dodged the blades and sank her own into the flesh of the
guardians, punching them down. Blood blended into the carpets and heads rolled.
The fighters painted a grotesque scene. This was getting them nowhere. Brooke
found herself tiring. Her swings had gone slower. A bad
feeling swept over Meredith. She punched a man just above the stomach and flipped,
bringing her heel across his skull. She flipped forwards, kicking the man’s jaw
behind her. The room was quieter and she was sure this was a sufficient amount
of guardians they killed. No more would come in awhile. They had to leave. The
master guardian that haunted her dreams approached her swinging his sword. She
ducked and kicked him in the chest. Faster than she’d ever been, she sliced his
sword wielding wrist. He screamed and Brooke enjoyed the sound. The darkness of
that night returned to her. She cut off the other hand. She wanted him to
suffer the way he made her suffer. She slowly carved her sword around his left
leg. Then, she dug her blade into his other. Each scream satisfied her and
represented each night. She then chopped off his member and stuffed it down his
throat, silencing him forever. Meredith
tugged on Brooke’s arm and awoke Brooke from her trance. They had a king to
catch. Master Guardian Kirin informed them Victor escaped into the battlements
and that she would take care of any more guardians. Thunder clapped as Meredith
and Brooke ran through the corridors to face the king. © 2013 KiannaAuthor's Note
Added on July 6, 2013 Last Updated on July 6, 2013 Tags: Kianna Taylor, Kianna, Taylor, God, love, song, fantasy, book, elves, dark, romance, princess, king, queen, kingdom, epic fantasy, urban fantasy, epic, urban, young adult, occult, magic, depression Song of the Keeper's Sword
8. Thrills
By Kianna
11. Colors
By Kianna
28. Framed
By Kianna
35. Hunted
By KiannaAuthor![]() KiannaHouston, TXAboutHello. Hmm, about me. I am a pre-nursing student hoping to become a psychiatric nurse and work with mental health patients all day. Eventually, I want to establish my own clinic. Besides writing fanta.. more..Writing