(Right after D-bag removes aerosol Axe can from gym bag, but right before he confuses pit, pit, chest with pit, pit, face and asphyxiates himself.)
"Gotta get my drink on Bro...."
(Right after D-bag orders a shot of Patron', but right before slamming the shot and forgetting to hold on to the shot glass thus asphyxiating himself.)
"I'm sweating balls Bro...."
(Right after D-bag exits the dance floor, but right before the toxic mixture of Axe, sweat, alcohol, and tanning lotion causes him to spontaneously combust.)
"That chick was freaky Bro...."
(Right after D-bag has sex with an under age girl in the back of his Mustang, but right before her father runs him over with a garbage truck.)
"What's that in the sky Bro...."
(Right after God has finally had enough, but right before D-bag is flattened by a flaming chunk of brimstone.)
F-ing D-bags :) Bro, this was freakin' awesome! I haven't laughed that hard in a while. Whoever invented Axe spray needs to be dumped in a pool of that putrid stuff and suffocate on its fumes like I do everyday. Thank you for the smile.
I write songs mostly
some poems
lately I've tried
My deadmans hand
at short fiction
(a novel someday?)
I drive trains for a living
all my poems are written on trains
I want to be in love when .. more..