A Birth of a New Friendship (Age 8)

A Birth of a New Friendship (Age 8)

A Chapter by Jay P.

Blake is looking for a new friend and when a new kid comes to school she tries to befriend him.


-Earth, Ray Barn Elementary School, Third Person P.O.V- 

“Blake, sweetheart, you need to make friends,” Lucy says 

Blake looks up at her mother with her ruby red eyes. Her eyes didn't show much emotion but it seems like she didn't want to make friends 

“How about you try to make at least one friend for mommy. If your little brother can make friends, I’m sure you can as well” Lucy smiles at her daughter

“I’ll try,” Blake says as Lucy pets her head

Lucy dropped off her two children at school and left to do what she usually does. Alex went to his kindergarten class and Blake went to her 3rd grade class on the other side of the school. She went to her seat at the back of the class by the window and the desk next to her was empty as always since the other kids didn’t want to sit next to her. Ms. Calbo entered the classroom followed by a new student. Blake never has seen him before, hell she couldn't even see his eyes since his hair was covering them. 

“How can he see through his hair?” a kid whispered 

“Is he blind?’ a boy named Mark whispers to a friend 

“I can’t read his facial expression” a girl whispers 

“What an odd kid” Blake thought as she looked out the window again counting how many cars went by 

“Everyone, we have a new student today. Let's make him feel welcomed here in our class. Can you tell us your name please” she says 

“My name is Kile Blake” he says in a monochrome voice 

It was like he didn't have a soul or emotions. His voice was as blank as his face and no one could tell if he was looking at them or not. 

“Kile, you’ll be sitting next to Blake Hernandez” she says as she points to the empty seat next to her 

He nods and goes to his new seat. More whispers ran through the class as he sat down next to her. Everything about him was like a blank canvas or writing you have to read under a special light. 

“Hello” Blake whispered at him with a slight grin

He looked at Blake and she felt as if he didn’t like her already. When Ms. Calbo started to talk again, the whispers ceased and Kile looked away from Blake. Time passed and it was soon lunch time. Blake walked with Kile since she didn’t know what else to do and he was new. 

“What do you want?” he asked suddenly


“You've been following me this whole time. So I'll ask you again. What do you want?” he seemed to be annoyed but his voice was as blank as before 

“I was wondering if you wanted to be friends” she says giving him a smile 

“F**k off” 

“But you don’t have friends and I don’t either” 

“Be someone else friend”

Blake looked at the ground holding back her tears. She was just trying to make a friend like her mother asked but who would want to be friends with an outsider. Suddenly a red dodge ball hit Blake in her stomach causing her to double over in pain trying to regain her breath. 

“Aw man the ball hit the reject” a boy rudely says 

“You should just leave already, nobody wants to be your friend” a girl says crossing her arms 

Blake was looking at the ground with tears in her eyes. Why did they pick on her? Is it because she doesn’t have powers like them? Or that she has red eyes? She wished she knew why they didn’t like her. She didn’t do anything to them so why are they bullying her? Kile looked down at Blake then he looked at the ball then finally the two kids who were saying those mean statements at her. He picked up the ball and looked at them. 

“Hey new kid can you pass us the ball back?” the boy said 

Kile tossed the ball back at him and the boy caught it. 

“Thanks. I'm Kevin” he says smiling at Kile

“Kile” he says blankly 

“You shouldn’t hang out with that.” he says nudging his head at Blake

Kile looks at her and then back at Kevin. Kevin then kicked the ball straight at Blake’s head and she braced for the impact but Kile swiftly kicked the ball back with so much force that he nearly broke Kevin’s arm as he tried to catch it. He screamed in pain and started to cry. The girl rushed to his side to see if he was okay. Kile looked down at Blake.

“Are you okay Blake?” he asked 

“I’m fine. I just cut my knee” she says getting up slowly 

Kile nods and walks with her to the nurse’s office. Ms. Alverez looked at Blake and sighed. 

“Another cut knee Blake?” she asks 

Blake nodded her head not saying anything and the nurse cleaned her cut before she used her healing magic to close it. She placed a bandage on it to make sure that the cut wouldn't open up and the vice principal and another woman with pink hair followed by a little boy with pink hair walked into the office. 

“Kile Blake, come with me please” he says 

Kile got up to go with the vice principal and the pink hair woman goes to Blake along with the kid. Kile walked into the office to see Velma, the head of the orphanage, in the office with the principal waiting for him.

“Mrs. Trine as you know, Kile nearly broke a kids arm today at lunch and it’s his first day of school” he says upset 

“I understand but he must have had a good reason to do what he did. He hasn’t given us any trouble since he arrived at the orphanage” Velma says defending Kile 

“Well Kile. What do you have to say for yourself?” 

“He deserved it. He almost hurt my classmate” 

There was a knock at the door and the vice principal opened it. Three boys were at the door, Mark and two other boys with brown hair. 

“Wait! He did it to protect our classmate!” Mark says 

“We know he just told us. What I’m saying is that he didn't have to almost break a kids arm” the principal says 

“Kevin did it on purpose! He hit her the first time” the taller brown-haired boy says 

“That’s why Kile kicked the ball back at him the second time. Kevin was aiming at Blake’s head which would have put her in the hospital” the shorter one says 

“Kile was defending his classmate. Kevin is the bully here not Kile” Mark says angrily 

The principal looked at the three boys then at Kile and sighed rubbing his head. “So let me get this straight, Kevin tried to purposely harm Blake and Kile decided to do harm back to him. Do you three have proof of Kevin’s bullying?” 

“She always ends up in the nurse's office because he pushes her over on purpose and no one says anything without being threatened by Kevin.” the tall one says

“Yeah plus I have proof on my phone. I took some videos since I knew it would be hard to tell on him” Mark says pulling out his phone and showing the principal the videos 

“I see. Well I’ll have a chat with Kevin after this. For now, Kile you cannot play during recess or lunch for 3 days” 

Kile just nodded his head and was sent home with Velma. When they got back to the orphanage, Velma stopped Kile. 

“I’m proud that you stood up for your classmate Kile but next time be a bit gentler when you handle a situation like that. Tell an adult okay,” she placed her hand on his head smiling

Kile still wasn’t used to others being nice to him and the orphanage concluded that he came from an abusive household but there were no records of his existence or no family to be found. All they had was his first name of Kile and his date of birth. So the government issued him a last name and everything he needed so that he could live in the country and go to school with no problems. 

“Okay Mrs. Trine” Kile says before he went to his room

He laid in bed looking up at the ceiling thinking about what happened today. He started to fiddle his twin pistol keychain as thoughts ran through his head. 

“Why did I defend her? I didn’t have to. I don't even know her that well” he thought 

Finally, he got the idea to go ask her herself. He got out of bed and went to his window, opened it and climbed out since his room was on the first floor. Then the thought occurred to him, he doesn’t know where she lives. Lucky for him, a white car drove by him and he recognized the woman from earlier in it. He followed the car to the best of his ability and ended up two blocks away at a nice house with two floors. The family of three got out of the car and into the house. Kile saw Blake and was glad he followed the car. He looked around the house and tried to see which room was Blake’s only to realize that it was on the second floor on the right side of the house. Blake opened her window to get some fresh air and that gave Kile an idea. 

“Hey? Your name is Blake right?” Kile asked as he clung to the windowsill

“How did you get up here? Why are you here? How did you find out where I live? And more importantly, how on Earth did you get up here?” Blake asks as she pulled him into her room 

“Do you still want to be “friends”?” he asked making air quotes around friends 

“Why did you make air quotes around friends?” 

“I um don’t know what friends are” he says rubbing the back of his neck 

Blake laughs a bit which surprised Kile “Friends are people who care and hang out with each other” 

“Interesting. I accept your invite as a friend then” he says sticking out his hand 

“Yes! I finally have a friend” she says hugging him instead 

Kile had to hold everything back to not flip her over because it surprised him. He still isn’t used to people being nice to him.

“Oh. Thanks for earlier” Blake says letting go 

“Don’t mention it” he says going back to the window 

“See you at school tomorrow”

“See you” 

Kile jumps out the window and walks back to the orphanage. He climbed through his window and got back into bed and smiled a bit. For once he was glad that someone else saw him as a person. Meanwhile Blake was glad that she made a friend and that someone stood up and defended her for those that bullied her but she had so many questions about him just like everyone else. To her nothing about him made any sense and to him nothing made sense.

© 2021 Jay P.

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Added on February 24, 2021
Last Updated on February 24, 2021


Jay P.
Jay P.

Los Angeles, CA

I love fictional stories and mythical creatures. more..
