![]() A Lovely Day in Hell and EarthA Chapter by Jay P.![]() Princess Emily Nightgale is on a mission to hunt and destroy a rogue demon.![]() Emily Nightgale’s P.O.V “DDIIIAAAANNNNAAAAA!!!!!!!” I shouted angrily How could she let this happen… AGAIN!. I told her time and time again to leave the rogue demons alone! They are not supposed to be messed with especially when it's the blood moon but noooooooooooo little greedy girl knows everything. Now it’s my job to go and kill it before it causes problems. I found my beloved little sister laughing nervously while rubbing the back of her neck, “Heyyyyyyyyy Emmy… how’s it goi-” I grabbed Diana and threw her out of the third story window. I wasn’t worried about her safety since she could fly. Plus this isn’t the first time she’s been thrown out if a window. “I’m telling dad on you!” she whines as she flew in back threw the window I rolled my eyes at her “I’ll just tell him that you let a rogue demon out” “You wouldn’t” “Wanna bet sis” Diana bit her lower lip and was wise to not test me on my threat. “Now if you excuse me. I have to go to the Sfryrilatis Kingdom to get my weapon from Adrian. If he finished it” I then jumped out of the window I threw Diana out of and flew to the land of the kingdom of the dwarves. Prince Adrian was the Prince of the kingdom and is the second best blacksmith in the kingdom. I also heard that he’s a great guitar player but I don’t really know because I’m not very fond of him. I landed outside of the castle and the two guards pointed their spears at me. “Who are you?” the one on the right asked “I’m Princess Emily Nightgale and I’m here to see Adrian” I asked “Why do you need to see Prince Adrian” the one on the left says “I’m here to get my weapon that I sent him 3 weeks ago” I crossed my arms in annoyance “Right this way your highness,” the first guard says They both opened the gate and led me towards the royal forge where Adrian sat on a chair casually playing the guitar. From what I’ve heard he really likes rock music, which is ironic to me, and he even writes his own music in his free time. “Hey are you done yet? I would like to pick up my weapon please” I say still annoyed “Well to be fair you left it here in my forge so finders keepers” he says as continued to play his guitar “Oh really now” I smirked a bit and spotted a nice looking guitar by my scythe “Then I guess I’ll just keep this nice looking guitar since its just laying here by my weapon” He suddenly stopped playing his song as he hit a wrong note “Like hell you” “Oh honey did you forget. I’m a demon that place” I smirked at him and my demon features showed more There was dead silence in the room between us and I felt the two guards eyes look at me then him hoping that we wouldn't fight. “Take your scythe and get out. I already finished it a week ago” he says glaring at me “Why thank you your majesty” I say smiling at him “Whatever Emily. Take your s**t and get the f**k out” he grumbled “Goodbye Adrian and thanks” I walk out of his forge as he resumed his guitar playing I put my scythe on my back and walked into the courtyard. The two guards that escorted me, both saluted to me and I flew off towards Hell’s Arch, the portal that takes us to Earth. I used my magic to locate what area the demon was in. It was currently in a town called (insert name here because I still don't know). I jumped into the portal after it and when I came out the other end, I was on a rocky hill. I looked around and saw footprints on the ground. The demon in question is about 8 feet tall, 4 feet wide, has about 4 arms, 3 eyes and it can also breath fire. And since it's a rogue demon it only wants to kill anything it comes across so I have no choice but to kill it even though it's a difficult thing to do. “S**t man. Where is it?” I mumbled to myself I walked through the woods with one hand on my scythe ready to strike. I followed the tracks until they abruptly stopped in the middle of a clearing at the top of the hill. There were a few rocks and about 2 boulders here. I tighten the grip on my scythe and grit my teeth. I was very annoyed at this. I’m not here to play hide and seek with a fucken rogue creature. I heard some branches snap to my right. I wasted no time and swung my scythe straight down to my right, sending a wave of force that sliced the boulder clean in half. I moved to where I swung to see if it was hit but when I got there, all I saw was purple blood but nobody. I got a good hit but where the hell did it crawl off to. I looked around the area until a dark figure launched itself into the sky. The air pressure it gave off was so strong it knocked me on my a*s. I groaned in pain but got up anyways “D****t! Stupid fucken creature!” The demon tried to land on me but I dodged and we were now facing each other off. The rogue let off an ear splitting roar and I winced in pain since I couldn’t cover my ears. I pressed a hidden button on my scythe and the blade split in half to change it into a big crossbow. I pointed it at the creature and took a deep breath to clear my mind. The creature got on hands and knees and opened its mouth to short a huge fireball at me while I charged my crossbow with demonic energy. Once it was charged up, I fired my bolt of yellow energy at the demon and caused the fireball in its mouth to explode right there. The creature perished from the combination of both of our magics and it destroyed 15 meters around itself. This got the attention of some humans who happen to be nearby so I quickly fled the scene. I made it to the base of the mountain and went through the portal to get back home. Once I got back to Hell's Arch, I had a portal master close it down so that no humans came here on accident. I flew back home and landed in the courtyard then walked into the throne room where my father was. “Ah Emily, I see you’ve returned from your little mission” he says with a smile on his face “Has the problem been taken care off?” “Yes it has dad” I say while bowing to him “Good. Diana is grounded by the way since she caused this disruption. Now why don’t you get some rest” he says smiling at me “Thanks dad” I left the throne room and walked past two of my other sisters, Envi of Jealousy and Lethe of Sloth. “You’re back” Envi says as she picks her nails “Yeah I am. Whats up?” “Nothing, just glad you’re back safe and sound.” she says “Envi was jealous that you killed the rogue” Lethe says as she yawns I turned to look at my sister, Envi was standing next to Lethe who was laying on a floating pillow which is also her weapon. I smiled at the both of them and started to walk away. “Maybe dad will let you hunt the next one when it appears Envi” I walked into my room and closed the door behind me. I took off my clothes before I laid in bed and grabbed my orb to call my lover but he didn’t answer unfortunately so I just went to sleep. © 2020 Jay P. |
Added on May 24, 2020 Last Updated on May 28, 2020 Author