Bernard's Rejection

Bernard's Rejection

A Story by JayG

Every writer should view this

It's  been a while since I linked this. But Bernard's Rejection is something every hopeful writer should see. It's an excerpt from the series, Black Books, and something that anyone who has ever submitted a manuscript and faced rejection will understand.

That said, let me introduce Bernard Black, and his rejection

© 2022 JayG

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It is the unbridled truth of

Posted 1 Year Ago

Jay Greenstein,

Hail & Hello The Howdy from Smalltown, Texas (aint no such place but in my dark stories by the way) ...

What can I say or offer regarding this video presentation? ... Here goes: As an old fart from Texas who once kept a box of rejection slips from back in the days when they actually sent out physical rejection slips, I found this video to be refreshingly hilarious, poignant, and wonderfully enjoyable in a sick sort of way ... To make myself perfectly clear: (do pardon my Texas French) I f*****g loved it! ... Why? ... Because, if any writer holds forth the hope of professional publication, fame and fortune, they must (as per the Indian fellow in Eastwood's The Outlaw Josie Wales) endeavor to persevere ... The late Rod Serling received something akin to a couple of hundred rejections slips, before he ever sold his first tale, a sale, needless to say that did change his life and future forever, all because he believed in himself, and damn sure did not give up, no matter what ... I shall never be famous ... But, I also shall never give up ... Bravo Jay! ... Bravo!

Posted 2 Years Ago

2 of 3 people found this review constructive.

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12 Reviews
Added on May 26, 2022
Last Updated on May 26, 2022



Elkins Park, PA

I've been actively writing fiction for about 40 years and have been offered, and signed, 7 publishing contracts. I have a total of 29 novels available at booksellers at the moment. I've taught wri.. more..

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