It's been a while since I linked this. But Bernard's Rejection is something every hopeful writer should see. It's an excerpt from the series, Black Books, and something that anyone who has ever submitted a manuscript and faced rejection will understand.
This is a funny one, nearly as funny as Bernard's rejection:
So, a week or so ago I did a critique of apennylate's poem, here, and she went positively bonkers. She deleted all of her latest poetry from the site, and, has taken to following me around and dropping revenge reviews on my work, obviously without reading any of it, because here', where it's a link to a very popular TV show, she gives it a "review" as if it's something I wrote.
You have to be foaming at the mouth angry to do something that dumb.
Some people just can't handle criticism, I guess.
Posted 8 Months Ago
0 of 1 people found this review constructive.
7 Months Ago
Also... Here, JayG...
Since you are so keen on enforcing "professional" critiques on writers .. read moreAlso... Here, JayG...
Since you are so keen on enforcing "professional" critiques on writers who literally did not ask for them...
That is a link to a reddit page with MANY avid critics, like yourself!
Plus, your behavior is not only encouraged, it is mandated to even post/join!
So why stir up all this trouble, if you TRULY aim only to help less fortunate writers than yourself...
Pages that writers actually ASK for your critiques exist! GO TO THEM!
It might just be one of the MOST PRODUCTIVE ways you could go about doing... Whatever it is you believe in your heart of hearts you are accomplishing by trolling new writers on a dead poetry site.
God bless, and cheers!
Funny. I'm sure there are many who can relate and would have loved to write that return letter lol.
I guess the words persistence and revenge were invented for people like Bernard. :)
Black Books is one of the unsung sitcom heroes of British comedy! There's a scene I remember where Bernard & Manny come up with the greatest (children's?) story ever, then get so wasted that they can't remember any of it the next morning. Priceless.
I've been actively writing fiction for about 40 years and have been offered, and signed, 7 publishing contracts. I have a total of 29 novels available at booksellers at the moment. I've taught wri.. more..