The Real Reason For Saying “No”

The Real Reason For Saying “No”

A Poem by JayG

Yes, it's doggerel. And yes, it's really lousy poetry. But still, it’s the true reason behind vaccine hesitancy.


Of Covid cures the net abounds.

Stupidity, that true astounds.

They make excuses, lie and wheedle.

Just because they fear…the needle.


But in the end all else is fake

No more than just excuse you make.


Cause it’s the shot that makes you diddle

Play pretend, like a kid who’s little

You fear the pain, and so you fiddle…

Now get in line…you Chicken Little.

© 2021 JayG

Author's Note

If you check the web, there are hundreds of supposed “cures” and “preventions” for Covid, ranging from magic amulets to such absurdities as drinking camel piss. None of them work. But all of them are worn, snorted, ingested, or wiped on. So in the end, it’s the needle that scares them away.

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Here's a funny one: The member, apennylate, who commented, below, once wrote decent poetry. in 2017, she used to get pages of comment for her work. But then, she was gone for seven years.

Obviously, something traumatic happened, because she returned with a slew of angry and disjointed poems that resembled the work of Bunthorn, the pretentious poet from Gilbert and Sullivan's operetta, Patience.

And because I, unaware of her trauma, dared point out the problems, she's declared war, and is pasting repetitive "reviews" of my work, never even reading it.

Here, she posts a "review" of a poem that's a screed, not a critique. Perhaps she's an anti-Vaxxer?

At the moment, she's deleted ALL of her latest offerings, so she recognizes the truth of the suggestions I made. But obviously, her condition is such that she feels she must "punish me" by lashing out like a child.

She seems a few pence short of a pound these days. I should block her, but running around gnashing her teeth and posting gives her something to do, I suppose.

Posted 5 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This comment has been deleted by this poetry author.

4 Months Ago

Also... Here, JayG...
Since you are so keen on enforcing "professional" critiques on writers .. read more


Hi there,
I have decided to read at least one of you writing each day..
This one made me laugh out loud..which is good, while we are all in such trying times.
I also read the About you..and found it quite interesting.. I too am a story teller.. verbally I like to tell stories..and throughout my poetry and writings there is always a story.. Some probably are not interested in story telling..which is such a shame..Thank you again for your amazing review..the support is wonderful..

Posted 2 Years Ago

Excuses are like...
Yes, and it is such a little shot, but can help to shorten the life of this disease. I am tired, as well, of the arguments against getting the shots or wearing masks in crowded places.
Enough is enough.

Posted 3 Years Ago

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The reason I should've said no to reading this is your own disclaimer " It's really lousy poetry".
You were indeed correct but why post something that even you feel has no redeeming quality?

Posted 3 Years Ago


3 Years Ago

In this case, because of the subject, and the fools who will, literally, drink camel piss to avoid g.. read more
Okay Jay I’m confused you write of “ they make excuses” is this not similar to my write “ the maze that you created”. The emphasis on they as I do with you. I’m trying to understand the concept as I normally leave it up to the reader to interpret only because if you spell it out to the reader is it not too easy and revealing too much. Look forward to your answer. 😊

Posted 3 Years Ago


3 Years Ago

• "I normally leave it up to the reader to interpret only because if you spell it out to the reade.. read more
andrew mitchell

3 Years Ago

Thank you Jay for replying, I get your drift.
people are just so self absorbed they fail to protect their own families let alone care about anyone else - it's selfish, and probably fear of the jab as you say

Posted 3 Years Ago

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Lol, there are the needle fearers, the conspiracy theorists, those that think they are double hard so will never get it and the sensible folk that do get jabbed.
I'm double jabbed, an going for the booster and the flu jab, better to be safe than sorry !
Good morning

Posted 3 Years Ago

Bravo Jay. It truly astounds me in this day and age the lengths of utter stupidity some people will go through to avoid taking a shot that could quite possibly save their life. They would rather poison themselves on horse medication and fish bowl cleaner than take a shot. They claim they don't know enough about the vaccine,and yet show very little curiosity to actually educate themselves on it by talking to actual accredited professionals. Education is power, stupidity is a choice. Thank you for your truthful poem.

Posted 3 Years Ago

I have a deep appreciation for your message ! It is a quick shot ! I watch the news every night and wonder what people are waiting for. I could see your writing piece on a poster ! At the very least, please make fliers with your poem and send some to me. I will be glad to hang them up inside San Francisco. Again, it is a worthy message and I love it !

Posted 3 Years Ago

I like doggerel, as well I should,considering. So naturally I liked your doggerel too. But, I don't necessarily agree that needle fear is the reason for "vaccine hesitation." I think some people just like camel piss.

Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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19 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on September 4, 2021
Last Updated on September 4, 2021
Tags: covid, vaccine



Elkins Park, PA

I've been actively writing fiction for about 40 years and have been offered, and signed, 7 publishing contracts. I have a total of 29 novels available at booksellers at the moment. I've taught wri.. more..

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