Jaweena's prayer

Jaweena's prayer

A Poem by Jaweena...Eileen Quintana

I pray at the mouth of Spanish Fork canyon every morning....

Shi Diyin Dine' - My Holy Ones

I am in awe of your creations...

I offer my corn pollen in gratitude to the

 beautiful mountains, rivers, plants, animals.
Their nurturing, loving care teaches me how to conduct myself

within the circle of life.

I am your baby,

you have watched me from birth

 blessed by the sacred elements.
Shi' Diyin Dine' take care of all of us

five fingered beings.

We have lost our way

help us to find our path back to you.
Shield us from harm

within your embrace.
Help us to remember our place-

we are Noohokaa Diyin Dine'
holding within our grasp...

the power to change our world in Hozho

in accord with the beauty that surrounds us.
Mother Earth,

Father Sky
protect my family

relatives and all the five fingered today

 especially the children and elders.

Help us to remember that we are responsible

for protecting this beautiful home

you have provided.

Hozho Nahasglii

Hozho Nahasglii

Hozho Nahasglii

Hozho Nahasglii!

© 2012 Jaweena...Eileen Quintana

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We humans have surely lost our way in modern times, this is a powerful poem, it gave me goosebumps reading it. I think I needed this message today, as I am in the process of taking on more responsibility of protecting our beautiful land.

Spanish Fork Canyon, a beautiful place, thank you for reminding me of the beauty of the land there. As if encouraged by your words, the land reached out and touched me gently. May the land teach us once again to find our lost path.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Good motivational one, like your spirit in this poem good write and enjoy reading

Posted 10 Years Ago

a reverberation of the spirit , to echo within our own being , our gratitude and respect for nature , our dreamscape , our home ~

Posted 11 Years Ago

We humans have surely lost our way in modern times, this is a powerful poem, it gave me goosebumps reading it. I think I needed this message today, as I am in the process of taking on more responsibility of protecting our beautiful land.

Spanish Fork Canyon, a beautiful place, thank you for reminding me of the beauty of the land there. As if encouraged by your words, the land reached out and touched me gently. May the land teach us once again to find our lost path.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

A powerful and beautiful prayer.
"I am your baby,
you have watched me from birth
blessed by the sacred elements."
I need to read this daily. Thank you for sharing the amazing prayer and poetry for life and nature.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I am in awe of the utter purity of this prayer. It sent shivers up my spine to read this. I felt the absolute energy of the landscape you spoke of and the Great Spirit you spoke to. I have found many prayers to be hollow with out the force of the speakers soul and the blessings of the creator they speak to. You have both hear--I am in awe. I really liked the lines "Help us to remember that we are responsible/ for protecting this beautiful home." It seems that so many in this nation forget this today and it makes my heart heavy. It is good to be reminded of this truth once more. Light and love to you from the forests of Pennsylvania.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Especially the Children and the Elders. Beautiful prayer, my friend.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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6 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on March 10, 2012
Last Updated on March 10, 2012


Jaweena...Eileen Quintana
Jaweena...Eileen Quintana


"Ya'at'eeh" means hello in the Navajo language. My name is Eileen Quintana....Jaweena was a name that my brother called me when I was a baby. I am learning how to write about my unique perspective.. more..


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