Child of Mother EarthA Poem by Jaweena...Eileen QuintanaWithin Navajo culture, girls are traditionally blessed with coming of age ceremony- Kinaalda. This rite of passage observance is an important time in life. Striving to emulate Changing Woman.
Child of Mother Earth
Blessed from birth with traditional Dine’ teachings endowed with a rich legacy… the knowledge of my worth as a woman. I am made whole again
To’ahani asdza nishli I am a Nearwater Woman reflecting the attributes of Changing Woman and Mother Earth sacred life-giver, nurturer and protector! I mirror the strength, beauty and power of the female side of the universe
I was blessed in “Kinaalda” ceremony at the threshold of womanhood. An equal to my male counterpart Empowered…. mentally Emotionally physically and spiritually with ancient songs and prayers
Four days of retelling of Dine’ Creation stories in Hozhooji Beji’ My deities - the Holy Ones attended and blessed me. Gifted and witnessed by my family and community.
am Nahookaa Diyin Dine, on the surface holy, sacred being! © 2012 Jaweena...Eileen QuintanaAuthor's Note
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Added on August 27, 2012Last Updated on November 2, 2012 Tags: american indian, native american, culture, traditional navajo, indigenous AuthorJaweena...Eileen QuintanaUTAbout"Ya'at'eeh" means hello in the Navajo language. My name is Eileen Quintana....Jaweena was a name that my brother called me when I was a baby. I am learning how to write about my unique perspective.. more..Writing
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