![]() ...A Story by JMumford![]() Will she ever find the truth?![]()
Her heart, pumping violently as she hid beneath the table, trying desperately to silence her whimpering cry. She could hear his footsteps, louder and louder. The creaking floor disguising her uncontrollable fear. There was nothing she could do but wait, for what she did not know...
He longed to find her, he would not stop until he got his prize. She was the jewel, the treasure, the one they all wanted. She was the only one who did not want herself. Such a beauty hiding so much pain, she had the key to unlock the world from all evil, she could not see what her power could achieve. Damaged by the sinister intentions of others, her world became so dark. She needed a light, a torch to guide her through. This was still unknown to you all... Her self destruction would be the end as you know it. So how did it get to all of this? The world was a peaceful place, you humans were so understanding of each other, there was so many different species, some that we would never even believe existed, now a legend to your children. There was a balance between all, not one more significant than the other. But before I tell you the tale of your regression let me just remind you of what you were, what you could've been but chose not to... The planet was rich in resources of which no one owned but carefully cultivated so all had the chance to a life. Food was a plenty, the oceans flooded with fish and corals so bright I could see them from the stars, oh and the stars so clear you could see them in the sunshine. Rainfall so clean it covered the world, glistening with excellence, lightning so intense it could power ten planets. Skies so clear you could see the whole universe with the naked eye. Such beauty in the pure simplicity of it all. As humans, you were so loving of one another, a thought for another before ones self, the want to help and cherish all. Communities, now that's a word you would've heard in another called history. People of all kinds working together with the next, no division at all, not by race or location. History was a respected subject not a tale of woe and death, not a tale of evil power conquering all but of heroes who enlightened and strengthened the whole human race. Heroes are now a tale of legends, or a made up fantasy. Where realistically they're just people, people with morals and value to human virtues. Not higher beings, not physically "beautiful" built like gods. Language the one connection that's anything could communicate with all. This is were it all started to regress. Poisoned by your own creation. It only took one human to start the ball rolling down hill. That it did, and fast... Suddenly a need to know overtook your kind, ignorance with arrogance. New intelligence blinded you all, to the creation of evil. It started with your spoken and written languages. New words created to excuse the lies and deceit, smothering the future with dark intentions. Your children's innocence destroyed by the systems you created. Education wasn't forced, it was natural, not mandatory and limited. Selected by the worth, those deemed smartest were given intense training, militant. Created by the need to ruin another for self gain. Those of poorer"class" forced to fight, weakened down and portrayed to the masses as animals. See what I mean by language - the word animals, an original name for us all so why the negative branding? Self esteem destroyed for the evil to overpower and control. How can so few control so many? They say its the only way... no other way to live. The word system springs to mind. Life never worked in cycles before, now your days work on cycles, rules, laws and regulations created politics, they replaced morals, something you knew without having to be told constantly. Commandments created by religions which replaced faith. destroying any trust you all had left. This saw the up rise of yet another division and war. Technology worked until monetary value was added to the idea. Weaponry and gadgets were invented to generate war, allowing whole nations to dissipate others for there own selfish want. The advancements in technology could've evolved you all if only all of you were allowed to access its full potential. Disease another creation man made to dissolve billions and create a dependency on the sinister minority, yet another business spawned by death and deceit. Then it got serious, people became misguided and fooled by the definitions of emotions all so natural to you by replacing what real emotions were. Love was the most powerful emotion, it vanquished all, now you are misled to think lust is love. The imitation viewed as your reality invaded the true perception of what a men and women are. Giving yourselves guidelines of what you should be and how you should act. Oh how we could've made contact with you so long ago, but why would we want too? If you could see what we can. The most disgraceful kind towards your own, but if it was your child you think you would've changed anything? Its fine in your eyes as long as you're the unaffected. Kick up a storm once nothing goes your way... how ridiculous you all really are... Now your affected... And now your all infected. Your only saviours are the creatives left in your world, the musicians, the real ones guiding the lost back home with their spoken truths. The writers taking you to other places in your mind, the artists painting the paths to to true endless possibilities, the inventors, enhancing your lives with usefulness. All of these have a common factor... Imagination. Its controlled from an early age, now moulded for others convenience, not nurtured. Labelled as strange people if you have any difference, no matter how small or insignificant. Unique is what made you all human. Your differences used to connect you. Balance, all talents regarded as needed as the other, that's what made you community. One community, a world commune. Now the world is a derelict place, remember all those films your kind concocted about the Apocalypse, you never saw the signs, the catastrophic events increasing day by day, the intensification of fatalities grew so large, its every man for themselves. Food is scarce now, the lands have grew toxic so nothing can grow. Its Armageddon down there, everyone hiding in the shadows, lingering for the chance of there next meal. There's only few left on this earth that can save it. The rest, narcissistic rogues, joined together to create the most devastating dynasty ever known to man. Those who protect the peace are now forced to hide in the shadows. There is a tale known to those with evil intent of a man who overthrows the immoral regime. So all men found who do not abide by their rules are executed in public and mutilated, their own fear is the unknown. Women and children are forced to work as slaves, indoctrinated and brainwashed so they can no longer think for themselves. The earth as you know it has now become purgurtory, with no visible end to this madness, just lost souls wandering around in a daze. However, their own stupidity forgot one thing. It is not man that will save you all, nor woman. It is human beings, man and women working together to create the greatest resistance history will ever know... © 2018 JMumfordReviews
2 Reviews Added on July 17, 2018 Last Updated on July 17, 2018 Author