I fly! flying over the clouds, over the world, over my nature. the acquit ocean reviles my reflection. skipping over perfection. living in the moment. people alarmed at the man with wings. i slowly hover over the concrete jungle. alternating my wings until my feet contact the mainland. mortals still stare. "Its ok my children" I say. speachless, the crowd stayed dormant. until a little girl. no more than five, approaches me. some of the bravest mortals are the youngest. and she smiles at me.
This isn't like you. The imagery was decent, but it didn't quite touch the reader the way some of your works in the past have. The bad grammar was overall aggravating too..If you can't feel the passion in a work, then the next thing to look at is how the work is presented.
I get the surface meaning and something much deeper as well... for me: the wings of flight being perhaps the ambition of writing, how it makes one's soul soar in possiblities...how parts of one's mind says writing and story telling is empty-mindless-waste of time but the inner child smiles at the enjoyment, embraces that which leads into the unknown, the smile gives hope wings to continue when all other voices say 'stop'....
Love this! Give every one wings to fly!
This is very imaginitive and interesting. However, perhaps it is just me but I seem to read this more like a paragraph than a poem as it all seems to run together. But I like your idea a lot especially how you pointed out that children have less fear of something or someone strange than many older people do.
The oceans waters constant moving creates a relection that is not true to the person. People see something that is not familiar to them and are frightened of this strange being. He is different. Difference is something to fear. Except to an innocent child. They tend to accept what they have not been taught yet to fear. They have not been conditioned to the ways of the world. A great use of imagination in this work. Your words are inspiring and show you to be a thinker. Look forward to reading more of your work.
If a fun loving person! Need help with anything just give me a message and I promise that I will get to you! Im a big guy at 65 (AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! THAT RHYMED!) and I love people! And what ever they .. more..