Learnt both from writing point of view & also about life and how it operates...
Thanks a lot for sharing your work in an indistinctive way....
Thank you Ani.
Posted 8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Thanks to u...
seems like u r the first to read nd review each piece... m so very glad...
liked the concept behind it. It's quite full of relief putting down things or reality or thoughts or the course of this universe in words via the frequency of manifested imagination.
hope am sure will have.
so is this all written in poetic form? or some sorta story type work .. read morehope am sure will have.
so is this all written in poetic form? or some sorta story type work is also u been licked in?
"Writing as a part of my day seems to be the best hobby. And as a part of my life seems to be the perfect partner..."
A little about me-
Being a 16 yr old, I am currently enjoying th.. more..