The first flakes of freezing hope.

That fall softly to the ground.

Enjoyed by children far and wide.

But not for he.

You pass him daily, sitting alone.

But can you see him?.


He once enjoyed the winter time.

The ever changing weather.

It kept him on his toes.

Those days have passed.

Too long ago.

Can you see him?.


He walks as far as he can go.

Slowly limps across the road.

The cold chills follow as he goes.

Home, alone.

Heating system, non-existent.

But can you see him?.


Pictures hang upon his wall.

Family members, cherished and missed.

He will be spending yule alone.

Cold and forgotten.

Tired, always tired.

Can you see him?


His funeral passed in the dark, dull, drizzle.

Nobody came of course.

Alone until the very end.

he wasn't the first.

Nor the last.

To pass in winters cruel tail.


An old man passes.

Alone and afraid.

Can you see him?.