Homo Sapien - potentional missing link - The Pack Rat :)

Homo Sapien - potentional missing link - The Pack Rat :)

A Story by Jamie R. Robillard Sr.

Essay, not story, sense of humour required.


A well noted Evolutionist once associated human ancestry to be linked to the ape. Has anyone considered the Pack Rat?


As evidence of this possibility I note amount of stuff accumulated in closets, attics, cellars and storage spaces all around the world :).


Not to mention our common love of shiny things, consider the amount of money spent on silver, gold and diamonds every year :).


Here's a little Pack Rat trivia for you, Pack Rats are notoriously honest creatures as researches have discovered that when they acquire there shiny little gems whether it be a gum wrapper, shiny dime or other object they most always leave some nuts or a piece of string or some other item(s) that the researches suspect are of value to the Pack Rat behind for the exchange :).


Okay so much for my theory that humans could be in anyway related to Pack Rats. :).

note: Owners of ferrets can attest to the fact that they are not nearly so honest :).

© 2014 Jamie R. Robillard Sr.

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Hi Jamie: I like this piece and think that were you to develop it more, it could be lots of fun. I would love to see it slowed down a bit with more detail, maybe interviews with various people who could describe their pets' behaviors. I could see a lab technician describing the "pack rat" and a furrier the ferret. It would be fun to develop through description of the surroundings how the owners reflect the characteristics of the pet. I'm not a pack rat but I'm married to one. That's why we're married -- he brings it in, I take it out!

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Hi Jamie: I like this piece and think that were you to develop it more, it could be lots of fun. I would love to see it slowed down a bit with more detail, maybe interviews with various people who could describe their pets' behaviors. I could see a lab technician describing the "pack rat" and a furrier the ferret. It would be fun to develop through description of the surroundings how the owners reflect the characteristics of the pet. I'm not a pack rat but I'm married to one. That's why we're married -- he brings it in, I take it out!

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Added on August 20, 2014
Last Updated on August 20, 2014


Jamie R. Robillard Sr.
Jamie R. Robillard Sr.

Cordele, GA

First and foremost I am a humanitarian. There is nothing about me that is more significant. I do not wish to be remembered for what I have or will accomplish. I wish to be remembered for how I helped .. more..
