A Fleeting Moment
A Story by James Crotty
Short story of a women's unordinary day. 
I envision a women, dressed fashionably in a black skirt and and a white blouse, rushing up 5th avenue towards Central Park to catch her next big story. Its mid-summer but its not excruciatingly hot out, the breeze is cool as it ruffles up the hurried reporters newly cut, dark hair. Her shoes contribute to the sounds of the honking taxi-cabs, people shouting, and the bustle of thousands of high-heeled shoes as she swerves in and out of the masses window shopping in the fashion district. One block away from the park, she's parched so she pays a hot dog stand for a cold bottle of water and drinks half of it on the spot. She continues on her way towards that big story, the one about the murder or the scandal or the armed robbery or the terrorism. She's almost there, but she's stopped in her tracks by a man she'd swore she'd seen before. No, a boy then, a man now, though she could not put her finger on the persons name, point of meeting, or why she felt that feeling that she'd only felt once before. She stared at him, and he stared right back. The world around them fell away instantly. All the hustle and bustle of the city seemed to stop to watch the confrontation of the two strangers. For a fleeting moment, her heart leapt into her throat and she felt genuinely excited and overjoyed. But someone almost knocked her over and she snapped out of it. Her story was too important to give up for some unknown reason. She took one more glance at the man as she hurried by, noticing a tear trickle down his face to drop from his chin to the sidewalk below. She hid her face and started in an almost run, away from the incident and back to her ordinary life. Her story was far too important.
© 2013 James Crotty
Author's Note
What do ya think?
This has potential. Leaves the reader with questions that I really hope you will answer another time. I would be careful of run on sentences. Right now it is a chunk of text I would recommend splitting it into paragraphs, it will flow easier then and be easier to read. To be honest it is a little one dimensional. Try writing her thoughts more. I hope this helped
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 Review
Added on May 26, 2013
Last Updated on May 26, 2013
James CrottyCalgary, AB, Canada
Im a songwriter/singer, creative writer, and photographer. I live in canada, love the outdoors, music, and I believe in love at first sight. I write short stories, mostly fiction, and lyrics based on .. more..