![]() GOD SHOWED UPA Story by James Von![]() This is a true story and testimony of God showing up and showing his Awesomeness..The day He revealed Himself to me...I pray all who read this will be encouraged, touched and blessed..Know that God i![]() !!!! GOD SHOWED UP !!!! On Sept 19, 2011 My family and I had decided to go to the "World Chicken Festival" that comes to London every year...We always go one or two of the nights they are here. On this particular evening My wife and I had decided to cook dinner before we went. I fired up a turkey fryer, poured in three gallons of oil, and let it heat to 350 degrees and fried up some chicken..Once the chicken was finished cooking, I turn the propane off to let the turkey fryer cool..At the time my son was in the stage of running in and out of our house and I got to thinking what if he darted out the door without us knowing and hit this 350 degree grease, his little body couldn't handle that..So instead of just shutting the door and making sure he was around me or in my sight for the next 30 minutes,'enough time for the grease to cool', I decided I would carry this around my house and down to the basement where it would have been out of the way and I wouldn't have to worry about him getting burned. So I asked my step daughter to go down and open the basement door and stand out of the way. Upon picking this hot grease up a voice said " don't do this" you are going to get burned", I even had a vision of me falling with this in my hand, but like so many of us do I just ignored this and picked it up anyway. Well I made it down to the back door when all of the sudden my foot slipped and yes, you guessed it, I fell..Upon falling I threw the fryer away from me and the next thing I knew I felt this intense fire burning pain on my left leg and right wrist..I had been burned..I got up to gather my senses and I heard a painfull squalling scream, I looked around and my step-daughter had been splashed with the hot grease as well..Forgetting I had even been burned I immediately ran over to her, got the grease soaked clothes off her and ran up stairs to get help..I told my wife to go get her daughter we had been burned. My wife who was 7 months pregnant with my second son ran down and got her daughter and brought her up where I had cold water running for us to sit in till the ambulance got to us. The ambulance finally showed up and got us assessed, in the ambulance and in transit to the hospital. I told the E.M.T's just to take care of my step-daughter and get to me afterwards..We both were in a lot of pain and tremendous shock. Then one of the E.M.T's took my blood pressure and I seen this concerned look on his face and he said" sir you need to try and relax and calm your blood pressure down" It is extremely high..So I just closed my eyes and started praying that God would just take control over this situation and help us both get through this alive. We got to the hospital and they immediately started treating my step-daughter but rolled me out to a room, they had obviously forgotten that I was the main burn victim and my skin was literally burning off of me..So I just found this little place inside of myself where there was no one but God and I and I just cried out to him..I said "Lord your are bigger than anything I will ever have to face..You are the great physician and I really need you to show up and reveal yourself in this situation and heal my step-daughter and I.. Give us strength and comfort and a speedy recovery" . The nurses then came and got me and treated me. Temporarily relieving the burning on my legs and arm. As they released us they referred us over to a burn clinic, which we would go to the next day and for six weeks afterwards .As we left the hospital my daughter got in my sister-in laws vehicle and I climbed in the vehicle with my wife..She had said we needed to get gas..So we wanted to let her daughter get somewhere where she could stay calm. As my wife and I drove to the nearest gas station I started feeling so humble and silly for what had happened..I cried out again to God "Please show and reveal yourself in this situation and give us the comfort and protect us from harm that lies before us". We got to the gas station, Karen got out started pumping gas..I just laid my head over on the window, cringing with pain and still crying out to God when all of the sudden I heard this comforting voice say "comfort is on the way"..At that time I noticed this black, fancy Lincoln Town car pull in beside us and as I looked over I saw a man step out and there was a bright shining glow all around him.. Disregarding what God had just whispered to me I laid my head back on the window. When suddenly I heard this peck on the window. I look up and there stood this man with a great heavenly glow all around him..I rolled the window down, he laid his hand on me and said these words" God says to tell you be at peace. You and your step-daughter will be fine and God is with you".Then he started praying for me in a way I had never heard. Chills running all over me I immediately felt relieved,comforted and I knew God was standing right in front of me. Then the light around this man left and the man said to me I know i don't know you but may I ask what happened? I told him and he said God had been dealing with him for the last 30 minutes and said God spoke to him and said he needed to pull off on the London exit, One of his children needed him..He preceded to tell me he was a minister of a church in Georgia and he was heading back from a Revival in Ohio.. He told me he didn't know why he got off this exit , he didn't need gas, he had just filled up a few miles back. God insisted he get off this exit and he said God steered his car right into the gas pump beside me. Not sure if this man even saw the light that I saw but he said after speaking with me he knew God had him stop here for a reason..He said God bless you and we will be praying for you..He got back in his car and left..My wife got in the car and ask me if I saw that bright light surrounding this man and she ask who this man was. All I could say was" That was God!" letting me know that He is with us and we would be alright...Six weeks later my step-daughter and I were released from the burn unit..The doctors were amazed at the quick healing and minimal scaring that came out of such a severe burn such as ours..They ask me what I did to heal this quickly...I said I didn't do anything, God did... I may never see this man again before I reach Heaven but I thank God that this man obeyed Him and did what He had asked him to do. God uses those that are willing to be used and will obey him..So the next time God leads you to do something or to say something to someone, just obey Him and watch those people get blessed and you will be blessed for obeying God. I know I will!! Thank you Daddy God for your Love, Grace ,Mercy, and healing touch in this situation.... © 2013 James Von |
Added on March 18, 2013 Last Updated on March 18, 2013 Author