The First time

The First time

A Chapter by James Caswell


Tonite is the one week anniversary of your departure from me. I am back in the house for the first time, and cannot sleep for my thoughts are of you Darlin.
I guess it was you who told me I should write, and I believe it was my response that you would be the only inspiration for such, so here it goes.
            The only way to tell this story is to start when we “met”. I was immersing myself into my work for about a year after I had given up on my lovelife. So I received an e-mail about a game with a free trial. I thought “Why not? It IS free!” I started playing this game after work, and met a few people whom were pleasant and it was nice to interact with humans outside of the work-place.
            Several of these people had formed a group, which is called a “guild” in this world of gaming. In this guild they group up to take on challenges that cannot be handled alone or even in pairs. On one such outing, She was along with the rest of the group before I got there to join in. We had “chatted” briefly before when I was slow to git funds in the game to git my transportation. She was nice enough to mail me funds to so as required, when I inquired on repaying her for this kindness, she simply told me “no, pay it forward”.
            So to my surprise my first meeting w/ her was about a week later and she didn’t seem to notice me or give recognition for her wonderful act from before. I also didn’t have a chance because of my shyness regarding finances, and also due to all the others in the group, or “party” as it is called. As we set forth on this instance to do battle in some dungeon together the five of us together, one of the others some kid I didn’t know, blurted out a rather crude and sexist comment to her. Anyone who knew her (as I was about to learn) knows Patricia won’t tolerate such from anyone! She immediately dressed the boy down with a good tongue lashing, and worked him over till he was fallin over himself tryin to apologize, but as she had already worked herself into tears, she would have none of it and left the party. This, naturally, got the rest of us there in quite a bind and consequently everyone left feelin rather sore at the kid who started it. I went on to try and find something else to do to wile away a few more hours before calling it a night.
            In my wanderings, one of my oldest aquaintences, by the name of “Darkelle”, came into the game and wanted to go hunting so we teamed up w/ a few others and went lookin for players on the other team to challenge and pitch battle with. When this failed to produce any entertainment, I bowed out for the evening, wishing everyone to “have fun”…and that one boy to research “manners”.
            The very next eve, Dark invited me to join him and a big group of others to try again to find some sport in the other teams back yard. She was there, along with a new person in the Guild who had not aquired transportation (or “mount” as they call it). So I was concerned that these experienced players would git him into a situation from which he could not possibly endure. I made it a point to keep “Snitz” away from the larger creatures and beasts which would certainly kill this little toon, thus slowing everyone down while he either revived or was healed. And I bet you can guess who was there watching me as I was trying to keep this lil guy alive…Patricia. Her toon’s name was Annecamden, I was this Dark Elf Rogue, she was a Human Warrior, which I must admit that her armor was what helped me to keep attention off of Snitz, I would draw the beasts and creatures away from him and she would come along an help me to finish them off.
            Eventually as the larger and the stronger moved farther and farther on, it was just Anne and I left to look after Snitz. I do declare to his credit he gave as good as he took, but it is like a 4th grader in Junior high. If not for Anne and myself, the night would have gone very badly for him. The whole time we are batteling the other team, the monsters and all, we are also “chatting” in between each spurt of melee, telling jokes, braggin about how well we did on that last one, what we hope to accomplish this eve, where we should head to next, typical small talk that doesn’t lead to much, but still fun to do while in the lull of battle.
            By the end of the evening, my armor is shot, my blades are dull, and my character is so tired from such a pitched parley that had endured for so long, that I was afraid he would not be of much use to the group, but about that time, Anne stated that she needed to go, and so we all discussed it, turns out everyone was about to enter a dangerous situation of not having any protection from the beasts and other Players (known as “Horde”) whose territory we were invading with this “raid” as they’re called. So everyone opted to go back to safer territories, and would meet again on the morrow.
And on that next day, I received the following:

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last night
« Message sent on Jun 8, 2008, 3:19am »

isn't that subject title evocative, or is it provocative? either, i'll bet it got your attention.
I had the best time with you all ever. Your attention to comraderie, (and to me) was amazing, very a good way. At 28 yo, almost, I felt like I was 14 and talking to my first boyfriend eva! That is an amazing talent and extremely valuable in real life (IRL). Every woman should have a man that makes her feel that way and even though WoW isn't real life, I really appreciate you making me feel so giddy. Also, your read on me was so intuitave, when u said "and we said protect the women"... it was as if you saw my soul... I want to be treated as an equal, no excuses, no compensations, nothing. So... in order to achieve that goal, I have to be better than all the boys...and you seem to comprehend that...whomever your woman is IRL, is a lucky woman indeed! I look forward to next time...

Now her reference to “protect the women” was a comment that Dark had said.. he was goin in to try an kill a small village of the “horde”…she almost beat him there, I said something along the lines of “ like she’ll let us”…to which everyone laughed after she proceded to jump right in an clean everyones clock in that looked at her! So cute she was in the middle of it too she would pause and make some quip, or just start giggling…so very infectious!
So of course I had to reply to her missive:

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Re: last night
« Message sent on Jun 8, 2008, 9:31pm »

Your letter made my day! Those kind words of yours are just what the doctor ordered!!!
You have been real kind to me and I hope to remain in touch with you as you have given me a lift in spirit I haven't felt in a very LONG time!
As far as seeing into your soul, OMG...I am really surprised at that, most women are feeling these days that I am a brute and non-empathetic to their wants/needs...which is prob why I'm single...heh heh.
You have been an easy person to get along with because you are very clear about the things you stand for! A quality very RARE in a person so young! This as well as other reasons to numerous to count is why i feel a kinship to you and will ever remain your friend!
I do look foreword to our next meeting in toon town almost as much as another mail as you've previously bestowed upon me! In fact its hard to say which is better!! The pixel representative you created or the cyber letter you composed! The point is that i am pleased and proud to call you my friend, and i hope we hang out for many moons to come!
I will see you again real soon dear, till then keep your chin up and smile ( makes people wonder what you're up-to) !!!
Sincerely yours!

And that was the beginning of our relationship. It isn’t much, but it was a beginning nonetheless… If I knew then what terrible atrocities were to transpire, I wonder if I could stand to repeat the events which followed between us, even they brought so much joy to me at the time, the sorrow is a bitter draft indeed.
            Dear god Darlin, I do miss you so! Big Kiss! And long slow cuddle!

© 2008 James Caswell

Author's Note

James Caswell
no replies or notes nedded .... jes ventin here

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Added on September 23, 2008


James Caswell
James Caswell

Bayfield, CO

Thirty-something male lookin fer new experiences and to git closer to a certain someone more..
