I Dance in the Rain

I Dance in the Rain

A Poem by J.K.P

My heart feels bleak

And heavy with the growing pain

Of doubt and failure

The many swords lodged in my chest

I trudge in the rain


My mind all too susceptible

To the opinions of other people

As their words clutter my head

I can no longer concentrate as

I stumble in the rain


Now it is finally shattered

Everything that I’ve done

To come this far on this

Unpaved road to nowhere

I collapse in the rain


My spirit is fatigued

From the tempest that ravaged

And tore through my desires

Of hope and happiness as

I cry in the rain


For what is the point

Why should I press on

If I’m the only working ant

Striving for this particular leaf

I ponder in the rain


I stare back at the sky

The rain still bombards me

Warm tears having now mixed

With the cold wetness on my face as I

Lie still in the rain


A sunbeam of light

Breaks loose of the confines

Of the melancholy sky

And casts down upon me

I remember in the rain


The reason why I opted this journey

Of self-discovery and self-empowerment

For you see “The obstacle is the way”

A grand Zen saying that is as

I stand up in the rain


One must block out all delusion

And all created mirage

Of the doubt that many will

Try to capsize your ship with

I smile in the rain


I turn back around

To the unfinished path before me

I shall continue slashing through the vines

And see this journey through till the end as

I dance in the rain.

© 2010 J.K.P

Author's Note

based off one of my favorite quotes, "The obstacle is the way" Another poem that just sort of came to me.

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Added on February 3, 2010
Last Updated on February 3, 2010



Lawrenceville, GA

I'm currently 18 and about to graduate high school and enter college. I've been writing my own stories since I was in fourth grade and have been a staff writer for several local newspapers. I've had a.. more..

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