Not anymore

Not anymore

A Poem by Jake Staffeld

My feet are on this ledge
I know it's my time now
Taking a last look over the edge
It's time to reap what I sow
It's almost over

Glancing at the blue sky
Filled with hopes and dreams
Never question why
It doesn't burst at the seams
It won't matter soon

Laugh at everything
Nothing can touch me
One last time I'll sing
Finally free
It's nearing the end

Falling so fast
Tossed by the wind
I'll leave my past
To become unpinned
It's not my problem

Not anymore

© 2011 Jake Staffeld

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Your words are true. When you are dead and gone. No more problems on this earth. I like the pace and the description of the poem. A very nice ending to a excellent poem.

Posted 12 Years Ago


Posted 12 Years Ago

Wow... powerful piece!

Posted 12 Years Ago

A free fall or a letting go? A cutting of cords connected to those who no longer serve you well...? Very well penned..x.x

Posted 12 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on November 29, 2011
Last Updated on November 29, 2011


Jake Staffeld
Jake Staffeld

Bend, OR

I'm in college, whoooooo. I like all kinds of rock, and songwriting. That's how I got into Poems in the first place. Some of these will actually be songs of mine I've modified. more..
