![]() Chapter Five - AdjustA Chapter by Reece Medhurst![]() Winter and his mum finally get moving, and there's something a little comforting about their new place.![]() Just
take deep breath’s Winter, slowly, and deeply. When I try to comfort myself,
the only person I can imagine saying that to me in Francesca, the only problem
with that was the fact that she was nowhere near me at the time. Imagining she
was there didn’t really help, as I sat in the middle of Eloise’s kitchen,
shaking, and as my father, the man who I loathe, was almost grinning evilly at
me through the window. I
had no idea as to what was going to happen. I expected garden furniture to come
hurdling in through the window. But nothing did. I expected him to flip, start
screaming and tearing Eloise’s house apart. But his expression seemed to fade,
and he didn’t seem so angry. I
didn’t do anything, and was staring at me, with a normal expression on his
face. This was very uncomfortable. I got up and walked into the hallway where
he couldn’t see me. Okay. I’m done. Had enough of Eloise’s house, I want to go
to wherever this apartment is. He must have thought I was unlocking the door or
something because I could see his silhouette through the foggy glass down the
side of the door. I didn’t do anything. I
heard him sigh heavily and knocked, almost politely on the front door. I didn’t
want to answer it though. Just because he had come calm doesn’t mean I forgive
him. He stayed silent and so did I, but I didn’t move anywhere. “Winter,
open the door please.” He definitely did sound sincere though. But I don’t want
to forgive him! I can’t. “No!”
I yelled back at him loudly. “We
can talk about this! Please!” “No!”
I repeated. I really hope he doesn’t try to be all nice to talk to me, which
would just piss me off even greater. “Please
Winter; I want to talk about this.” “There
is nothing to talk about. Piss off!” I assume now he’s used to my swearing.
Good. Because the way he’s going, he’s going to be hearing a lot more. “I
love you son.” I didn’t answer. I know he’s my dad. But I feel uncomfortable
telling him I love him. Nothing to do with the homophobic crap he tried to
pound into my head when I was younger, (which was always looked down on by mum,
who has taught me not to judge), it was just that I couldn’t say it because,
well, I wouldn’t mean it. He
slapped his hand on the door, in a kind of I’m-not-going-to-get-through-to-him
kind of way. I don’t really care though. I’d prefer him to leave. I
watched his silhouette leave the door and walk away. For the first time in what
I can remember of my life, I felt a bit sorry for him, for mum, for Eloise and
Luke. I don’t know. This is all so confusing. I remembered the photo that is in
the back of mum’s car, with Eloise, when they were happy, and dad had no idea
that he was going to be hated by his son and wife after eighteen years. I
heard the sound of tyres on gravel. Mum and Eloise were back! Thank god! I ran
to the door, unlocked it quickly flung it open. My eyes were stinging with the
light that overwhelmed me so much that I couldn’t see for a few seconds. Then,
when they can back into focus, I realized that Eloise and Mum weren’t back at
all. It was dad’s van reversing out of the driveway, and he had seen me open
the door. His
car halted to a stop, and the door opened. I had already taken a few steps out,
so by the time I realized that he was running towards me, I was too far from
the house to get back in. I reached for the door handle, and as I grabbed it,
he gripped his hand around my wrist so tight, and pulled me. The door slammed
shut, and I heard a click. It had locked itself, you a*s hole. I
tried to pull my wrist out of his grasp, but he seemed to be grabbing tighter. “Let
go of me!” I yelled. “Just
come with me!” Even though he was being awfully strange, he still looked sad
and desperate. “No
f*****g way! LET GO!” He still didn’t budge. I was getting so annoyed at him
right now; this was starting to get really infuriating. “Winter.
Come with me now!” He started to get really angry. “No.”
My teeth were gritted, I wasn’t struggling and I was looking him directly in
the eye, I had to admit it was actually quite scary, but still, I needed to
stand my ground. He was trying to pull me still, but I was still pulling too,
trying to get back to Eloise’s house. If I could get to the door, I would be
able to grab on and try and pull away, without snapping off my entire arm
first. We
kept pulling, when mums car cam skidding up the driving, hitting the edge of
dad’s van, shattering one of the tail lights and knocking over some shrubs and
a few garden ornaments. Dad
turned to see the commotion, mum jumped out of the car yelling at him, and as
he turned to me, I took the advantage, clenched my fist and punched him right
in the nose. He yelped and let go of my wrist which was throbbing. His hands
were clapped to his nose as he wobbled backwards. Mum on the other hand ran
straight past him, almost knocking him over and hugged me. Only
now did I even notice that it was Eloise who was driving like a complete and
utter lunatic, knocking over her own garden, which she didn’t really seem to
care about as she got out of the car angrily and marched towards dad. “BLAKE!”
She yelled. For the small amounts of time that I’ve seen her, I’ve never seen her
angry. And to be honest, it was a little scary. He looked at her, still
covering his nose. In the middle of his fingers I could see red, I made his
nose bleed. Eloise
grabbed him by the scruff of the neck. “You
think you can just come onto my property ae?” He pointed a nasty finger at his
face, “You think you can just try to break it to get Winter, and take him away
while his mother wasn’t here? Well, before you complain about your nose, I
think you got what you deserved. Winter was defending himself, and you ought to
leave now, and if I catch you on my property again or anywhere near China and
Winter.” She would have finished her sentence, but she seemed so angry with
him, she couldn’t. She ripped her hand away from his neck. He looked at me and
mum, mum was glaring at him, and so was I. He turned, got into his van and
backed down the driveway and drove away in the opposite direction. “Are
you okay?” Eloise said sympathetically. “Yes,
I’m fine.” I said, hitting mums hand away from me before she pulled me into
another rib-crushing hug. “He
didn’t cause very much damage did he?” When Eloise said this, Luke pulled up at
the bottom of the driveway with a lot of familiar furniture on the back of the
truck. “Seriously,”
I began. “I think you two did more damage to the house than he did.” The garden
looked terrible, plants everywhere, tyre marks in the grass, broken ornaments
and shattered orange glass on the path. “What
the hell happened here?” Luke yelled from the window looking at the front of
the house. After
a bit of a clean-up and a cup of tea, Eloise had told Luke where the apartment
was, and he and the other trucks drove away in the opposite direction that we
came. I was waiting in the car, waiting to get going. I had had enough of this
whole thing that I just wanted my bed. It was about three o’clock in the
afternoon, but it felt so much later. I
didn’t say goodbye to Eloise, but she wasn’t pissed off or anything. She
must’ve known that after dad coming I’d just want to be alone. I have to admit,
her standing up to dad like that, was one of the most exciting thing I’ve seen
today. He really seemed intimidated by her. I wonder why? Maybe she was a bit
of a b***h at first when he met her and never really got to like her? I’m not
sure, but whatever the reason was, she really showed him what’s up. Mum
was doing the typical thing and taking ages to say goodbye, ending up winding off
onto a conversation tangent, leaving me bored out of my mind sitting in the
passenger’s seat in the car. But eventually, they hugged each other goodbye,
Eloise handed Mum the apartment key, and she got in. “Are
you okay?” She asked me. “Yes.
I just don’t feel like talking at the moment.” I replied. She didn’t say
anything. As we reversed out of the driveway, leaving dirt marks on the cobbled
stones, Eloise waved me goodbye from the front door, which I returned with a
weak smile, and we set off up the road. It
felt really good to be able to get away from Eloise’s house. I’ve been there
for a few hours and already he’s attempted to break in and take me away. From
what I overheard, it takes about forty-five minutes to get there, which isn’t a
very long drive away for me, because I find sitting in car’s for too long
horrible and they make me feel sick. We
drove down a couple of long suburban streets before we broke out onto the main
roads that stretched across a lot of farmer’s land. It was always interesting to
look at all of the animals and the greenery. Yes, they were pretty much
identical to all of the other’s that you see, and animals from a distance
really didn’t have very many significance to anything, but it was still nice
when s**t like dad happened. I
was trying to fall asleep, but I find it hard in the afternoon. Only when it’s
dark can I fall asleep easier, I was just thinking about everything that we
left behind at dad’s house. I know that all of our furniture and beds and what
not were with us, I sort of wondered what though, I wonder whether or not they
took things like the refrigerator, or the tables and chairs, but he didn’t
deserve them, him and his s****y girlfriend. And
then I remembered something that made me jump bolt upright in my chair, my seat
belt almost throttling me. “What’s
wrong?” Mum asked confused. “Do
they have my phone charger?” I asked really quickly. “It’s
in my bag.” She said gesturing to her bag that was sitting in the back seat. “How
come you didn’t give it to me at Eloise’s?” “I
just kind of wanted to get going.” I reached in the back and rummaged my hand
through her bag, which had a lot of junk in it, but I felt a hard sort of
rubbery cord and pulled it out, I saw the black wire, and then the end popped
out. Thank god. I’ve finally got it back. I’d still have to wait until we got
to the apartment, but I still had it with me. I
felt a little at ease. It’s funny to think that I was shitting my pants because
I wanted a cord. Sometimes I feel stupid when I panic over technology, but I
guess it’s the age that I grew up in. Image what the next one will be like? To
them all of this touch-screen business will be completely normal. Remember
when we thought that the future consisted of entire massive city’s, with flying
cars and teleportation pads? For some reason, I doubt that will happen for a
long, long time. And I’m quite glad, I prefer sitting in a car as it move on
the ground. You won’t find me happily
gliding in mid-air anytime soon. As
expected, the country had gotten completely boring, and I decided to try and
rest. Even if I was just napping, I guess it could take my mind off of a few
things. “Winter,
wake up honey, we’re here.” Mum was shaking my shoulder; I had fallen asleep in
my seat, wow. I didn’t expect that to happen so fast. I leaned forward, rubbing
my eyes to look at the apartment building. It was, uh, not as flash as I had
expected, but it wasn’t too bad. The entire building was made of stone on the
outside and there were a lot of stone carved window’s the entire way up. The
street that we were parked in was actually quite nifty; there were some random
shops that looked like they sold things like antiques, and second hand clothing
and just strange little things like that. The
buildings were all very tall though, but quite old looking. I could see the
sky, but not much else. We were about in the middle of the street because down
both ends I couldn’t see much other than more buildings. As
I hoped out of the car, Luke and his friends were getting out of their vans
with all of the furniture, and started loading it onto the footpath. “Let’s
go and check in.” Mum said excitedly. She almost skipped to the front door of
the apartment building, and waltzed in. I followed her quietly, pushing my way
through the heavy-ish door and into what appeared to be a waiting room. “Hello.”
An old lady smiled. I liked her already, she looked like one of those nana’s
that would have been really saucy in the sixty’s, and even in the present date
she dresses really well, and wears funky make up and appears to get regular
hair appointments in hair dressers. “We’re
here to check in., into room seventeen.” Mum said politely. “Are
you the friend of Eloise’s?” Mum nodded. “Excellent! We’ve got her email and
everything is fine for you to stay here.” Mum thanked her and went to help Luke
with the furniture. Only when I sat down did I realize that this place was
actually quite horrible. There was nothing on the mint green walls other than a
clock. And the only things in it were a couch, a rug, a table with magazines on
it, and a plant that I couldn’t make out to be real or not. I
sat awkwardly as Luke and his friend stocked the waiting room with things like
small tables and chairs and drawers. Then, when the things like couches and beds
were being moved in, I was told to go and open the other door leading to the apartments.
The old lady came over holding a yellow card that looked like a credit card. “I’ll
give this to your son.” She said smiling. “Use it to swipe whenever you want to
come through this door.” They double doors handles were made of metal, and the actual
door was glass. You could see down the depressive hallway that was gross and
yellowy and the only light provided was an old light that made it seem so
horrible. She
swiped the card across a black box next to the door, a little red light turned
green, beeped and the door’s clicked, and she pushed it open, handing me the
little card which I pocketed. As
I walked down the hallway, mum and Luke behind me struggling with the three
person sofa, I read the numbers that were on the doors. “What
number are we again?” I called back to mum, passing five. “Seventeen.”
What was the bet we would have to go up some stairs? And yep, as we turned
right, the last door on the left read ‘eleven’. And then there was a stair case
that led up, turned left and most likely was another flight to the next floor. I
would have helped carry furniture, but I couldn’t be bothered. So I slowly led
the way up the two flights of stairs as they struggled and tried to heave up
the sofa. Even the fact that there was so much more furniture, I just decided
that the most I would help with was carrying up a chair or something. Eventually
we past fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, and then finally, seventeen. “Can
you get the keys out of my pocket, Winter?” Mum tried saying to me under a
strained voice. I walked over to her, plucked them out of their pocket, shoved
them in the door handle and opened it. The
apartment smelled a little like someone had left a hair straightener on for too
long. It was tiny. The first thing you step into is a kitchen. Then forward,
was a window and an area that you could possibly put a sofa or something. Left
to that was a door to a room, and down the right was a short hallway that had a
bathroom and two rooms. “I
call this room.” I said, standing in front of the door. Mum and Luke almost
threw the entire couch underneath the window. It was really small, but I
actually kinda liked it. I looked out the window and I could see Luke’s friends
piling up our furniture on the path and one by one, loading it into the waiting
room. “Okay,
well, you’ve got to help move some furniture then if you want that room.” Mum
said walking out and back down the hallway, followed by Luke. It
may be small, and a little smelly, but to be honest. I can actually see myself
living in here, and I think, I really like it. Despite the heat and the high
altitude in the street, this was by far a nicer place than dad’s house. © 2012 Reece MedhurstAuthor's Note
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Added on February 24, 2012Last Updated on February 24, 2012 Author![]() Reece MedhurstNew ZealandAboutHi there! I know I haven't been active for a wee while, and I am really sorry about that! But I'm back writing more things :) No promises on any more chapters or a continuation/finish of My Verity, t.. more..Writing
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