![]() Chapter Four - MemoriesA Chapter by Reece Medhurst![]() Winter is waiting for Luke, Eloise and his mum to go and do what they need to do. He's left at Eloise's house expected to entertain himself, but it become apparent that what he needs, is his mother.![]() My
life so far is, odd, different, confusing and completely and utterly
irrational. Weird to me? Not at all. Every part of me wishes that my brain had
the capacity to think of the right thing to say, at exactly the right time, not
four hours later when I’m in bed thinking about what I should have said. People
always say ‘It’s not my fault. I didn’t ask for this to happen.’ Bull s**t.
Name me one time that you’ve never been to blame for something, name one time
that you’ve asked something bad to happen because you were angry and upset. You
see, the thing is with human beings, is that we have a natural habit of making
sure that when it comes to our turn to be upset, it’s inflicted by other
people. And the people, who can accept that they are the fault of their own
problems, haven’t really realized what they’re talking about in enough depth to
truly understand any of it. It’s
like life is a grape vine, there are so many possibilities, every single one
leading on to another, and yet none of them have any welcome signs to prepare
you for what’s coming. You’re expected to deal with it and move on. But what
happens when the vine curls into a spiral of confusion, and then stops? You’ve
hit rock bottom, and there’s no staircase that can take you back up. It’s
call observation. Definitely something that I myself wish I had taken notice of
a lot more often. And look what I just did, accepted my own mistake without
realizing what I’m talking about in enough depth to understand it. See what I
mean? The human mind is a maze that changes course every second, you think
you’ve been down one path before when really it’s imitating what you feel you
know, and you’re just heading towards the last spiral of the vine. So
many people, so many lives I wish I had told things. So many things I wish I
had done instead of the things I have done.
If you’re listening to me God, give me the chance to change all of that again.
Please. I don’t feel like I can get up off of this bed and walk out forgetting
about my past, my scars haven’t even begun to heal, if only I could prevent
them, maybe I wouldn’t be so badly marked. Every
time I plead for something that I know won’t change, I have the slightest pin
prick of hope that maybe, my wishing will actually unfold before me, so that I
can change things. It never does. But no matter how many times I wish, that pin
prick is always where I can see it, close to my heart. And in my mind. Eloise
and mum were talking about the apartment and Luke was talking to his friends
outside who arrived with two big trucks with room on the back for furniture.
They were all talking and laughing about stuff I didn’t give a flying f**k
about because I just wanted to get going. In
the end, Eloise and Mum went off to do something at Eloise’s office to get the
apartment, and Luke and his friends left after receiving dad’s address and had
been told that if he’s there just take everything any way. How that was going
to go down I didn’t want to know or even cared, I just wanted my phone charger
and my own bed. Whether
they had forgotten about me completely or just assumed I was okay in someone I
barely knows house, I was left alone sitting in Eloise’s lounge on her leather
sofa. It was one of those situations where you’d do nothing but listen to the
clock adorning the wall, ticking slowly. I
heard the trucks hefty engines ignite and grunt away down the road. Okay, now I was alone. And god, it was weird.
It’s almost scary how cliché this house is. Just by look through the ranch
slider in the lounge to look at the back yard was cliché enough. From the glass
door, was about a two meter radius to the fence, and squished in between the
house and the fence was an iron shed where Luke most likely did all of his
construction stuff. I
stood up and circled the lounge for a moment, thinking of something to do
without invading their privacy. If only they had a dog, or even cat that would
have been fine, I could have dealt with that. Something to keep me entertained,
but even as I peered down the hallway, it was apparent that they could possibly
be one of the most boring people I’ve ever met. I
wandered down the hallways aimlessly looking at their photo’s hanging down the
entire hall, it was apparent that they met young. There were some photos of
them at their wedding, them at a beach, sitting together at what looked like
some kind of hillbilly steakhouse, and then a photo of Eloise and mum at mum
and dad’s wedding. I know I should be taking in the fact that this is
photograph of my mum at her wedding, and the fact that they look really nice in
the wedding dresses, but Eloise just looked so god damn hilarious. Her hair
just looked like a burnt shrub had been placed on her head. I chuckled to
myself, and looked away before I got insultive. Is that even a word? Sounds
like it, anyway. At
the end of the hall there were no more photos of Eloise and Luke, just degrees
and certificates of their qualifications. Seeing as though there was absolutely
s**t all to do, I thought I’d go to the toilet to somehow waste about thirty
seconds, regardless to the fact that I didn’t need to go at all. It
took me about three stops through different doors until I managed to find the
bathroom, even the floor looked modern and new. I closed the door that was
identical to the others, and locked it. I
avoided using the soap after using the toilet because it looked expensive. I find
with hand pump soap I always use way too much than I need because it’s just
fun. Instead I found a little bar of soap in the cupboard under the sink to use
and left it in the little soap groove next to the tap. I
was beginning to feel poor as I dried my hands on their towels that were
perfectly folded and were resting over an automatic heating rack. God, even the
bloody plug looked nice. I
unlocked the door, and stepped out into the hallways again. Across from the
bathroom was what I made out to be Eloise and Luke’s bedroom. Trying not to be
invasive, I poked my head in just to have a little nosey. They didn’t have
much. There was a double bed, drawers, a bookshelf, and what looked like a hair
and makeup desk that Eloise used. In the bookshelf and on Eloise’s makeup desk
there were some photographs. I walked in just to have a little look, I wouldn’t
touch anything. I
bent over and looked at one in a golden frame on the makeup desk. It was a
little girl, in a black and white picture, assuming this was Eloise with dark
brown pigtails I looked at some of the others. There was Luke standing with an
older couple that could easily be Eloise’s parents, another picture of Eloise
and mum, and a black and white picture of a little boy, obviously Luke. The
ones of the bookshelf however, were a little bit different. The first one I
looked at was Eloise holding up a brown haired toddler. Mum was in the background
looking young, realising that the young boy was me; I smiled weakly and looked
to the next photograph. It was another of mum and Eloise. I was actually quite
surprised how I don’t know Eloise very well, given the fact that mum and her
appeared to be best friends. Maybe after having me, mum moved away or
something, I don’t really know. Another
photo showed mum and dad on one side of a fence, and Eloise and Luke on the
other. Oh, so they must’ve been neighbours or something. It must have been a
while ago because again, they looked young and mum wasn’t pregnant with me. And
finally, I looked over at the final photograph. I had to look at it a couple of
time before I could actually make out who it was, and what it was actually
showing. Luke was standing behind Eloise, and he had his hands on her stomach,
her pregnant stomach. I
looked around quickly, I thought I heard someone coming in, but that was
probably my mind trying to scare me. But Eloise and Luke don’t have a baby?
They’ve never had a baby? Not that I know of. Perhaps they had, and their kid moved
away or something. Maybe it’s in its twenties? I just don’t know. The photo
didn’t look old though. Maybe like, ten or fifteen years ago or something. Every
part of me wished I wouldn’t do this, but I was so god damn curious as to the pregnant
photo of Eloise, that I had to pull out the thick book that read “Memories”
from the bookshelf, and flick through it. I
sat on the edge of the bed and skimmed through more photo’s that were similar
to the ones that were placed around the house, until I stopped about halfway
through. I
instantly felt really quite cruel. I felt a bit dehumanized for wanting to look
for such a thing. I felt so mean. Here in a very upsetting photograph, was
Eloise sitting on a hospital bed holding Luke’s hand, smiling weakly at the
camera. Right before this photo was a happily pregnant Eloise. I just two and
two together, remembered that I’d never hear of their child, and knew that
Eloise had had a miscarriage, sadly, nearly half-way through her pregnancy. This
made me feel as immoral as a human for a split second. As a male, I’ve never
experienced or ever will experience the ability to be a mother or give birth.
Eloise looked extremely happy in these pictures, and when you look closely in
the photo of her in the hospital, you can see the grieving sadness in her eyes.
To her, her other half had been killed. Now, I don’t know this before. But I’m
assuming it’s true because there are no pictures of them with a baby like there
is with me and mum. Deciding
to be respectful, I shut the photo book gently and place it back in the
bookshelf. Straightened the sheets and walked back down the hallway. They
wouldn’t mind if I made myself some tea though, would they? Na, probably not. I
turned on the kettle and put a tea bag in my cup and a couple of teaspoons of
sugar, and began to wait for the kettle to finish boiling. I could hear it
starting to rumble deeper, and in any minute the button would- I
leapt upwards thinking it was the jug ringing. I swung around to see the home
phone on the counter lighting up blue lights. Do I answer it? Or leave it? I
guess to an advantage of Eloise keeping up to date with all of her appliances
was the fact that it would show who was ringing. I look at it as it rung. “China home” Oh thank god, it was mum
calling. Wow, they got there quick. Maybe she was ringing to see where my phone
charger was. I picked it up, pressed the green button and held it up to my ear. “Hello?”
I said normally. “H-
Hello?” A male’s voice answered. Mum wasn’t calling then, was it Luke? “Is that
Luke?” He asked. Okay, it wasn’t Luke,
I’m a little confused right about now. “No.”
I said, changing my voice slightly. “Who’s this?” I asked. “It’s
Blake. Is this Eloise’s house?” oh my f*****g god. It was my father. S**T. “Yes.”
I said. Oh my god, why the hell did I have to say that! Now he’s going to know
that there’s someone there, and assume it’s me! “Do
you know where China and Winter are?” S**t.
Wait, he must be really thick. I have a deep voice, and I said I’m not Luke.
Eloise doesn’t sound like a man. Who does he actually think he’s talking to?
Maybe I can slide out of it. “Who?”
I said casually. S**t I hope he buys this. “China
and Winter, my wife and son?” “I
don’t know them sorry.” I said quickly. He paused for a few seconds. I thought
he’d hung up, when he started talking again. “Winter,
is that you?” He said angrily. I panicked. What should I do? I danced on the
spot a little before pulling the phone away from my ear and clicking the red
button which ended the call. Could
I get any more obvious? He’s going to know it’s me isn’t he? Oh god, what do I
do. But then the phone started ringing again, he’s trying his luck again isn’t
he? The stupid idiot. I picked up the phone and looked at the caller number. “China home” Should I pick up and put on
a funny voice and tell him he got the wrong number? Maybe I could actually get
away with it. “Hello?”
I said, putting my voice higher than usual. “Winter
I know it’s you. I can hear the kettle boiling in the background like just
before. You’re at Eloise’s I’m coming to get you.” Jesus f*****g Christ. I didn’t
say anything; if I could he’d be receiving an ear full of inappropriate names. “Don’t
you dare f*****g come here.” I yelled into the phone, finding my voice, which
might I add was really difficult. “I
don’t think you have a choice, I’m your father and you’ll do as I say. Now I’m
coming to get you and that’s that.” He hung up. I could almost cry. And I
hardly ever cry. One
thing that was wrong with this was that I’m at somebody else’s house. The
second thing that’s wrong with this is that I’m alone; I have no one here to
help me. Three things wrong with this, I don’t know where mum, Eloise or Luke
is and my phone is dead. Could this get any worse? I wish I had the strength to
punch him in the nuts where it would hurt. I
paced the kitchen, ignoring the boiled kettle and the water-less cup; I had
other problems right now. Like a maniac of a father coming to get me from
someone else’s house? Maybe I can do him in for kidnapping. I don’t know how well
that would work. About
ten minutes passed, and I was still pacing in the kitchen. Panicking. Wondering
when he was going to get here, when the phone started to ring again. I looked
at the blue screen that read: “Unknown number” I hesitated. It might
not be dad, but he could be ringing on his cell phone or something. I don’t
really know why I did this, but I clicked the green button and held it up to my
ear. “H-
hello?” I said quietly. My voice was shaking. “Winter?”
it was a female’s voice. “Winter, its mum. How are you? Luke just text Eloise
and said they were at the house loading up the furniture. Dad still wasn’t
there would you believe-” “MUM!
Dad just rung here and said that he was coming to get me from Eloise’s!” I screamed,
shaking. “WHAT?”
She yelled. I heard Eloise in the background say ‘What’s wrong?’ “We’re on our
way back now, lock the door and don’t let anyone in, understand?” she hung up.
I felt like right about now I could be in a scary movie or something. I ran to
the front door and locked it though, my hands were trembling. It was almost
impossible for him to do this, but just to be sure, I ran to the lounge and
locked the ranch slider door. Okay,
this may sound really dramatic. But I’ve actually never been so scared in my
life, I went round all the room’s in Eloise’s house to make sure that every
single window was shut and any other doors to the back yard were locked. How
did he even know to call Eloise’s house? I thought he never took any notice of
mum’s friends, let alone know where they live. But then I remembered the photo’s
in Eloise’s room. Dad and Luke must have been friends when we lived next door,
he’ll obviously know how to get here then if he used to live directly next to
it. I
walked into the kitchen and peered out the window across the lawn. That house
that I was looking at was yet another living thing which had proof of a happy
family. This was just getting creepy. It was like my dad had a hit out on me,
and he was literally coming to get me. Okay mum and Eloise, you guys can come
home now. I don’t like this waiting game, if you could really call it a game. The
longest half an hour of my life had passed in what felt like forever. I don’t
even know how long it took to get to Eloise’s house because I was asleep for
most of the ride. He could even be here any minute. Any second. Any- I
heard a knock on the door. I almost shat myself. I could have fainted because I
went all dizzy and almost lost my balance. The most awkward thing was, I’m
standing in the kitchen, and if you look out of the window above the sink, you
can see who’s at the front door. If he felt the need, he could look directly at
me. I
silently moved towards the door. This just meant that he wouldn’t see me if he
looked through the window. Actually I don’t know if it was him or not. But as I
heard another hard knock on the door I assumed it was because Eloise would have
had a key. The
doorknob turned but the door didn’t open. Thank god for locks. I hear another
hard knock on the door closely followed by “Open the door!” Yep. That was
definitely him. His annoying voice muffled by the locked windows and the doors.
He knocked again except this time her was knocking on the window to the
kitchen. I felt like I was petrified. I couldn’t move. This was so scary. Come
on mum, hurry up and get here! He
stopped knocking for a while, but I could hear him trying to make his way
around the outside of the house. My heart was racing as I shoved the tiniest
fraction of my head through doors to see where he was and that he wouldn’t see
me. The hallways seemed the safest, but I kept feeling like he could see me
wherever I was. This was wrong, all so very wrong. I
tiptoed down the hallway. I couldn’t hear him. He wasn’t by the front door, or
anywhere I could see from the window in the kitchen. But then I heard a crash
from the lounge. He wasn’t inside, he couldn’t possibly be. I peered around the
corner, but he wasn’t in the lounge, instead he was on the other side of the
ranch slider, he had tipped over some green deck chair’s that were there. I
leaned my back against the wall, breathing deeply. This was so not a good time
to be doing this. He needed to f**k right off before I called the police or
something. The
police! That was such a good idea. I think he’s still in the back yard, so I
jumped, grabbed the phone and ducked down behind the kitchen counter where I wasn’t
visible to any windows. I
was just about the dial the police’s number when it began to light up blue with
an incoming call. “Unknown number” Mum. I pressed the
green button almost instantly and held it up to me ear. “Hello?”
I said franticly while being quiet. “Open
the door.” I heard my father say. That f*****g b*****d. I hung up immediately,
and threw the phone across the floor. It skidded and hit the pantry. God d****t
Winter, why did you just do that? How are you going to call the police now? I
was about to lean up but I heard a noise outside the window and figured it must
be him. He definitely knows that I’m in the house, I answered the phone. If
only he would just leave! Or even better, mum and Eloise could show up, or Luke
and his mates. That would be the best feeling ever. Only I was still alone in
this house, it felt a bit familiar. I
don’t really understand why I started to feel this way. But as my father tried
to get into the house where I was scared and alone, I started thinking about
how I had no siblings, and how Eloise never had children of her own. It’s like
I’m scared and alone right now, and I have no siblings to save me, no one
except mum and I didn’t even know where she was. Imagine
if Eloise had had her child. We’d probably be the best of friends and I wouldn’t
be here alone, trying to keep my own father from taking me away, My entire
throat and stomach swirled up. I was so scared, I actually feel like I’m going
to cry. I
heard dad growl really loudly from above me. If no one came any time soon, I
can expect windows to start breaking soon. He’s probably still drunk. But then
he went quiet, and the phone started ringing from the opposite side of the
room. One,
I’d have to crawl to go and get it, and he’d see me. Two, it’s probably him
anyway! I had to let it ring, but this would only make him angrier the fact
that I wasn’t answering. Why was this happening to me? The
phone suddenly stopped ringing and the machine that it usually plugs into
clicked and said out loud: “New message from unknown number.” It beeped, and I
was relieved and scared to hear the message. “Winter?
Winter? Pick up the phone!” It was mum, and by the sounds of her background,
they were driving quickly. “We’re ten minutes away, are you okay? Winter?” I
had no choice really, I crawled rapidly across the floor to grab the phone, but
the split second I went to press talk, she hung up. “S**t!”
I said loudly. Realising what I had just said, my spine gave an uncomfortable
shiver, as I slowly looked up, through thin lips, wide eyes and most likely
clenched fists, Blake, my father was staring at me directly in the eyes from
the window in the kitchen. Ten
minutes isn’t going to be quick enough. © 2012 Reece MedhurstAuthor's Note
5 Reviews Added on February 18, 2012 Last Updated on February 18, 2012 Author![]() Reece MedhurstNew ZealandAboutHi there! I know I haven't been active for a wee while, and I am really sorry about that! But I'm back writing more things :) No promises on any more chapters or a continuation/finish of My Verity, t.. more..Writing
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