Cracked over splintered clouds broke
shafts of the late sun, gracing our
efforts with promises and reminders
that the road is long and beautiful.
And from the misery of dependables
lies a silver ribbon of surging
water, stitching up scars of pain
they say ran too deep in the hues
of bottled green, brown and yellow.
We did this, we say, we did this today.
We overcame, we cry, we peservered.
Straight then, from paradise milieu,
In the morning we rose up and knew,
we knew the slate grey and puffs
of charcoal rose, the steady climb,
the comfort stops, the ready eyes
flickering closer to heaven, alive
with the scent of freedom, opening
wide with exhilaration and bursting
into the person you can and could be,
Thrown back chains that held you here,
Liberated towns that made you fear
every little possibility, the 'might be's,
the 'maybes' but not from now, oh no,
We did this, we say, we did this today.
We laughed and we sang, and we overcame.