Really nice write, with wishful thinking and hope in the two last lines. Sad and hurtful when friends leave, it's like they never were a friend. But when there's friends that do stay, you know they are a friend and hold onto them good.
That's what makes a poem unique ... throwing in a bit of the native slang -- whether it's American, Australian or English. I think everyone can relate to this poem; I know I can. I like the last two lines; makes the poem feel hopeful. Brill mate!
Hate is a powerful thing, but sometimes it is needed to explain why you need to leave- to stay yourself. You do that without being nasty, like "I hate you 'cuz this this and that" but more of "You used to be kind, and now you're no good at all, so goodbye for now." I like how the ending lines, "I wish someday we will reunite,
someday we can forget this stupid fight." It's so well written, like "someday, maybe we can forget and forgive" I like it :)