i like this, but i would add, the 3rd stanza, is confusing, im not sure who you are talking about, i would change who, to whom. Also, see if there is a way to change the final stanza to explain who the conflict is better, the way it reads right now is, the poem is about the reader, and not about the person you are writing about.. its very nice work though!
Yes, the idea and question of caring and love to others, make us feel humans and make us what we want to be, you could choose from which side to stand! of caring or not, but also you can`t change completely the other...thank u!
Wow, I'm the exact opposite. It's an effort for me to care about people who (supposedly) have my best interests at heart. Of course, I'm a total scumfuck. That's good that you can have room in your heart for so many others, but be careful not to care too much. You saw what they did to that Jesus guy.
Wow, great poem! I, too, feel this way sometimes. Im trying to love my enemies instead. It's hard, i know. But maybe it's for the best in the end. Great pen :)
Awwww. Sometimes i feel like this.. other times i just say.. oh wells. lol.
But this is really good. A pure soul... just wanting to give all the love to people.. =)
Caring isn't bad.. people will see it.. ^u^
Fantastic poem!