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true love lasts forever?

true love lasts forever?

A Poem by !Jade!

i did this when i was 16, ive editted my im 18 years old as ive grown up however the majority of the poem is still exactly the same


True love lasts forever?

i suppose i just thought it was clever

to believe that now, its such a lie

you never knew how much i cried

i never thought after all this time it would come to this

that one last hope

...that one last kiss

many a month we endured love

well what seemed like a life-line at the time

in a way we rolled like a dice

oppurtunity and risk appeared to be our thing

we took the gamble and the result is this

i still remember the day we met

but after all this i wouldnt blame you to forget

was it right or was it wrong?

we even wrote our own love song

it feels such a waste to see it all gone

everything we had, everything we've done

i couldn't believe when you told me all that

it really hit me and stabbed my back

it wasn't exactly the right time either

but your like a robot at the pull of a leaver

you do what you like without a blink

 or think what the consequence just might be

you proberly think you've set me free

but all i do now is think back at the days

the days we spent just sat on a field and had a fun time

and back then, we showed how we truely felt

it felt like the perfect crime,

i'll steel your heart.. steel mine

but you wouldn't know that now would you?

i mean, how could you?

the world is all about you

so you wouldn't know how i feel

to see you and hang round with you now

...your almost a stranger

some one i've never met

yet a voice i love to hear

i feel so awkward when im with you now

and the question still is with me now

how did this happen?

why did this occour?

right now, its all one blur

i even finding it hard to concentrate at school

which if you knew, you'd call me a fool

how can some one get so attached?

but yet not realise how to react

what was i suppose to do?

be happy and agree with you?

well im sorry but i think your wrong

never have you hurt me for this long

but i suppose thats what love does doesnt it?

a silly girly emotion

..that lasts a life time

i can't help carrying on caring for you through

everything just reminds me of you

even this gold heart necklace that im wearing now

well you did give me it for christmas if i recall

and now i feel as if im about to fall...

...fall and crash

...burn to the ground

maybe one day i'll be found

i hope that you'll soon come round

as i look in your deep blue eyes

i loose myself and question why

but i see the truth without the lies

but  i  also see what appears to be cries

cries of anger, cries for sorrow

this really is to much to swollow

you tell me that you feel just as sad

but really do you know how bad?

i don't think you know the half of it

you may only think your hurt a bit

but thats alot different to me

a bit means alot

but it wouldn't surprise me if you've forgot

...just like how much i love you lots

if i had the chance i'd prove you wrong

and change the bads bits and make you proud

make you proud to call me yours

to call you mine

if only that was true

id soon be fine

i regret all the bads things i've done

i know i've hurt you in the past

and how much that hurt had last

but im sorry for that i really am

i can't put it in any simpler way

i regret everything i've done to you

but i thought we were past all that?

at the moment ...

.....i just want you back

i want us to forget everything and start fresh

be new and refined

and to forget the past

because thats what always held us back

from moving on..from being great

it kept us behind an iron gate

which held us to linger on our regrets

which of course caused alot of arguments

and then we were at the bad end

and that i've got to admit caused alot of split ends

as it caused so much trouble and drama between us

i wished that sometime we could just run

and run and run and not stop

till all our problems are simply forgot

i'd love that to happen in all honesty

to be with you and not fight

i've lost count of how many nights iv cried

i can't stand falling out with you,

you just mean so much to me its unreel

and that my friend, is how i truely feel...

but you just rather be friends

and i can't do anything about that

so i guess im just gonna have to be fine about it right?

but i just want you to know,

even though you'll proberly never read it

i do love you

i always have done

i always will

your like my addiction which i just can't loose

an alcoholic drink which gets me drunk

and after all this i want to be able to sink

to sink in your arms like i sunk before

to hold your hand..just once more

would truely mean the world to me

i'll love you forever ________,

and thats the way it'll always be















© 2011 !Jade!

Author's Note

erm grammer might not be great but try and read it as if your 16 and your love sick i suppose, iv noticed aswell how it sounds like i hate him, and then goes all lovey dovey lol

now that im 18: I dont hate him, I dont still love him as my hearts fallen for another man, the one thing I do miss is our friendship and just simply talking to one another as some memories we had we hillarious that still make me smile to this day, but hey as ive grown up ive learnt that we all cant have what we wont, and yes the original picture i had up has changed because its all washed up :)

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Lets jus say.. Wow. (:

Posted 15 Years Ago

You should show robert this really should
Its astonishing, and I loved reading it xD


Posted 15 Years Ago

That brought tears to my eyes... makes me think back to the first guy i ever loved,and despite ive had guys since but never gotten overhim. I still him all time and everytime i look at him i feel the pain beaucse i need him inside.
YOu are a tremmudus writer with a beautiful gift soul feels touched by your words
a great poem thank you very much for writing it
i hope this guy comes back to you beause i kno how it feels to loose the one you love, you never move on from that first love the first true you love feel beacuse it feels so right.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on June 2, 2009
Last Updated on September 10, 2011



skegness,lincolnshire, England

heylo im Jade =] and 16 from the UK , your average teen...yet not so average afterall, writing to me i gues is just a hobby it just comes to me and when it does it can sometimes be worth while to r.. more..
