Firing Out

Firing Out

A Story by JadaFrost

Another cliche romance short story about 2 assassins. THIS CONTAINS TAGALOG LANGUAGE


 It was 5 am in a Monday morning. Still lazy to get up and start my day. It may seem to be just an ordinary day but I remembered. This is the exact date where we first met. I hurried to get up and fix myself. My mind and body were battling if I should get up or not. It seems crazy but I was actually trying to convince my body to work even if she’s tired.

I wore a simple white V-neck shirt and ripped jeans. I took my guns and my sweet little pocket knife and hid it under my jacket. I didn’t usually do makeups so I wonder why the hell am I putting it now. Err… it was actually light make up. Never mind, I know he wouldn’t even notice this “light color” on my face. Geez, I look stupid

As I stepped out of my house, a familiar figure of man was standing on the road. He was sitting on the hood of his precious car. He’s holding his phone while wearing a serious face. My heart is beating abnormally. Ew! I set aside my “kalandian” feels as I approach him. Wait is he doing here

“Ethan!” I shouted. He looked at me, with no expression at all. O-kaaay?

“What took you so long?” he asked. Irritation was evident in his deep voice.

“Huh? It’s still early. Wait what are you doing here?” it’s so uncommon for him to come at my house. Wait, actually this is the second time that he came here. I was curious but I still maintain to keep this curiosity under my cold stare. It was my mask to hide for what I really feel.

“We have a new assignment.”

“At this hour?” it was like almost six in the morning and we are given a task already.

“Yes. Let’s go” He answered. Is it me or he’s just acting weird? He doesn’t even look at me. Okay… this is crazy. Stop hoping that he will notice a single thing about you Arriety.

I was about to open the door of his car when he held my hand that made me stop. Thousands of bolts were sent to my tiny little hands just by his single touch.

“uh.. Ethan?” I asked. He came near me and moved his face closer to mine. I stared his dark brown eyes. Those eyes seemed to see my soul. It pierces within me. And I’m drowned already by just staring at it. It was like another galaxy is hidden within them that I couldn’t reach. His perfect nose, his perfect bloody red lips, his perfect jawline, and his messy hair- everything was perfection. I was staring at him for about an eternity, and I wouldn’t mind staring at his perfect face forever.

“Arriety…” he said almost whispering. I stepped back until I felt the cold surface of his car. I’m trapped. He came closer until our faces where a few inches away from each other. I can almost feel his warm breathe.

“Ethan.. What are you doing?” but instead of answering, he moved closer and whisper to my ear. My heart was beating loudly and I hope he didn’t hear it. What was he doing? I can’t think straight anymore.


“Arriety…don’t… move” he whispered which sent me thousands of bolts up to my spine. I feel that all of my blood came up to my face. We were so close from each other. I was holding my breath and my mind screams for frustration thinking what is happening.

My crazy thoughts disappeared when I heard a groan from my back. My sense came back and I became alert when I looked where that groan came from and to my surprise, I saw a dead man lying bathing with his own blood. I was speechless. What the hell happened?


  I looked at Ethan and he just gave me a devilish smirk.

“I just saved your life mate.” He said while holding his gun and winked at me then he entered his car. I was shocked… and at the same time, embarrassed at myself. What was I even thinking a while ago? I almost got killed. I feel stupid. Geez. He did that to shoot the man behind me. I bet that the other mafia clan sent that man to kill me.

S**t! I mentally cussed myself. Ang landi mo kasi Arriety!

My frustrations’ stopped when I heard Ethan beeped his car and giving me a Get-inside-of-my-car-look. I hurriedly get inside and kept quiet. I’m still depressed about what happened earlier.

Beside me was my partner, Ethan Yoshida. As what I’ve told you before, this is the exact date where we first met. I was working for one of the most powerful mafia clan in the country as an assassin. I was 10 that time where I joined the mafia because of my parents.

And three years ago I met this man, I met Ethan.  He was one serious lad wearing a serious blank expression. It’s been three years since they assigned me to be his companion. We assassinate together. And I must say we built a great team together. He’s good in everything psh while me? I was just his sidekick who always help him, now I sounded like an envy little brat hahaha. I didn’t know much about him. Funny right? We’ve been partners for three years yet I know just a little of him. He loves coffee, apples, and adobo. He loves reading and listening to music. I don’t even know what type of genre he likes. And also, he love sleeping.

One day, I found myself getting more curious and curious every single day. Until I found out that I started to like him. I’ve known before that it wasn’t just a simple curiosity why I kept on sticking with him. I know it’s different. But I don’t want to show it to him. Like I told you before, I kept my feelings with these cold eyes. Everyone says I’m a very coldhearted person, and they can’t even read my mind. That’s because I don’t like people getting in to my life. I don’t want to be close to anyone around me ‘cause I know at the end of the day, they will leave and hurt me. At the end of the day, I would feel alone, and at the end of the day, all I can trust is myself. My parents died because of too much trust to others.

And I don’t want to be like them. But everything changed when Ethan came.

I was a mad soul killing hundreds of people with my bare hands. I guess that’s why they call me ruthless. I didn’t care or listen to anyone. I only listen to the mafia boss, to the clan which I served. I was mad, and at the same time sad. I didn’t even live my life like how it should be.

But Ethan is different. He knows everything that I keep. He knew everything by just staring at me. It kills me every time he does that. It’s annoying, irritating, but I still find it amazing. I don’t know why I feel safe with him where in fact I myself can protect me from danger. He doesn’t do anything but it feels home. He doesn’t talk that much but thousands of words came into my mind just by staring at him. This unbelievably crazy, no. I am crazy. And I’m afraid that this insanity of mine will kill me. But why am I letting this thing happened to me? I am always here to help him up only to see myself falling down to this abyss of my emotions. How Ironic.

“is there something wrong?” he asked, breaking the silence.

“None” I answered without looking at him. I couldn’t face him�"I couldn’t face my dream and at the same time, my nightmare.

“I like your perfume.” I awkwardly faced him this time.

“What?” did he just compliment me? Damn this. I’m assuming again.

“what’s with that reaction? Haha” oh gosh. What happened to Ethan? I stared at him. He’s.. laughing

“Did something bad happened to you?”

“hmm…? What kind of question is that?” he asked while his eyes fixed in the road.

“you’re talking… and laughing…”

“Why? I’m still a human after all. Am I banned to talk and laugh?” then he smile. HOLY COW! I’ve never seen him smile like that, it’s so precious.

“What I mean is… you’re in your usual serious face. Tell me exactly what happened to you? Did you just hit our head? Win a lottery? Or is it your birthday?” as far as I remembered, his birthday was on November 1. Pfft.

“Geez Arriety, your so talkative. It’s so unusual for you too to talk too much.” What da? Okay. I didn’t answer him instead I gave him a glare which made him laugh again. Gosh this man, if only he knew how much I love seeing the view of him smiling. It was the best picture for me that I can only keep inside my head.

“I just feel like talking to you today.” He answered and gave me another killer smile. Holy heavens above, please give me strength to control my emotions. It would be another embarrassing moment for me if he’ll see how I died after he smile.

“You’re blushing hahahha”

“No I’m not!” I said. Now he’s teasing me. Oh my,  Please bring back my serious Ethan.

“Hahahahha, as you said so” I gave him another glare.

“Where are we going by the way?”

“another mission”

I didn’t dare to talked again. A few hours later, we reached the seaside. Wow! I’ve never been into this kind of peaceful place ever since I entered the mafia world. It’s so refreshing. I felt the fresh air kissing my cheek.

I wonder what mission we’ll be doing here. Maybe were here to kill another business head.

We finally arrived safely. I stretched as I stepped out of Ethan’s car. How I love this feeling. It’s so heartwarming. Wow Arriety, do you still have a heart? Hahaha. I jokingly said to myself. I turned around and face Ethan but to my surprise, someone is watching us. He smirked at me knowing that I’ve already saw him. Ethan looks like he has no Idea that there was another assassin from the other mafia. I know who that guy is. He was Axel. A traitor whom I considered a friend before. Tss.

"Hey, what do you think Arriety? It’s beautiful here isn’t?” Ethan said while looking at my back�"the beach. I was facing him. I saw Axel pointed his gun towards us so I started to pull Ethan near me. He’s expression was shocked, as well as mine. His face was an inch away from me. One wrong move and we’re gonna.. kiss. Oh god stop being a flirt Arriety. We might get killed.I took the gun out of my jacket’s pocket quietly. I knew that Axel wouldn’t notice that because Ethan was infront of me. In short, Ethan was covering me.

“Arriety?” Ethan asked without even moving. For sure this is exactly what my reaction before when he did that to me. I smirked knowing that I can also affect him like this.

I stared at him but still my peripheral vision sees Axel pointing his gun to us. He was about to shoot us but I shoot him first instead. Tsk tsk. He’s still slow for an assassin. Good thing my baby gun has silencer. People wouldn’t hear that noise.

“I just saved your life mate.” I whispered to Ethan’s ear. This is so not me. Even I, got goose bumps on what I’m doing.

“huh?” I moved away from him and showed my gun to him. He was surprised and looked at his back and saw Axel’s body lying on the white sand. Ethan faced me and messed my hair.


“You little copy cat. That was my stunt.” He said and laugh.


  “I guess I learned your style” then we both laugh. This is so unsual for us to laugh.

He called someone to clean up the traitor/enemy’s body. We walked through the sand with our bare feet until we reached a hall. It was really quiet and peaceful, yet my senses were still alive. I shouldn’t let my guards down now that I’m on a mission. 

“what are we doing here?” I asked Ethan. He didn’t answer. I think he’s also sensing the area. We heard footsteps and I’m sure that it’s not from an ordinary people, It can be enemies.

“Stay here.” Ethan commanded me.

“No. This is our mission, I’ll come with you.”

“I’ll call you when I will need your help. Right now, I want you to stay here and watch out.”


“Arriety.” There’s a hint of another irritation from his voice. It feels like a spell casted on me that I cannot resist. I didn’t go with him like what he said.

But it felt like a hundreds of hours waiting for his return. argh what took him so long? Oh my gosh, is he dead? But why didn’t I hear any gunshot or even noise? I’m overthinking again. I know he can handle that. tss.

My dramas suddenly turned into fear when I heard a gunshot and Ethan’s voice screaming my name out of pain. Oh no! I quickly took out my gun again and run to fin him. I didn’t expect that this  place is big.   I searched everywhere until I found blood trails. I followed it until it ended up in a room.

Behind this door, I know that Ethan is inside. I can feel his presence.  I gently opened the door and despite of the darkness I saw Ethan lying on the floor. Pain was written in his face. S**t!

“Ethan!” I hurriedly ran to him and hugged him. He has a gunshot on his stomach. No! This can’t be happening.

“Arr-riety…” he weakly said.

“Who did this to you?” I asked. What am I gonna do?

“They’re.. gone… *Cough*” he even spitted blood. I am panicking. I dialed one of the assassins from our mafia and told them what happened here. Please rescue us immediately. I prayed for the rescue to come quick in my head.

“A---rriety.. do y-you love.. m-me?” I stopped for a moment because of his question. What the?

“Ethan! What are talking about? Hold on, the rescue will come.

“Answer me.. “

“Ethan…” I cried. There’s no need to pretend that I’m strong now. I’m scared. This feeling that I felt when my parents died happened again. It’s killing me to see him like this, trying to catch his breathe.


“please a-answer me….please.. hanggat kaya pa kitang pakinggan..”

“yes.. Ethan.. yes. I love you so please don’t f*****g die and leave me.” I said as I held his hand. I cursed out of frustration. Please help us.

“I f*****g love you too brat.” He smiled as he gently brushed my hair. My cry became louder. He loved me.. he don’t know how happy I am at the same time sad.

“Don’t die….” I whispered.

“C-can.. I have.. a k-kiss?”

I froze for a moment. He’s resquesting for a kiss?

“Just promise me you won’t die”

“I promise…” I bent my head down and reached for his perfect face. Please don’t die. I gently kissed him. I don’t believe in fairytales but I hope that this kiss would save him, like in the fairytales. A kiss that could break the spell. A kiss that could make the happy ending possible. Please let him live.

I looked at him and his eyes were closed.

“E-ethan? Ethan!” my voice were shaking. No please don’t die!

“Ethan! You promised me! Wake the f**k up or I’ll kick your balls.” I said between my sobs. This can’t be happening. I cover my eyes with my hands. Please let me wake up from this dream.

“Arriety…..” I stopped and opened my eyes. I saw Ethan sitting infront of me, smilling. The lights were turned on and I saw some reapers, assassins, and even the mafaia boss smiling at us.  “What is this?” I really don’t know what is happening.

Instead of answering me, Ethan hugged me very very tight.


“I thought…”

“You thought I was dead? Hahaha. That was some kind of an act. Am I good?” he said still hugging me. I pushed him away and gave him a dagger look. “I hate you”

He laughed, no, everyone laughed. Gosh, I’m really pissed off. I swear.

He hugged me again but I resist him. “Get away from me!”

But he didn’t let me go. Argh!

“let me go! I hate you!”

“Don’t lie to my face, everyone witnessed it with their own eyes and heard it with their own ears. You love me and even kissed me. I never thought that your lips were soft as that.” he chuckled. I felt my cheeks burned up because of what he said.

“I’m sorry for making you cry, and worry hahaha. It’s just that. I want to make this day special for us.”

I stopped resisting him and listened.

“Arriety, I really love you. Ever since we were kids.” I was shocked by his statement.

“But we only met 3 years ago. How come that you know me when we were kids?” I can’t even remember him.

“Yes, but I’ve known you a very long time ago. I was secretly seeing you from a far. It might sound creepy or what but I was actually stalking you. Remember this?” then he took something from his pocket. It was a necklace with a…

“A pulltab?” it was a pulltab from a soda can. What the.. wait…

“Yes. You gave me a can of soda before.”


I was running away from my home. I arrived home from school and saw my parents died infront of my eyes. They were ruthlessly killed by armed men. I was so scared that time and just 9years old. All I can do is to run. I ran and ran not knowing where my feet will will take me. I stopped at the playground and saw a little boy; I think he’s the same age as mine. He looks like a street children but it didn’t hide his perfect face despite of the dirt. he smiled at me and surprisingly, my tears stopped. He seemed helpless but he gave me hope.

“Anong pangalan mo?” I asked. His eyes were deep yet beautiful. “Ethan. Ikaw?”

“Ako si Arriety."

We played for like an eternity until we both got tired and  hungry. With all the money left in my pocket we bought food, 2 sodas and 2burgers.

“salamat.” He shyly said while smilling.

“masarap pala to? Ngayon lang kasi ako nakatikim eh.” I pity him for his situation.

“oo, pero mas masarap yung luto ni mama….” I stopped as I remembered why I was crying. I told him what happened and he hugged me. The warmest hug I ever received from a stranger.we talked about our lives, our dreams when we grow up.we laughed like what kids were supposed to do. We forgot the pain that we both feel and escape our big world.

Unlce Clein arrived, he was the mafia boss whom I am now working on. He took me and that was the last time I saw that boy.. that little Ethan.

End of Flashback 

“So ikaw yung…”

“Yes. You gave me food but actually, you gave me more than what I needed. You help me out of my misery. You helped me build my dreams. I followed you here, in this mafia. I even asked uncle Clein to keep this from you. I also owe him a lot for helping me.”

I started crying again. I’m not sad.. I’m very happy hearing this kind of words from the person whom I loved the most.

“I love you Arriety.” He said as he kissed my forhead. I’m not into this kind of sweet words but “I love you too.”

“So are you guys together?” asked Daze, Ethan’s friend.

Ethan looked at me and smile. Waiting for my answer.

“No.” silenced devoured the whole room. Even Ethan got surprised expression.

“I’m just kidding!” then I laughed. Ethan was such a cutie.

Ethan pouted and pulled me close to him. He held my face and said

“You're the most beautiful moon of my life. The shiniest one that everyone will always look up to, The Gods envy me cause I have you, My moon, My Queen... And I don't mind dealing with their healousy as long as I am with you.” And with that his lips met mine. 

That was way more magical than any other promises or sweet words a girl can ever hear. Everyone shouted especially Uncle Clein but the loudest sound that I ever hear was our hearts tying and sealing, even the loudest gunshot can’t defeat how loud our hearts’ noise.

***THE END***




© 2017 JadaFrost

Author's Note

So.... Another boring story from em hahaha. For those who doesn't know the tagalog language, you can always ask me :)
Tell me your thoughts abt this story. Violent reaction/s is/are accepted. But please no fouls words. jk okay xoxo

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Added on March 21, 2017
Last Updated on March 21, 2017
Tags: Assassins



Rizal, 4A, Philippines

Introvert Problems more..

Goodnight Goodnight

A Poem by JadaFrost