

A Story by Jacoby de Alton

A letter to home.

Dear Dad,

For every fight we had at home, i'm sorry. I'm sorry for every harsh word, every cruel utterance. And I know you are too. I saw you crying. What a terrible son you raised. But look where I am now. They said it would be hard, and it was. Every scratch of barb-wire, every bruised knee, it wasn't for Uncle Sam, it was for you and me.

It was hard. Such a simple thing to say, but it really was. I hoped you'd be there for graduation. I hoped and hoped for naught. I know what you must feel, and I want a second chance. A chance for you to see me again. See this crisp uniform and smile. They'll even pin my medals on my chest.

You said I never gave you anything, and that has stuck. Not a bit of good, not anything to pass on. I finally know what I can get you Dad. A flag, Sergeant Dotson pulled some strings to get to it himself.

I'm coming home.

© 2011 Jacoby de Alton

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Added on May 3, 2011
Last Updated on May 3, 2011


Jacoby de Alton
Jacoby de Alton

Anaheim, CA

My name is Jacoby de Alton. I'm an 11X Infantry recruit, shipping in August 2011. When it sounds right, say it out, and keep a sword on hand. more..
