Last Kiss Goodnight
Just waiting again till
that day comes back, the day where I knew I would never let go
Wishing everyday it wasn't the last time, the only time I can't seem to let go
Fighting through the pain of being alone, a pain so strong it will never go
Hoping for the day of peaceful bliss, the final day where all will finally show
Just waiting till the end of time for that one last kiss, the kiss of goodbye
The truest love that could ever be had
Was not strong enough to save us from the pain we still have
The best of friend that was constantly true
Still was not able to make us see, what we had was not forever
For forever was too far for us to be
Even the complete trust we shared was a lie in the hands of the one who held
both our tears
Letting go was so far from our minds, yet here it is, the time for us to be
Still just waiting, waiting for my one last kiss that will finally let me go
A life cherished so much
from the start, with no fears about what was eventually going to start
Every minute of every day, by your side there I stood
Every day of every week, never spending any time apart
Every week of every month, there you were, the vision blessed with such a heart
Every month of every year, priceless times we always held dear
Never expecting, never wanting, what was to come was the final shot towards
pain of misery
Never understanding even as time begins to fade
Why is it I still wait for my final kiss goodbye, even as your heart drifts
The memories held so
close within no longer bring tears of joy
The memory of you begins to fade away
The tears of pain, knowing it will never be again
Trying so dearly not to forget, but to forget is all we have left to do
Knowing each day away from you this life must let go
For your lost is finally true
Sleeping away the nights
just for a glimpse at that beauty again
Drinking away the pain just hoping one day I can finally forget
Tearing down the life well built, moving on as if you were never this
Escaping the reality that was, even as the sanity is the flaw
Before the misery is to fall, forgetting you, I will always stall
Waiting till every night
comes at last
Waiting for the dreams that hold our happiness at last
Never truly stepping out of fantasy, back into reality
Never wanting to wake, for life is all that waits
Waiting to close my eyes
again, just to see your face again
Hoping every night, forever this one wants to dream
Watching you in every dream, beauty that stands and remains serene
Holding you once again, just hoping this time it will not end
The lips so near, just
an inch away
But thunder roars, once again you are forced to wake
The tears begin to fall as you try so hard to return
Fighting the broken heart that can never let go
Staring at the empty wall hoping to return
This dream ends again, just as I was about to let go
Never ending dreams that end the same
Never again until this time is to go
Looking at a picture,
the only one I choose to hold
Staring down the barrel as my tears begin to flow
Holding my finger back, is this how I want to let go
My kiss goodbye, forever it will never go
Losing you through death, these tears I hold
Still just waiting, waiting even as you go
My last kiss goodbye, the pain I know can never be let go